The United States dismissed Wednesday a claim by ISIL that it had shot down a Jordanian F-16 fighter flying with US-led coalition forces, which crashed in eastern Syria.
"Evidence clearly indicates that ISIL did not down the aircraft as the terrorist organization is claiming," said US Central Command, the body overseeing the coalition air war over Iraq and Syria.
The statement did not give a cause for the "crash," and confirmed the lost jet's Jordanian pilot had been taken captive by ISIL terrorists.
"We strongly condemn the actions of ISIL, which has taken captive the downed pilot," said CentCom commander General Lloyd Austin.
"We will support efforts to ensure his safe recovery, and will not tolerate ISIL's attempts to misrepresent or exploit this unfortunate aircraft crash for their own purposes."
"The Jordanians are highly respected and valued partners and their pilots and crews have performed exceptionally well over the course of this campaign," he added.
Islamic State Fighters Shoot Down Warplane (Syrian Observatory for Human Rights)
The father of a Jordanian pilot captured in Syria on Wednesday by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) militant group voiced hope that his son would return home safe and sound...
Ban Ki-moon Calls on Islamic State to Treat Jordanian Pilot Lawfully...
Islamic State did not shoot down Jordan plane, says US ...
IS hat jordanischen Jet doch nicht abgeschossen...
ReplyDeleteDie Terrormiliz hat einen Piloten der internationalen Koalition in Syrien gefangen genommen. Zuvor wurde über einen Abschuss des Flugzeugs berichtet. Doch diesen dementiert das zuständige US-Kommando.
Das US-Militär hat Berichten über einen Abschuss eines jordanischen Kampfjets vom Typ F-16 durch die Terrormiliz Islamischer Staat (IS) klar widersprochen. "Die Beweise deuten eindeutig darauf hin, dass der IS das Flugzeug nicht abgeschossen hat, wie die Terrororganisation behauptet", erklärte nun das US-Zentralkommando (Centcom).
Der jordanische Pilot überlebte den Absturz über der nordsyrischen Stadt al-Rakka – wurde aber gefangen genommen. Die Stadt ist eine Hochburg der Extremistenorganisation. Die IS-Miliz veröffentlichte ein Foto des Dienstausweises ihrer Geisel. Demnach handelt es sich bei dem Piloten um den 26-jährigen Oberleutnant Maas al-Kassasbeh.
Zuvor hatten jordanische Militärkreise und die Syrische Beobachtungsstelle für Menschenrechte berichtet, dass eine jordanische Maschine bei der ostsyrischen Stadt al-Rakka abgeschossen – und ein Pilot vom IS als Geisel genommen worden sei. Al-Rakka ist die Stadt, die vom IS in Syrien zu seiner Hauptstadt erklärt wurde. Auch der IS behauptete, das Kampfflugzeug mit einer Abwehrrakete mit Hitzesuchsensoren abgeschossen zu haben...................
Father asks Islamic State to treat captured pilot son as 'guest'...
ReplyDeleteThe father of a Jordanian pilot captured by Islamic State fighters after his plane crashed in Syria said he did not consider his son a hostage and called on his captors to treat him as a "guest".
Jordan is one of several Arab countries participating in the U.S.-led military mission to bomb fighters from the Islamist group, which holds territory in both Syria and Iraq.
First Lieutenant Muath al-Kasaesbeh, 27, was captured after his jet crashed in northeast Syria on Wednesday during a bombing mission against the militants. The U.S. military, which commands the operation, said enemy fire was not the cause of the crash.
Kasaesbeh, who comes from a prominent Jordanian Sunni Muslim family, is the first pilot from the international coalition known to have been captured by Islamic State...........
Jordan offers Islamic State to swap would-be bomber for captured pilot...
ReplyDeleteJordanian state-run television reported Wednesday that Amman was ready to release an Iraqi failed suicide bomber who is on death row if the Islamic State group freed a captured Jordanian pilot, citing a government minister in the Middle East country.
The flash news report, however, did not mention Japanese hostage Kenji Goto, who is being held by the armed extremists.
The latest report suggested that last-minute negotiations were still going on between Jordan and the Islamic militants with only a few hours left before the deadline set by the group to kill both Goto and Mu’ath al-Kaseasbeh, the pilot whose fighter jet crashed in Syria in December...............