Saturday, November 15, 2014

INT Breaking News epiloges (November 2014 - C)

 "We have already stopped paying attention to the allegations of the Supreme Allied Commander Europe, General Philip Breedlove about "noticed" Russian military convoy, allegedly invaded the Ukraine. Repeatedly emphasized that for regular concussion of air in Brussels about the alleged presence of Russian forces in Ukraine are not true and had no fact evidence", - said the Russian general.............As previously stated by Breedlove, NATO recorded the arrival at the east of Ukraine for the past two days several convoys of military equipment and military of Russia.


  1. A 7.3-magnitude quake hit Indonesian waters Saturday morning and has the potential to generate tsunami waves along nearby coasts, a monitoring agency said....

    According to the U.S. Geological Survey, the quake hit 154 kilometres (96 miles) northwest of Kota Ternate at a depth of 47 kilometres (29 miles).

    There are no immediate reports of casualties or damage.

    The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said the quake could cause hazardous tsunami waves within 300 kilometres (186 miles) of the epicenter along the nearby coasts of Indonesia and the southern Philippines. Waves could reach up to a meter (3.28 feet) or less, it said.

    The nearest communities of Tabukan Tengah on North Sulawesi island could be at risk within an hour or so if a tsunami occurs, the agency said.............Read more:

  2. US to pledge S$3.9 billion to help poor nations tackle global warming ...

    The United States is giving US$3 billion (S$3.89 billion) to a United Nations fund to help poorer vulnerable countries prepare for a changing climate and develop cleaner energy.

    President Barack Obama will announce the contribution at meeting of world leaders in Australia, the administration said.

    The UN is trying to raise at least US$10 billion for its Green Climate Fund to help developing nations adjust to rising seas, warmer temperatures, and more extreme weather. It also would help the nations come up with energy sources that limit or reduce heat-trapping carbon dioxide emissions from coal, oil and gas.

    The American pledge would be the biggest to date and would double contributions to US$6 billion, according to international environmental groups. France has promised US$1 billion, with Germany pledging nearly as much. Sweden, the Netherlands and Switzerland have all pledged at least US$100 million, while Denmark, Norway, Mexico, Luxembourg, Czech Republic and Indonesia have pledged lesser amounts, according to officials at Oxfam America.

    The South Korea-based fund, which also accepts money from private charities, was set up by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change................

    1. G20 : Barack Obama veut placer le climat au cœur des débats ...

      Le président des États-Unis est passé à l'offensive sur le climat. Alors que le G20 s’est ouvert à Brisbane sur fond de tensions diplomatiques entre la Russie et l’Occident, Barack Obama veut placer l'environnement au cœur des débats.

      L'Australie, qui accueille les chefs d'État et de gouvernement des pays les plus puissants du monde jusqu'à dimanche, n'a pas fait de l'environnement une priorité du sommet du G20. Mais Barack Obama, qui surfe sur les questions climatiques depuis l'annonce d'un accord avec la Chine pour réduire les émissions de gaz à effet de serre, en a décidé autrement. "Si la Chine et les États-Unis peuvent se mettre d'accord à ce propos, alors le monde peut trouver un accord", a-t-il déclaré, samedi, à l'université du Queensland, à Brisbane............

    2. U.S. sees no tie up between Al-Qaeda and ISIS in Syria ...

      James Clapper, the director of U.S. National Intelligence, Clapper said Friday analysts had not seen any evidence indicating militants belonging to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and Al-Qaeda had forged an alliance in Syria.

      Clapper told CBS television U.S. experts were unaware of any pact between the two groups, which would potentially complicate the U.S.-led military campaign in Syria, reported AFP.

      "We don't see that," Clapper said.

      "There have been tactical accommodations, on the battlefield, on occasion, where local groups have united in the interest of the tactical objective, but broadly, I don’t see those two uniting, at least yet."..............

    3. German Chancellor Angela Merkel wants to continue dialogue with Russian President Vladimir Putin despite disagreements on Ukraine, deputy government spokeswoman Christiane Wirtz said on Friday...

      The comment followed after the release of an interview with President Putin in which he denied any rift between him and the German leader.

      Wirtz said Merkel “has been talking with the Russian president for weeks and months, since the beginning of the crisis” in Ukraine and “listens to what the Russian president has to say.”......Read more:

    4. G20, Angela Merkel minaccia la Russia di ulteriori sanzioni ...

      La UE sta valutando l'introduzione di sanzioni individuali supplementari nel settore finanziario contro la Russia.

      Lo ha dichiarato il cancelliere tedesco Angela Merkel al vertice del G20 a Brisbane.

      Il presidente russo Vladimir Putin ha iniziato la giornata di lavoro con un incontro con i capi di Stato del BRICS. I leader del G20 hanno parlato insieme in un incontro informale.

      Prima dei lavori, Putin aveva scambiato qualche battuta con il cancelliere tedesco Angela Merkel. Nel tardo pomeriggio di oggi ci sarà un incontro formale tra i leader di Germania e Russia.
      Per saperne di più:

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Middle East Updates / Top U.S. general in Iraq amid ISIS air strike campaign...

    America's top military leader arrived Saturday to Iraq, state television reported, his first visit to the country since a U.S.-led coalition began a campaign of air strikes targeting the extremist Islamic State group.

    The visit by Army Gen. Marin Dempsey, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff, was not previously announced. It came just two days after he told Congress that the United States would consider dispatching a modest number of American forces to fight with Iraqi troops as they engage in more complex missions in the campaign against the Islamic State group, which controls about a third of Iraq and neighboring Syria. (AP) ............

  5. Barack Obama warnt Russland ist eine "Gefahr für die Welt" ...

    US-Präsident Barack Obama schlägt im Ukraine-Konflikt erneut scharfe Töne gegenüber Russland an. Der aggressive Kurs von Wladimir Putin sei eine Gefahr für die Welt, sagte er vor dem G20-Gipfel.

    US-Präsident Barack Obama hat die russische Politik im Ukraine-Konflikt erneut scharf kritisiert. Russland verfolge einen aggressiven Kurs, der eine Gefahr für die Welt sei, sagte Obama am Rande des G20-Gipfels im australischen Brisbane am Samstag. Dies sei etwa beim schrecklichen Abschuss der malaysischen Passagierfluges MH 17 in der Ost-Ukraine im Juli zu sehen gewesen. Pro-russische Separatisten und die ukrainische Regierung werfen sich gegenseitig vor, für den Absturz der Maschine verantwortlich zu sein, bei dem alle 298 Menschen Bord ums Leben kamen. Wie kürzlich beim Gipfel der Asien-Pazifik-Staaten (Apec) wird Obama auch beim Treffen der Staats- und Regierungschefs der 20 führenden Industrie- und Schwellenländer (G20) mit Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin zusammenkommen......................

