Kiev has claimed to observe movement of military equipment and troops from Russia to the Donbas region, Ukraine's National Security and Defense Council's spokesperson Andriy Lysenko said in a statement Sunday, but failed to provide evidence.
"The intensive movement of military equipment and troops from the territory of the Russian Federation to the territory temporarily controlled by militia [Donbas region] continues," Lysenko said.
Nevertheless, no evidence was provided by the spokesperson.
Following the February coup in Kiev, residents of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions in eastern Ukraine established so-called people's republics and later declared independence. The crisis escalated in mid-April, when Kiev authorities launched a military operation against the independence supporters.
The self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics (DPR and LPR) are conducting elections of their regional leaders and legislative bodies on November 2.
(RIA Novosti)
"The intensive movement of military equipment and troops from the territory of the Russian Federation to the territory temporarily controlled by militia [Donbas region] continues," Lysenko said.
Nevertheless, no evidence was provided by the spokesperson.
- It is not the first time when the Ukrainian authorities claimed Russia was sending military equipment and troops to the Donbas region without providing evidence.
Following the February coup in Kiev, residents of the Donetsk and Luhansk regions in eastern Ukraine established so-called people's republics and later declared independence. The crisis escalated in mid-April, when Kiev authorities launched a military operation against the independence supporters.
The self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics (DPR and LPR) are conducting elections of their regional leaders and legislative bodies on November 2.
(RIA Novosti)
Ostukraine: Russland verlegt offenbar Truppen in die Ostukraine
ReplyDeleteDie ukrainische Armee meldet "intensive" Bewegungen an der russisch-ukrainischen Grenze. In ungekennzeichneten Transportern sollen sich Soldaten und Ausrüstung befinden.
Die ukrainische Armee hat intensive Truppenbewegungen aus Russland in die von Separatisten kontrollierten ostukrainischen Regionen Luhansk und Donezk gemeldet. "Die intensive Verlegung von Militärtechnik und Soldaten des Gegners vom Territorium der Russischen Föderation setzt sich fort", sagte der ukrainische Militärsprecher Andrej Lyssenko örtlichen Medien. Die Truppen würden über die russisch-ukrainische Grenze in das Separatistengebiet transportiert.
Im ukrainischen Fernsehen waren am Sonntag Aufnahmen zu sehen, die Dutzende ungekennzeichnete Militärtransporter zeigten. Diese Transporter, so Lyssenko, seien Teil einer "russischen Kolonne auf dem Weg nach Donezk". .....................