Russia is scrapping its much-touted South Stream gas pipeline project
due to EU opposition to it and has no plans to revive it, Gazprom CEO
Alexey Miller said Monday.
"The project is closed. This is it," Miller, who accompanies Russian President Vladimir Putin on an official visit to Turkey, told reporters in Ankara.
The European Commission has taken a critical stance on the project, which bypasses Ukraine, claiming that construction of the pipeline violated the EU Third Energy Package.
Gazprom Plans to Build New Black Sea Gas Pipeline to Turkey
Gazprom will set up a legal entity for construction of a new pipeline with annual capacity of 63 billion cubic meters to deliver Russian natural gas to Turkey and customers in Southern Europe, CEO Alexey Miller said Monday.
"Gazprom and [Turkey's] Botas company signed today a memorandum of understanding on the construction of a Black Sea gas pipeline to Turkey with annual capacity of 63 bln cubic meters," Miller, who accompanies President Vladimir Putin on an official visit to Turkey, told reporters in Ankara.
"A total of 14 bln cubic meters will be supplied to Turkey…while the rest will be pumped to a hub on the Turkish-Greek border [to be delivered to customers in Southern Europe]," Miller said.
"The project is closed. This is it," Miller, who accompanies Russian President Vladimir Putin on an official visit to Turkey, told reporters in Ankara.
The European Commission has taken a critical stance on the project, which bypasses Ukraine, claiming that construction of the pipeline violated the EU Third Energy Package.
Gazprom Plans to Build New Black Sea Gas Pipeline to Turkey
Gazprom will set up a legal entity for construction of a new pipeline with annual capacity of 63 billion cubic meters to deliver Russian natural gas to Turkey and customers in Southern Europe, CEO Alexey Miller said Monday.
"Gazprom and [Turkey's] Botas company signed today a memorandum of understanding on the construction of a Black Sea gas pipeline to Turkey with annual capacity of 63 bln cubic meters," Miller, who accompanies President Vladimir Putin on an official visit to Turkey, told reporters in Ankara.
"A total of 14 bln cubic meters will be supplied to Turkey…while the rest will be pumped to a hub on the Turkish-Greek border [to be delivered to customers in Southern Europe]," Miller said.
The European Union’s stance on the South Stream project protected European consumers from the risk of high gas prices, European commissioner for budget and human resources Kristalina Georgieva said on Tuesday....
ReplyDeleteSpeaking at a press conference in Brussels, Georgieva said the EU’s executive branch, the European Commission, didn't seek to close the Russia-led project, but insisted that it should be in line with the EU legislation and give access to other companies in the interests of fair competition on the market.
A deputy chairperson of the Bulgarian parliament’s energy commission, Martin Dimitrov, said on Tuesday he anticipates “hysterics” in Bulgaria following Russia’s move to scrap the project.
Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic said earlier on Tuesday that Russia’s decision was “bad news.” Serbia “has been investing in this project for seven years, but pays the price for the confrontation between two great /powers/,” he said................
TürkeiKrisengewinner im neuen Ost-West-Konflikt ...
ReplyDeleteWährend die Gräben zwischen dem Westen und Russland immer tiefer werden, profitiert die Türkei: Kremlchef Putin kündigt das Aus für South Stream an – und der türkische Präsident Erdogan nutzt das zu seinem Vorteil.
Kein Wunder, dass Putin sauer ist: Russland hat in das South Stream-Projekt bereits geschätzt fast zehn Milliarden Dollar investiert – ein Milliardengrab. „Das war’s, das Projekt ist beendet“ sagte der mit Putin nach Ankara gereiste Gazprom-Chef Alexei Miller. Die Aufgabe des Vorhabens ist für den russischen Staatskonzern ein herber Rückschlag bei dem Versuch, seine Dominanz auf dem europäischen Gasmarkt zu zementieren.
Putins Ankündigung in Ankara war zwar unerwartet. Wirklich überraschend kam die Entscheidung aber nicht. Bereits vor zwei Wochen hatte die italienische Wirtschaftsministerin Federica Guidi erklärt, South Stream sei „nicht länger eine Priorität“ – ein deutlicher Hinweis, zumal der italienische Staatskonzern Eni an dem Projekt beteiligt war. Die geplante Leitung sei zwar „ein nützliches Stück Infrastruktur“, habe aber „wohl keinen Vorrang mehr“, so Guidi. Seit langem gab es wachsende Zweifel an dem auf 40 Milliarden Dollar veranschlagten Projekt – wegen der Ukraine-Krise, der Finanzierungsengpässe in Moskau, aber auch vor dem Hintergrund einer rückläufigen Gas-Nachfrage in Europa und fallender Preise......................