  6. Harper tells Putin to 'get out of Ukraine' at G20 summit ...

    Stephen Harper had a showdown with Vladimir Putin on Saturday, telling the Russian leader to "get out of Ukraine" in a dustup at the Group of 20 summit in Australia.

    Harper's spokesman, Jason MacDonald, said the prime minister was speaking to a group of G20 leaders at a private leaders' retreat on Saturday morning when Putin approached and extended his hand.

    MacDonald said Harper told Putin: "I guess I'll shake your hand but I have only one thing to say to you: You need to get out of Ukraine."

    According to MacDonald, Putin did not respond positively. He didn't provide further details.

    But a spokesman for the Russian delegation said Putin's response was: "That's impossible because we are not there.".....Read more:

    1. Der Präsident der Russischen Föderation, Wladimir Putin, sagte zu dem Premierminister Kanadas, Stephen Harper, dass es keine russischen Truppen auf dem Territorium der Ukraine gibt....

      Harper hatte zu Putin beim Händedruck auf dem G20-Gipfel erklärt, dass Russland „aus der Ukraine abziehen soll“.

      „Russlands Leader antwortete darauf, dass dies leider nicht geht, denn es gibt uns dort nicht“, teilte der Pressesekretär Putins, Dmitri Peskow, mit. Seinen Worten zufolge, hätten Putin und Harper kurz miteinander gesprochen und einander gegrüßt. Als Peskow vom Tonfall sprach, in dem dieses Treffen gehalten wurde, verwies er darauf, dass „dies im Rahmend es Anstandes gewesen“ sei.

  7. Crise ukrainienne : Vladimir Poutine claque la porte du G20 ...

    La délégation du président russe a indiqué, samedi, que Vladimir Poutine quittera le sommet du G20 de Brisbane, en Australie, plus tôt que prévu. L’homme fort du Kremlin est mis en cause par les Occidentaux dans la crise ukrainienne.

    Le sujet brûlant du G20 aura eu raison de la présence russe à Brisbane. Vladimir Poutine s’apprête à quitter plus tôt que prévu le sommet du G20 qui se tient en Autralie, à la suite de l’avalanche de critiques dont il fait l’objet depuis 24 heures quant à la crise ukrainienne, a indiqué un membre de la délégation russe.

    Cette soudaine décision risque de chambouler le programme de cette réunion des chefs des États les plus puissants du monde. L'agenda de dimanche a d'ailleurs été raccourci, a indiqué la délégation russe, permettant à Vladimir Poutine de ne pas participer au déjeuner prévu ce jour-là.....................

  8. Putin plans to leave G20 early after West blasts Russia over Ukraine ...

    (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin plans to leave the G20 summit early, a member of his delegation said, after Western leaders blasted Moscow on Saturday for the crisis in Ukraine and threatened more sanctions.

    The Russian official told Reuters that Putin planned to skip a working session on Sunday at the two-day summit in Brisbane and bring forward his departure because he needed to attend meetings in Moscow......................

  9. Ukraine: Poroschenko dreht Rebellengebieten Geldhahn ab...

    Der ukrainische Präsident Petro Poroschenko hat die Einstellung sämtlicher staatlicher Leistungen in den von Rebellen kontrollierten Gebieten im Osten des Landes angeordnet. Poroschenko beauftragte die Regierung in Kiew am Samstag, innerhalb einer Woche alle "Aktivitäten staatlicher Unternehmen, Institutionen und Organisationen" in den Gebieten zu stoppen, wo "Anti-Terror-Operationen laufen".

    Das Dekret Poroschenkos beziehe sich auch auf Schulen, Krankenhäuser und Notfalldienste, sagte ein hochrangiger Sicherheitsbeamter, der nicht namentlich genannt werden wollte.

  10. Russian President Vladimir Putin expects frank discussions with G20 partners at a meeting in Australia but says that decisions reached at previous G20 summits often failed to be implemented...

    “I expect to have frank discussion with my colleagues and not to beat about the bush,” Putin said in an interview with the German television ARD.

    The Russian president said that “the decisions made there and the discussions at these venues are not binding and unfortunately are often not implemented, for example the decision to change the configuration of the international monetary system, to enhance the role of developing economies due to their changing position in the world economy as a whole.”

    “For example, we adopted a decision at a G20 summit to enhance the role of developing economies in the IMF. But the US Congress blocked the decision and everything came to a standstill,” he said.

  11. Italian authorities said Saturday that more than 900 people had been rescued at sea in 24 hours, in a blow to hopes that the approach of winter would stem the flow of migrants attempting perilous crossings of the Mediterranean....

    Most of the rescued people were initially aboard boats which had got into distress in open waters in the channel between Libya and Sicily, a narrow but treacherous strait in which thousands have drowned in recent years while trying to reach Europe.

    A total of 477 migrants were delivered to Porto Empedocle on Sicily's southern coast after being picked up by a liquid gas tanker, the Gaz Concord, overnight, and a further 354 were due to be brought ashore by an Italian navy patrol boat at nearby Pozzallo later in the day.

    The coastguard also intercepted a yacht with 80 would-be migrants on board off the port of Crotone on the southeastern "heel" of the Italian mainland.

    The overcrowded leisure vessel had spent six days sailing from Turkey, was travelling under a fake Italian ensign and had children on board, four of whom were hospitalised after disembarking...................

  12. The seventh Russian humanitarian aid convoy with foodstuffs and building materials is to arrive in eastern Ukraine on Sunday morning....

    DONETSK, November 15 (Sputnik) — The authorities of the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) expect that the seventh Russian humanitarian aid convoy will arrive in eastern Ukraine on Sunday morning, DPR press service announced Saturday.

    "The arrival is expected between 9 and 10 a.m. [between 07:00 and 08:00 GMT] November 16," the announcement said, adding that the convoy will bring foodstuffs and building materials.

    On Friday the Russian Emergencies Ministry reported that the seventh Russian convoy for Donbas is ready for departure.

    On Saturday the ministry's source added that the convoy consists of more than 70 trucks that will deliver to Donetsk and Luhansk more than 450 tons of cargo..............

  13. Head of LNR describes decree on socio-economic blockade of Donbas as act of genocide ...

    Igor Plotnitsky, the head of the self-proclaimed Luhansk People’s Republic (LNR), on Saturday described as genocide the Ukrainian president’s decision to impose a socio-economic blockade on certain districts of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions.

