The U.K. government has said the "Prime Minister will do what is right for Britain" in response to reports that Germany’s Chancellor Angela Merkel said she would rather see the UK leave the EU than compromise over the bloc's principle on the free movement of people.
The comments came on Monday after German magazine Der Spiegel reported that sources in Berlin had said Britain was nearing the "point of no return" and Germany viewed British calls for curbs on the free movement of people as a "red line".
A Downing street spokesperson told the Anadolu Agency: "Cameron thinks limiting migration is a key principle for Britain to remain in the EU."
Cameron's Conservative party has been under pressure from the anti-EU and anti-immigration UK Independence Party (UKIP) over the past year as public sentiment has hardened towards immigrants amid harsh "austerity measures" imposed by the government.
The conservatives have lost many votes to the party, according to opinion polls, and two Conservative MPs have defected to it.
Cameron has responded by taking a stronger line on the EU and immigration to address the growing concerns of his party members, and said he would give a speech on immigration before Christmas.
UK 'must clarify role'
In Germany, government spokesman Steffen Seibert did not refute Der Spiegel's story during Monday’s regular press conference at the Federal Press Service and said Germany’s position on the UK’s future in the EU had not changed.
He said: "It is first of all a matter for the UK to clarify itself what role it wants to play in future within the EU."
Seibert said the matter was not a bilateral issue between London and Berlin, but one between the UK and all its EU partners.
He underlined that freedom of movement within the EU was a non-negotiable principle for the German government.
He acknowledged the difficulties faced by several European countries including the UK as well as Germany due to the growing number of immigrants coming from new member states to benefit from social security systems...............................
The comments came on Monday after German magazine Der Spiegel reported that sources in Berlin had said Britain was nearing the "point of no return" and Germany viewed British calls for curbs on the free movement of people as a "red line".
A Downing street spokesperson told the Anadolu Agency: "Cameron thinks limiting migration is a key principle for Britain to remain in the EU."
Cameron's Conservative party has been under pressure from the anti-EU and anti-immigration UK Independence Party (UKIP) over the past year as public sentiment has hardened towards immigrants amid harsh "austerity measures" imposed by the government.
The conservatives have lost many votes to the party, according to opinion polls, and two Conservative MPs have defected to it.
Cameron has responded by taking a stronger line on the EU and immigration to address the growing concerns of his party members, and said he would give a speech on immigration before Christmas.
UK 'must clarify role'
In Germany, government spokesman Steffen Seibert did not refute Der Spiegel's story during Monday’s regular press conference at the Federal Press Service and said Germany’s position on the UK’s future in the EU had not changed.
He said: "It is first of all a matter for the UK to clarify itself what role it wants to play in future within the EU."
Seibert said the matter was not a bilateral issue between London and Berlin, but one between the UK and all its EU partners.
He underlined that freedom of movement within the EU was a non-negotiable principle for the German government.
He acknowledged the difficulties faced by several European countries including the UK as well as Germany due to the growing number of immigrants coming from new member states to benefit from social security systems...............................
Spokesman: Merkel doesn't want to give up on UK in EU...
ReplyDeleteAngela Merkel's spokesman says Germany wants Britain to remain within the EU. However, she is not willing to sacrifice the bloc's basis principle, the free movement of EU citizens, to persuade the UK to remain.
Steffen Seibert, the spokesman for Angela Merkel, said on Monday that the German chancellor wanted Britain to remain an "active and engaged" member of the European Union but added that she would would not give way to the British prime minister's plans to curb immigration from other EU countries.
Ahead of May 2015 elections, David Cameron has reacted to pressure from Britain's isolationist anti-EU UK Independence Party by pledging to take steps to limit the level of migration into Britain.
Seibert said that Germany shared an interest in fighting "possible abuse" of labor and social welfare benefits laws but insisted that the overall EU principle of freedom of movement must remain...............
Merkels Warnung vor EU-Austritt empört die Briten ...
ReplyDeletePremier David Cameron will den Zuzug von EU-Bürgern beschränken. Angela Merkel macht deutlich, dass das einem EU-Austritt gleichkäme. Diese "Belehrung" bringt viele Briten gegen die Deutschen auf.
Immer, wenn die Paarung Deutschland gegen Großbritannien lautet, fangen die Drähte der öffentlichen Erregbarkeit auf der Insel an zu glühen. Nun ist es wieder einmal soweit: Anlass ist ein Bericht des "Spiegel", der schlicht konstatierte, was seit Wochen im Umfeld der Kanzlerin zu hören ist: Angela Merkel ist ernsthaft besorgt, dass Großbritannien die EU verlassen könnte. Kernpunkt des Duells diesmal: Britanniens Premier David Cameron will offenbar für EU-Arbeitnehmer Quoten einführen, um die Zuwanderung zu begrenzen. Das allerdings ist für Berlin nicht verhandelbar, weil es die Personenfreizügigkeit der EU einschränken würde. Käme es soweit, wäre aus Sicht der Bundesregierung "ein point of no return" erreicht – Großbritannien also unwiderruflich auf dem Weg aus der Union.................