Friday, November 21, 2014

Moskau: Litauen erschwert Suche nach Lösung der Ukraine-Krise

Provokatorische Äußerungen der litauischen Präsidentin Dalia Grybauskaitė an die Adresse Russlands im Kontext der Ukraine-Krise werden die Suche nach deren Lösungen nur erschweren. Das geht aus der jüngsten Erklärung des amtlichen Sprechers des russischen Außenministeriums, Alexander Lukaschewitsch, hervor.

„In einem Interview für einen litauischen Radiosender hatte Grybauskaitė Russland als einen ‚terroristischen Staat‘ bezeichnet. Sie rief auch zur Unterstützung des ukrainischen Regimes auf, darunter auch mit Waffen“, hieß es in der auf der Internetseite des Außenamtes veröffentlichten Erklärung.

„In ihren Äußerungen überstieg Dalia Grybauskaitė sogar die National-Radikalen in der Ukraine mit ihren extremistischen Erklärungen. Alles, was sie (Grybauskaitė) sagt, erschwert nur die Suche nach Lösungen zur Beilegung der Ukraine-Krise. Vernünftig denkende Politiker der meisten Länder, die keine Versuche unternehmen, den Marginalen zu gefallen, sondern tatsächlich über die Situation in der Ukraine und über die Lage in Europa und in der Welt als Ganzes besorgt sind, bevorzugen eine verantwortungsbewusste Herangehensweise“, betonte Lukaschewitsch.

mehr zum Thema:


  1. La Presidente lituana definisce la Russia un "paese terrorista" ...

    La Presidente lituana Dalia Grybauskaite nelle sue dichiarazioni provocatorie contro la Russia supera le espressioni estremiste dei nazionalisti radicali di Kiev e ciò rende difficile la risoluzione della crisi in Ucraina, ha detto il portavoce del Ministero degli Esteri russo Alexander Lukashevich.

    Grybauskaite in un'intervista alla radio locale ha definito la Russia riguardo agli avvenimenti ucraini "uno Stato terrorista", ed ha esortato a fornire sostegno, anche militare, al regime ucraino.

    "I politici che ragionano e sono davvero preoccupati per la situazione in Ucraina, in Europa e nel mondo, non cercano di compiacersi i favori degli estremisti, ma adottano un approccio diverso, responsabile", ha detto il diplomatico.
    Per saperne di più:

  2. Duma outraged by Lithuanian president’s statement ...

    Communists in the Russian State Duma on Friday proposed to make a statement on sanctions and even cut off diplomatic relations with Lithuania in response to the Lithuanian president’s statement about Russia.

    “In connection with yesterday’s unacceptable statement of the president of Lithuania, I propose that the committee for international affairs should prepare a statement and maybe a resolution to impose sanctions against Lithuania and maybe even cut off diplomatic relations,” Duma member Nikolay Kolomeitsev of the Commnist Party told a lower house meeting on Friday.

    The legislator said it was unacceptable that the president of the country made such boorish and cynical remarks.

    “On November 20, President Dalia Grybauskaite belched out a new set of rude verbal assaults on Russia in an interview with a local radio,” Russian Foreign Ministry official spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said on Thursday. “She went as far as to label Russia as a terrorist state in the context of Ukrainian events.”.............

  3. Russia responds to extremist statements from Lithuanian president ...

    Russian Foreign Ministry posted a message on its official website in response to a recent statement from Lithuanian President Dalia Grybauskaite. According to the Russian Ministry for Foreign Affairs, the Lithuanian president surpassed "radical nationalists in Kiev" with her remarks. Grybauskaite, a consistent critic of the EU position with regard to the Russian Federation, called Russia a "terrorist state" in connection with the situation in Ukraine.

    "She also bluntly called for support, including militarily, for the current Ukrainian regime, having said that if the "Russian aggression" was not stopped, then this "aggression" could spread to Europe and beyond," a statement from Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Lukashevich said. "With her remarks, Grybauskaite surpasses even most extremist statements voiced by radical nationalists in Kiev. Everything that she says only complicates the search for the solution of the Ukrainian crisis. Sensible policy-makers of most countries, who do not try to please the marginalized, but remain highly concerned about the situation in Ukraine and the state of affairs in Europe and the world, are guided by a different, responsible approach," the Russian official said.................

  4. Lituania suministrará a Ucrania material bélico ...

    El presidente de Ucrania, Petró Poroshenko, declaró que habían acordado con su homóloga lituana, Dalia Grybauskaite, los suministros de material armamentístico para el Ejército ucraniano.

    "Llegamos a un acuerdo sobre la cooperación técnica militar y los suministros de material relacionado con el armamento para el Ejército ucraniano", dijo Poroshenko en una rueda de prensa en Kiev.

    Agregó que concertaron también "el entrenamiento de oficiales y la participación en ejercicios multinacionales en el territorio de Lituania".

    "Es una demostración práctica del apoyo en una situación muy complicada como la que está pasando Ucrania", señaló el mandatario citado por la agencia Unian...........


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