    “Today’s decree issued by (President Poroshenko) on full economic blockade of the Donbas region is an act of genocide designed to impoverish and destroy our people,” Plotnitsky stressed, adding that the Donbas population had made its choice at elections on November 2. “We are not going to sheer away from our path. We are going to live better than Ukraine for which the power of the oligarchs will turn out to be worse and more destructive than any blockade,” Plotnitsky added.

  14. Putin califica de un “grave error” el bloqueo económico de Donbás por Kiev ....

    El presidente de Rusia, Vladímir Putin, ha calificado de un "grave error" el decreto firmado este sábado por el presidente ucraniano Petró Poroshenko que de facto prevé el bloqueo económico de Donbás.

    "El presidente de Ucrania emitió un decreto que de hecho supone el bloqueo económico de estas regiones —de Donetsk y Lugansk— y en mi opinión fue un grave error, pues significa que (las autoridades en Kiev) cortan con sus propias manos estas regiones de su territorio", dijo Putin en una rueda de prensa en la cumbre del G20 en Brisbane.

    A la vez, opinó que no es algo "fatal" y atribuyó la medida a que Kiev pretende minimizar los gastos. "Pero en este caso es inoportuno ahorrar", remarcó el presidente ruso..............

  15. In an election under intense scrutiny in both Tokyo and Washington, Okinawan voters head to the polls Sunday to choose a new governor....

    The long-anticipated election is widely viewed as the final referendum on whether the political will exists in Okinawa to accept construction of a replacement facility for U.S. Marine Corps Air Station Futenma within the prefecture.

    The facility, currently located in the city of Ginowan, central Okinawa, has been the subject of long-standing protests over its planned relocation to the Henoko district of Nago farther north on the island.

    With the main anti-base candidate leading in local media polls, the gubernatorial election could turn out to be bad news for Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and his ruling Liberal Democratic Party................

  16. US Forces Advising Iraqi Troops in Anbar ...

    American forces have begun advising Iraqi troops in the western Anbar province, the top U.S. general told Reuters, in a faster-than-expected expansion of an operation that is central to its campaign against Islamic State.

    General Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said a small group of advisers had already established themselves in a preliminary fashion at Ain al-Asad air base in the province, much of which is controlled by the militant Islamist group.

    They would also eventually start training the Iraqi army's seventh division, which suffered major setbacks during the Islamic State's advances across the country this summer................

  17. Ukraine crisis was not discussed at official G20 debates - Putin...

    Russian President Vladimir Putin told a news conference devoted to results of the G20 summit that the Ukraine crisis had not been discussed during the summit’s official debates........

  18. Armed clashes broke out in Libya's capital, Tripoli, shutting down the city's main working airport, an official confirmed on Sunday...

    Tripoli has mostly been calm since the Libya Dawn force, an armed faction allied to the city of Misrata, took over the capital in the summer and set up its own government in rivalry to Prime Minister Abdullah al-Thinni. It was not immediately clear who was involved in Sunday's fighting, and there was no confirmation from health authorities of any casualties.

  19. Rally of protest against Poroshenko’s visit held in Bratislava ...

    A rally of protest against Ukrainian President Pyotr Poroshenko’s coming to the Slovak capital was held in Bratislava on Sunday, the local police said, adding that several dozens of protesters took part in the action.

    Protesters had posters reading “The Czech Republic and Slovakia are with you, Novorssia!” and “Save Donbass from the Ukrainian Army!” Now and then they chanted “Fascisit!”

    Despite the fact that the action was not authorizes by the local authorities, police made no attempts to disperse the rally. Protesters showed no signs of violence and did not hamper traffic.

    Poroshenko arrived in the Slovak capital city Bratislava to attend a summit of the heads of state of the Visegrad Group (Hungary, Poland, Slovakia and the Czech Republic), where he had been invited as a guest. On Saturday, Poroshenko had talks with Slovakia’s Prime Minister Robert Fico. On Sunday, he met with Slovak President Andrej Kiska.

  20. Putin walks out of G20 summit 'to sleep'...

    Brisbane meeting ends with Russian leader leaving hours before close in apparent snub at being criticised over Ukraine.

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has left the G20 summit in Brisbane early after he came under intense pressure from the West over Moscow's alleged support for separatist fights in eastern Ukraine.

    The two-day summit, which gathered the leaders of the world's largest economies in Brisbane, ended on Sunday evening, with Putin exiting the Australian city hours earlier.

    Putin said his decision to fly home had nothing to do with tensions over Ukraine, saying he had a long flight and wanted to catch up on some sleep ahead of a full day's work on Monday...................

  21. Spot report by OSCE Observer Mission, 16 Nov 2014: Russian convoy of 20 vehicles crossed into Ukraine and returned via Donetsk Border Crossing Point...

    On 16 November 2014 at 07:25 (Moscow time), a Russian convoy arrived at the Russian Donetsk Border Crossing Point (BCP). A total of 20 vehicles were inspected by the Russian border guard and customs services and then headed into Ukraine. All the vehicles crossed back into the Russian Federation (RF) at 15:12 on the same day. This was the sixth Russian convoy crossing through the Donetsk BCP since the arrival of the Observer Mission (OM) to the Russian BCPs.

    On 16 November 2014 at 07:25, the OM observed the arrival of a Russian convoy at the gate of the Donetsk BCP. The convoy consisted of ten fuel trucks, seven cargo trucks, one towing vehicle, one communications vehicle and one escort vehicle. The cargo trucks bore the inscription “Humanitarian help from the Russian Federation”. All vehicles stopped at the customs control area and the cargo trucks were opened and inspected by Russian border guard and customs services.

    At 07:55, the convoy left the customs area and headed into Ukraine.

    At 13:45, two officials from the RF Ministry of Emergency Situations arrived at the Donetsk BCP.

    At 14:39, the convoy arrived and was inspected by the RF border guard and customs officials. The OM observed one of the Ukrainian officers, stationed across the fence from the BCP, between the vehicles.

    At 15:12 all 20 vehicles returned to the RF.

  22. Obama ha escluso la possibilità di una cooperazione con Assad nella lotta contro l’ISIS ...

    Il Presidente degli Stati Uniti Barack Obama ha escluso la possibilità di una cooperazione con il Presidente siriano Bashar Assad nella lotta contro il gruppo radicale dello Stato islamico.

    Come ha detto Obama in una conferenza stampa a Brisbane, il Presidente siriano "ha completamente perso la sua legittimità nella maggior parte del Paese". "Perciò, qualsiasi azione congiunta con gli Stati Uniti insieme a lui contro l’ISIS comporta una maggiore possibilità che i sunniti siriani si uniscano ai militanti e indeboliscano la nostra coalizione (contro l’ISIS)" ha detto il Presidente degli Stati Uniti.
    Per saperne di più:

  23. Ukraine: des restes humains découverts dans l'avion du vol MH17 ...

    Des restes humains ainsi que des effets personnels ont été découverts dimanche lors l'ouverture des travaux d'évacuation des débris du vol MH17, abattu au-dessus de l'est de l'Ukraine en juillet dernier faisant 298 morts, ont indiqué les autorités néerlandaises.

    L'évacuation des débris de l'avion de Malaysia Airlines, abattu en juillet au-dessus de l'est de l'Ukraine, a débuté dimanche, quatre mois après la tragédie qui avait fait 298 morts et dans laquelle les Occidentaux voient la main de Moscou.

    Des fragments du Boeing doivent être envoyés aux Pays-Bas - pays qui a payé le plus lourd tribut avec 193 victimes - pour être examinés par le Bureau d'enquête néerlandais pour la sécurité (OVV), chargé d'enquêter sur les causes du drame..................

  24. The Czech President says that providing financial aid to Ukraine during a civil war is “complete nonsense” and a waste of money, because the risk of default pushes the Kiev authorities to constantly look for enemies in a bid to avoid responsibilities....

    MOSCOW, November 16 (Sputnik) – Providing financial aid to Ukraine during a civil war is “complete nonsense” and a waste of money, Czech President Milos Zeman said Sunday.

    “It’s very important to realize that Ukraine is in civil war. We should not engage in some support dreams, because financial support in the context of civil war is complete nonsense,” he said in an interview with Channel One Russia broadcaster.

    “Any financial aid during a civil war is a waste of money,” Zeman stressed...................

  25. Les agences de renseignement américaines ont considérablement augmenté l’échelle de leurs opérations «sous le couvert» au cours des dernières années....

    Les employés d’au moins 40 agences gouvernementales américaines s’occupent de recherche de diverses infractions, en se présentant comme des hommes d'affaires, des bénéficiaires de prestations, des manifestants, des trafiquants de drogue et même des médecins et des ministres, écrit le New York Times.

    Plus de 100 employés du Département de l'Agriculture des États-Unis travaillent «sous le couvert». Ils surveillent secrètement aux magasins les bénéficiaires de coupons alimentaires et identifient tous les cas possibles de fraude.
    Lire la suite:

  26. Putin: Russia Conducting Military Exercises Only in International Zone...

    The Russian President stated that Russian military exercises have been conducted in international zones exclusively, with the strategic aircraft flight to the Gulf of Mexico being resumed as NATO has stepped up its activities near the Russian border.

    MOSCOW, November 17 (Sputnik) – Russian military drills have been conducted in international zones only, with the strategic aircraft flight being resumed as an answer to US actions near Russian borders, Russian President Vladimir Putin said.

    “Our exercises have been conducted exclusively in international waters and international airspace,” the president told German broadcaster ARD.

    Putin noted that Russia suspended the flights of its strategic aircraft in 1992 and they remained at their air bases for a long time................

  27. NATO expansion since 2001 significantly changed geopolitical situation - Putin...

    The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) experienced two considerable waves of its expansion significantly changing the geopolitical situation, Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an interview with German TV channel ARD.

    “We have witnessed two waves of NATO expansion since 2001,” Putin said. “If I remember correctly, seven countries - Slovenia, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Romania and three Baltic States, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania - joined NATO in 2004. Two more countries joined in 2009. Those were significant geopolitical game changers.

    “Furthermore, the number of military bases is growing,” he said. “Does Russia have military bases around the world? NATO and the United States have military bases scattered all over the globe, including in areas close to our borders, and their number is growing.”

    “Moreover, just recently it was decided to deploy Special Operations Forces, again in close proximity to our borders,” Putin said................

  28. EU foreign ministers are meeting in Brussels this morning amid growing concern over a fresh military build-up in eastern Ukraine....

    Although a formal decision to introduce fresh sanctions against Russia is not on the agenda, foreign ministers may discuss expanding the list of pro-Russian separatists in Ukraine who are subject to asset freezes and travel bans.

    Russian President Vladimir Putin left a meeting of G20 leaders in Australia early over the weekend, although the Kremlin later denied reports he had left after having received a frosty reception from other world leaders............

  29. La Commission prête à agir pour empêcher le retour de la grippe aviaire en Europe ...

    Les pays européens doivent-ils se préparer à affronter une nouvelle épidémie de grippe aviaire ? En tout état de cause, pendant le week-end les autorités du Royaume-Uni et des Pays-Bas ont annoncé avoir découvert des cas de grippe aviaires. Et la Commission européenne devrait prendre ce lundi un ensemble de mesures d’urgence, suit à la découverte de cas aux pays-Bas.

    « La Commission devrait adopter (...) le lundi 17 novembre une décision portant sur des mesures de prévention urgentes liées à ce cas », a en effet expliqué Ricardo Cardoso, porte-parole de la Commission. Ces mesures sont à l’origine destinées à répondre au cas détecté samedi aux Pays-Bas, dans un élevage du centre du pays , à Hekendorp, petite commune entre Amsterdam et Rotterdam............

    1. Bird flu: EU urgent meeting after Netherlands outbreak ...

      The European Commission is to discuss emergency protective measures after a highly contagious strain of bird flu was discovered at a poultry farm in the Netherlands.

      The commission will hold an urgent meeting on Monday to look at how to contain the outbreak.

      The Dutch government said the strain, H5N8, could potentially affect humans.

      The authorities have already begun destroying 150,000 hens at the infected farm, in the village of Hekendorp.

      "This highly pathogenic variant of avian influenza is very dangerous for bird life," the Dutch government said in a statement.

      "The disease can be transmitted from animals to humans."

      The Dutch economics ministry says humans could only be infected through very close contact with infected birds.............

  30. Präsidenten der Ukraine und Polens reisen nach Moldawien zu „Unterstützung seiner EU-Integration“...

    Der ukrainische Präsident Pjotr Poroschenko hat die Absicht, gemeinsam mit seinem polnischen Amtskollegen Bronislaw Komorowski am Donnerstag Moldawien für die „Unterstützung seiner EU-Integration“ zu besuchen, wie Stanislaw Zegolko, Sprecher des ukrainischen Staatschefs, mitteilte.

    Pjotr Poroschenko, der sich in der Slowakei aufhält, traf sich am Sonntag mit den Teilnehmern des Visegrad-Gipfels (V4) – dem polnischen Präsidenten Bronislaw Komoroski, dem Präsidenten Tschechiens Milos Zeman, dem Staatschef der Slowakei Andrej Kiska und dem ungarischen Präsidenten Janos Ader.

    Die Präsidenten der V4-Länder besprachen mit Poroschenko die Situation in der Ukraine und versprachen ihm jegliche politische und wirtschaftliche Unterstützung..........

  31. Pakistan hopeful of resumption of talks with India soon: Abdul Basit ...

    Observing that there is no complete "shutdown" in diplomacy, Pakistan's High Commissioner to India, Abdul Basit on Sunday hoped the stalled dialogue process with India would resume soon even as he underlined the importance of "adhering to" the ceasefire agreement by both the countries.

    "Minister for External Affairs Hon'ble Sushma Swaraj had said there are no full stops in diplomacy. I concur with her that in diplomacy..You do not completely shut it down. So, let's hope there are possibilities that will emerge. So, I am hopeful," Basit said in a media interaction at the Hyderabad Press Club.

    Asked where Pakistan stands with regard to India's stance that Pakistan talk to it directly rather than involving separatist groups in the process, he said Jammu and Kashmir is a problem between the countries and that both countries should try to establish peace.....................

  32. La Russie expulse plusieurs diplomates polonais ...

    La Russie a expulsé plusieurs diplomates polonais pour une activité incompatible avec leur statut, communique le ministère des Affaires étrangères de Russie.

    Plus tôt, plusieurs diplomates russes avaient été expulsés de la Pologne. Le ministère russe des Affaires étrangères s'est déclaré désolé par cet acte inamical et infondé des autorités polonaises et s'est vu obligé d'entreprendre des mesures adéquates.
    Lire la suite:

  33. EU to rebuild Ukraine’s police system after failure at Maidan events ...

    The European Union and Kiev signed on Monday an agreement on launching an EU advisory mission in Ukraine that is due to carry out reforms of the country’s security sector, the European External Action Service said on Monday.

    The document on the mission for Civilian Security Sector Reform in Ukraine (EUAM), which is due to start operations on December 1, was signed by Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin and EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini..................

  34. EU eyes sanctions vs Ukraine separatists but new steps vs Russia to wait: officials...

    The European Union may impose sanctions on more Russian-backed separatists on Monday in the wake of a vote held in eastern Ukraine on Nov. 2, but they are unlikely to discuss new steps against Russia itself until early December, officials said.

    EU foreign ministers will discuss how to respond to the vote, which they say has no legal basis, as well as ways to launch reforms in Ukraine and engage Russia in finding a solution to the conflict, the officials said................

  35. UN Gaza inquiry team hears testimonies in Jordan...

    Israel has forbidden access to the West Bank and Gaza by the team, which is investigating possible war crimes by Israel during the last Gaza war.

    The United Nations committee investigating possible war crimes by Israel during last summer's Gaza war has spent the past week in Jordan, listening to the testimonies of victims’ families and civil society organizations, Ma'an Palestinian news agency reported on Sunday.

    The committee, which was appointed by the U.N. Human Rights Council, has been denied entry to the West Bank and Gaza by Israel................

  36. Colombia talks on hold after general snatched..

    Efforts to end war in crisis after government says general taken by FARC rebels as he travelled along remote river.

    Authorities in Colombia have launched a massive search and rescue mission for an army general who they suspect was taken captive by FARC rebels, prompting the government to suspend critical peace talks.

    General Ruben Dario Alzate and two civilians were abducted on Sunday afternoon while travelling by motor boat along a remote river in western Colombia to survey an energy project.................

  37. Kiev to receive no money from Donbass when imposing blockade ...

    The economic blockade imposed by Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko against the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) will have a negative effect on Ukraine itself, the republic’s Tax Minister Alexander Timofeyev told TASS.

    “If they close the last Ukrainian bank working here, Oshchadbank, it means that the last enterprises in the republic that have paid taxes to Kiev cannot do it any longer. According to my data, 4.8 billion hryvnia (over $309 million) were transferred from the DPR to Ukraine over the past three months. So it is not known for whom it is worse,” Timofeyev said.

    Kiev’s economic sanctions will create problems for DPR residents, but the republic’s authorities are ready to solve them, he said. “We have almost set up our own banking system and are ready for an economic blockade Ukraine threatens to impose against us,” the minister said................

  38. Turkey does not help ISIL terrorists, says Deputy PM ...

    Everyone now knows Turkey does not help terrorists because it allowed foreign fighters to enter Syrian town of Kobani to fight the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, Turkey's Deputy Prime Minister said Monday.

    Yalcin Akdogan clarified doubts about Turkey’s policy about the ISIL terrorist group and other vital issues in an exclusive interview with The Anadolu Agency's Editors' Desk at its headquarters in Ankara.

    "Since Turkey allowed foreign fighters to cross its borders in fighting against ISIL in Kobani, everyone realizes it does not help terrorist group ISIL in any way," Akdogan said...........

  39. La CIA subestima el número de los combatientes del Estado Islámico, critica portavoz kurdo...

    Al menos 200.000 combatientes luchan en las filas del grupo yihadista Estado Islámico, lo que supera las estimaciones de la Agencia Central de Inteligencia (CIA) de EEUU, declaró este lunes el portavoz de la presidencia kurda, Fuad Hussein.

    "Hablo de centenares de miles de combatientes, ya que pueden movilizar a los jóvenes árabes en los territorios ocupados", dijo Hussein en una entrevista a Independent.

    Se trata de "al menos 200.000 militantes, es decir, seis o siete veces más que la estimación de la CIA", precisó............

  40. La Turquie inquiète de la commémoration du génocide arménien ...

    La commémoration prochaine du centenaire du génocide arménien inquiète la Turquie qui continue, malgré une prudente inflexion de son Premier ministre, d'en nier la réalité. Il y a un siècle était pourtant ordonnée et perpétrée la première extermination de population du XXème siècle.

    "Le gouvernement a décidé de détruire tous les Arméniens résidant en Turquie. Il faut mettre fin à leur existence, aussi criminelles que soient les mesures à prendre. Il ne faut tenir compte ni de l'âge, ni du sexe. Les scrupules de conscience n'ont pas leur place ici".

    Trou de mémoire

    Nous sommes le 15 septembre 1915 et le télégramme émane de Talaat Pacha , ministre de l'intérieur et futur Grand Vizir d'un Empire Ottoman crépusculaire, en guerre aux côtés de l'Axe. Il est adressé aux autorités d'Alep - alors sous son contrôle - et, comme ailleurs, l'instruction sera effectivement exécutée sans états d'âmes...........

  41. Der Gipfel im australischen Brisbane war der bisher schwierigste in der Gruppe der 20 wichtigsten Industrie- und Schwellenländer (G20), schreibt die Zeitung „Kommersant“ am Montag...

    Statt wirtschaftlicher Fragen dominierte die Ukraine-Krise die Gespräche in Brisbane. Die westlichen Staats- und Regierungschefs bekräftigten ihre Entschlossenheit, Moskau weiter unter Druck zu setzen, um es zu einem Kurswechsel in seiner Ukraine-Politik zu bewegen. Präsident Wladimir Putin verhinderte eine weitere Konfrontation mit seinen Gegnern und eine weitere Isolierung Russlands..........

  42. Bombings of IS positions kill civilians alarming — Russian FM ...

    The facts of civilian casualties resulting from UN-unauthorized bombings of Islamic State positions, quoted by the Independent International Commission of Inquiry for Syria under the UN Council for Human Rights, are alarming, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Monday.

    “On November 14, the Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Republic, established by the UN Human Rights Council, published a report entitled Rule of Terror: Living under ISIL (Islamic State former name was Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant). It was drawn up under Russia’s request and supported by another 17 states,” the Foreign Ministry said......Read more:

  43. Ukraine: Kiev reconnaît de facto la partition du pays (journal) ...

    La décision d'instaurer un blocus économique contre les républiques populaires autoproclamées de Donetsk (DNR) et Lougansk (LNR) entérine l'incapacité de Kiev à reconquérir les territoires contrôlés par les insurgés, écrit lundi le journal français L'Humanité.

    Le président ukrainien Piotr Porochenko a décidé samedi de mettre fin à tous les services publics dans les régions sous contrôle des "séparatistes prorusses", entérinant de facto la division du pays en deux. Le décret présidentiel oblige le gouvernement à prendre, d'ici une semaine, des mesures "pour mettre fin aux activités des entreprises, institutions et organisations publiques dans les divers territoires où l'"opération antiterroriste" (nom donné par Kiev à son opération militaire dans le Donbass, ndlr) est menée.................Lire la suite:

  44. Egypt to deepen buffer zone with Gaza after finding longer tunnels ...

    (Reuters) - Egypt will double to one kilometre (0.62 mile) the depth of a security buffer zone it is clearing on its border with the Gaza Strip after some of the worst anti-state violence since President Mohamed Mursi was overthrown last year.

    Egypt declared a state of emergency in the border area after at least 33 security personnel were killed last month in two attacks in the Sinai Peninsula, a remote but strategic region bordering Israel, Gaza and the Suez Canal.

    It also accelerated plans to create a 500-metre deep buffer strip along the border by clearing houses and trees and destroying subterranean tunnels it says are used to smuggle arms from Gaza to militants in Sinai................

  45. ISIS executes nearly 1,500 people in Syria in 5 months'...

    BEIRUT: The jihadist Islamic State group (IS) has executed nearly 1,500 people in Syria in the five months since it declared the establishment of a "caliphate", a monitoring group said on Monday.

    "The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights has documented the execution of 1,429 people since the IS announced its 'caliphate' in June," the group's director, Rami Abdel Rahman, said.

    The majority of IS's victims in Syria have been civilians, he said...............

  46. Turkish submarine confronts Greek coast guard in fishing standoff ...

    A Turkish submarine and a Greek coast guard were engaged in a maritime standoff on Nov. 17, amid a fishing crisis in the Aegean.

    A group of Turkish fishermen told the Doğan News Agency that the Greek coast guard, which left its base on the island of Kos, violated Turkish territorial waters off Bodrum at around noon. Approaching as close as 50 meters, the Greek ship urged the Turkish fishermen to return to the coast for two hours.

    In response, a Turkish submarine from its base in Marmaris surfaced near the hotspot while travelling toward Kuşadası at 2 p.m. The submarine showed the Turkish flag on the surface, after which the coast guard retreated to international waters, before again turning back in the direction of Turkey.

    A number of Turkish naval officers watched the Greek vessel from the deck of the submarine from an even closer distance, the agency said, while releasing photographs of the incident.

    The tension was defused at 3.20 p.m. when Turkish fishermen returned to the coast and the Greek coast guard went back to Kos. The Turkish submarine then continued on its normal route.

  47. Western sanctions have no impact on Russian foreign policy — Russia’s ambassador to OSCE ...

    The West-imposed sanctions are having no impact on Russia’s foreign policy, which will be pursued further and will be brought to the end, Andrey Kelin, Russia’s permanent representative to the OSCE, said in an interview aired by the Rossiya 24 TV news channel on Monday.

    The EU discussed its blacklist of persons forbidden to enter the EU countries at a meeting in Brussels today.

    “The EU list will apparently get longer. During the day my western colleagues kept coming up to me asking how the sanctions were affecting us,” Kelin said adding that his answer was predictable.

    “The sanctions have absolutely no impact on the foreign policy line. It has remained unchanged. It will be continued and I believe that it it’s going to be brought to the end,” Kelin stressed.

  48. Nato will durch Schüren von Russenhass ihre Präsenz an Russlands Grenzen begründen - Außenamtssprecherin....

    Die Nato dreht das Schwungrad der russlandfeindlichen Stimmungen weiter, um ihre Pläne zur Verstärkung der militärischen Präsenz der Allianz an den Grenzen Russlands zu rechtfertigen, wie Marija Sacharowa, Vizedirektorin des PR-Amtes des russischen Außenministeriums, am Montag in Moskau in einem Kommentar zur jüngsten Äußerung des neuen Allianzchefs Jens Stoltenberg über eine Ausweitung der Nato-Aktivitäten sagte.

    „Bedauerlicherweise können wir sehen, dass die Allianz keine konstruktive Erörterung der schärfer gewordenen Probleme anstrebt, sondern das Schwungrad der russlandfeindlichen Stimmungen weiterdreht, um die Pläne zur Festigung des Verteidigungspotentials der Allianz und zur Stärkung der militärischen Präsenz der Nato in der Nähe der Grenzen Russlands, die für die Sicherheit in der euroatlantischen Region ernste Risiken schaffen, zu rechtfertigen“, so die Sprecherin...............

  49. Local population increases support for DPR and LPR - Kelin...

    The fact that the local population has considerably increased support for the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics (DPR and LPR) has to be reckoned with, Andrei Kelin, Russia’s Permanent Representative to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), said an interview aired by the Rossiya 24 TV news channel on Monday.

    “Kiev and the newly-elected leadership of the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics should establish a direct dialogue,” the Russian diplomat said.

    “By the way, our Western colleagues admit that a huge number of people in the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics voted exactly for the idea of creation of DPR and LPR,” Kelin went on to say.

    If previously, Kelin said, the majority of local people were neutral to the idea, today they are actively advocating the creation of these new entities...............

  50. U.S. 'disappointed' with Iran's IAEA cooperation ahead of nuclear talks...

    The United States is disappointed with Iran's failure to engage with a U.N. nuclear agency investigation into suspected atomic bomb research, a U.S. envoy said on Monday.

    Western officials say Iran must improve cooperation with the long-running International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inquiry as part of a broader diplomatic settlement which Tehran and six world powers aim to reach by a self-imposed Nov. 24 deadline.......................

  51. Turkey backs removal of Assad regime ...

    Turkey backs the removal of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, the Turkish foreign minister said on Monday.

    "We have no hesitation on the removal of Assad," Mevlut Cavusoglu said during a live TV interview.

    CNN reported on Thursday that U.S. President Barack Obama was calling for a review of his nation's Syria policy, after realizing that ISIL could not be defeated unless Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was also removed.

    Saying that Turkey has no serious differences of opinion with the U.S., Cavusoglu continued by saying "a clear policy on how to remove Assad has not arisen."..............

  52. Russia in upgraded war of words with NATO ...

    MOSCOW, Nov. 17 (Xinhua) -- Russia slammed NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg on Monday over his recent anti-Moscow remarks, accusing the bloc chief of lauding "idle inventions".

    "Instead of doing some concrete work in looking for a settlement of the Ukrainian internal conflict, Stoltenberg has joined in the efforts of propagating idle inventions ... about supposed movements of Russian armaments across the Ukrainian border," Russia's Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova said in a statement.

    The remarks made by Stoltenberg, who took the current position in October, were primarily based on principles and instructions that reflected the consolidated opinion of all 28 member countries of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Zhkharova said..........

  53. Huge blast rocks Afghanistan's capital ...

    KABUL - A powerful explosion rocked Afghanistan's capital early on Tuesday, sending a plume of black smoke over the city just after dawn.

    The cause and extent of casualties, if any, were not immediately known.

    Bomb attacks targeting foreign troops and Afghan government officials and security forces have intensified as the international military coalition draws down, leaving the fight against the Taliban insurgency mostly to Afghan forces...........

  54. EU concerned by Russian-Abkhazian, Russian-S Ossetian draft agreements ...

    EU High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy Federica Mogherini said on Monday the EU was concerned by the drafting of agreements on allied relations and integration between Russia and the two young South Caucasian nations, Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

    As she spoke upon the end of the first session of the EU-Georgia association council, she said the discussions of a far-reaching agreement between Russia and the de facto Abkhazian authorities and similar activities between Russia and the de facto authorities of South Ossetia were causing joint concern in the EU and Georgia.

    She claimed that steps of the kind were spearheaded against Georgia’s territorial integrity and did not work towards de-escalation in the region.

    In the light of it, Mogherini reaffirmed the EU’s commitment to the territorial integrity of Georgia and she said she would make the European concerns known to the Russian leadership..................

  55. Jérusalem : plusieurs morts dans l'attaque d'une synagogue à l'arme blanche ...

    Une dizaine de juifs qui priaient dans une synagogue de Jérusalem ont été attaqués mardi matin par deux agresseurs armés de haches et de couteaux. Quatre fidèles sont morts. Les deux assaillants ont été abattus par la police.

    Deux hommes armés de haches et de couteaux ont blessé une dizaine de personnes mardi 18 novembre dans une synagogue à Jérusalem, avant d'être tués par les forces de l'ordre, a déclaré Micky Rosenfeld, un porte-parole de la police. "Nous considérons cela comme une attaque terroriste", a-t-il poursuivi. Le bilan des victimes, encore confus, évolue vite. La police a annoncé la mort de quatre fidèles dans la matinée.

    "Deux terroristes sont entrés dans une synagogue dans le quartier de Har Nof armés d'un pistolet, de haches et de couteaux. Ils ont attaqué les fidèles avant d'être neutralisés", a indiqué la police en précisant qu'ils avaient été abattus.............

  56. Moscow hopes "point of no return" not passed in relations with EU — Lavrov ...

    Moscow hopes that the “point of no return” in the relations between Russia and the European Union has not yet been passed, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Tuesday.

    Lavrov said “the EU line towards the Ukrainian crisis, including “the application of ‘double standards,’” as well as attempts to shift the responsibility on others and to use sanctions pressure — all this undermines trust and stability on the continent.

    “We hope that the "point of no return" has not yet been passed,” Lavrov said at a joint session of collegiums of Russian and Belarusian foreign ministries................

  57. Tuesday's murderous attack in Jerusalem is a direct result of incitement led by Hamas and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and irresponsibly ignored by the international community, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said in his initial reaction to the Har Nof terrorist attack....

    “We will respond with a firm hand against the cruel murder of Jews who came to pray,” he said.

    Netanyahu will convene Tuesday afternoon emergency security consultations.

  58. Lukaschenko: Westliche Aktivitäten an Grenzen zu Weißrussland und Russland besorgniserregend...

    Der weißrussische Präsident Alexander Lukaschenko hat Besorgnis über westliche Aktivitäten an den Grenzen zu Weißrussland und Russland geäußert.

    „Die Situation an unseren westlichen Grenzen bereitet uns Sorgen“, sagte Lukaschenko am Dienstag in Minsk bei seinem Gespräch mit dem russischen Außenminister Sergej Lawrow.

    „Wir können uns mit den Aktivitäten westlicher Länder an der Westgrenze des (russisch-weißrussischen) Unionsstaates nicht abfinden.“ Lukaschenko schlug vor, eine einheitliche Haltung der beiden Unionsstaaten festzulegen. Deshalb komme seinem heutigen Treffen mit Lawrow eine besondere Bedeutung zu.

    Des Weiteren verwies Lukaschenko auf ein Eskalieren der Lage in der Ukraine. „Wir haben sehr gehofft, dass die Entwicklung nach der ukrainischen Wahl in eine bessere Richtung - die Richtung der Stabilität - geht, was wir nun leider nicht sehen.“

  59. Germany should help find well-balanced solutions as EU leader — Lavrov ...

    No one expects a breakthrough in Ukrainian settlement from a German foreign minister’s visit in Moscow, but it is important that Germany will help find well-balanced solutions, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Tuesday.

    “No one expects a breakthrough in Ukrainian settlement from German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier’s visit,” the minister noted, adding that Moscow, however, "values regular dialogue with Berlin.”..........

  60. Moscou dénonce le refus de l'Australie de livrer de l'uranium en Russie ...

    Le refus de l'Australie de livrer de l'uranium en Russie témoigne du fait que ce pays ne peut être considéré comme un partenaire fiable, a annoncé mardi le ministère russe des Affaires étrangères.

    "Nous avons prêté attention aux déclarations faites par l'ambassadeur australien à Moscou Paul Myler selon lesquelles son pays avait renoncé aux livraisons d'uranium en Russie en raison de la perte de confiance à notre égard. Paul Myler a de facto accusé la Russie d'une potentielle violation des engagements en matière de non-prolifération nucléaire", a indiqué le ministère dans un communiqué de presse.

    "De tels propos confirment une fois de plus la déconnection de la réalité des déclarations émises par certains représentants des élites australiennes", lit-on dans le document.................

  61. Russia bans meat imports from Montenegro on suspicion of smuggling from EU...

    The Russian agricultural watchdog Rosselkhoznadzor has banned the imports of meat products from Montenegro over suspected attempts to smuggle products from the EU, assistant to the Rosselkhoznadzor head Alexey Alexeyenko said on Tuesday.

    “Illegal re-exports of meat products from European Union countries are the main cause for the ban,” he said. “Meat product deliveries from Montenegro have risen significantly lately, in volumes which the country could not produce by itself,” the assistant to the Rosselkhoznadzor head said.

    Montenegro mainly supplied pork and pork products to Russia. “Montenegro was not a major player on the market of imported meat products. The ban will not do harm to the range of imported products,” he said.......................

  62. More Moldovans in favour of joining Customs Union than EU — poll ...

    The majority of Moldovan citizens favour their country’s accession to the Customs Union of Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, as follows from a recent opinion poll, conducted by the Institute for Public Policy in Chisinau.

    “If a referendum on the issue took place in Moldova this weekend, about 47% of respondents would vote for the country’s entry into the Customs Union,” Arkady Barbaroshie, the institute’s director, said on Tuesday, adding that 29% would vote against, while another 7% would ignore the plebiscite.

    “About 44% of Moldovans said they would support accession to the European Union, 35% would be against it, and 5% said they would not vote at all,” Barbaroshie said. “Besides, 51% of citizens would oppose the republic’s joining NATO, while 52% considered neutrality policy as the best guarantee for the country’s security.”..................

  63. Violence after attack on Jerusalem synagogue ...

    Fighting between police and Palestinians in Jerusalem and the West Bank after four Israelis were killed in a synagogue.

    Fighting has broken out between Israeli police and Palestinians in Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank following an attack on a synagogue in the west of the city in which four Israelis were killed by two Palestinian men.

    The Palestinian attackers, who police said were armed with a gun and axes, were shot dead by police after gaining entrance to the Har Nof Synagogue on Tuesday.

    Palestinian medical sources told Al Jazeera that at least 35 Palestinians were wounded in the confrontations between the Israeli security forces and Palestinian protesters in Jerusalem after the synagogue attack.

    Sources said that 10 Palestinians were wounded in Al Ram, located in northeast Jerusalem, and 25 others were wounded in Sur Baher, south of the city...............

  64. Peshmerga kills Turkish jihadists in Iraq: Sources ...

    Kurdish Peshmerga forces have assaulted a village in northern Iraq and killed 25 Islamist militants, most of whom are reported as Turkish jihadists, sources have claimed.

    Islamist militants Nov. 17 reportedly launched an operation into a village in the area around the Mosul Dam that has been controlled by the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) security forces, Doğan News Agency reported on Nov. 18.................

  65. Syria Kurds Advance in Heart of Kobani, Seize ISIL Weapons ...

    Syrian Kurds fighting the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant terrorist group in the flashpoint town of Kobani made new gains Tuesday, expelling the terrorists from several central buildings and seizing weapons, a monitor said.

    The advance came hours after the US-led coalition launched four strikes against ISIL positions in central Kobani, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.

    The Kurdish People's Protection Units (YPG) staged a "special operation" during which they captured six buildings used by ISIL, said the Britain-based group, which relies on a network of sources in Syria. Thirteen ISIL militants were killed, it said.

    The Kurds "captured a large amount of weapons and ammunition, including RPG (rocket-propelled grenade) rounds, light weapons, sniper guns and thousands of heavy machine gun rounds," the Observatory said.....................

  66. Spain files suit against Catalonia head over secession vote ...

    Spain's state prosecutor will sue Catalan leader Artur Mas for defying a court ruling and holding a symbolic vote on the regions's independence from the rest of the country.

    If successful, the legal action against Mas - likely to be on charges of disobedience and provocation - could block him from taking part in future regional elections..................

  67. Weißes Haus: USA und EU erwägen Verschärfung von Russland-Sanktionen ...

    Die USA und die Europäische Union erwägen eine Verschärfung der gegen Russland verhängten Sanktionen. Das teilte ein ranghoher Vertreter der US-Administration am Dienstag in Washington mit.

    „Ich würde sagen, dass wir derzeit intensivere Sanktionen gegen Russland erörtern“, fügte der Sprecher hinzu.

    „US-Präsident (Barack Obama) und seine europäischen Kollegen hatten am Rande des G20-Gipfels in Australien mit einer Diskussion über weitere Schritte zum verstärkten Druck auf Russland und über die Gewährung weiterer Hilfe für die Ukraine begonnen. Diese beiden Initiativen sind äußerst wichtig“, sagte er.

    Für diesen Freitag ist ein Besuch von US-Vizepräsident Joe Biden in der Ukraine geplant.

  68. Wladimir Putin übt Kritik an Washington: "Die USA wollen Russland unterwerfen"...

    Wladimir Putin steht wegen der Ukraine-Krise international am Pranger. Dennoch teilt der Präsident weiter aus. Außenminister Frank-Walter Steinmeier ist überraschend in den Kreml eingeladen worden.

    Auf seiner diplomatischen Mission zur Eindämmung der Ukraine-Krise ist Bundesaußenminister Frank-Walter Steinmeier (SPD) überraschend vom russischen Präsidenten Wladimir Putin eingeladen worden. Das Treffen findet im Kreml statt, verlautete es aus Delegationskreisen. Aussicht auf einen Durchbruch gab es indes kaum. Es gebe keinen Grund für Optimismus, erklärte Steinmeier selbst kurz zuvor..............

  69. Less than half of UN member-states vote for resolution on human rights violations in Iran...

    Less than half of 193 UN member-states on Tuesday upheld a resolution accusing Iran of serious violations of human rights.

    However, the resolution was adopted by the simple majority of votes.

    Seventy-eight countries, mainly NATO members and Israel, supported the resolution presented by Canada at the UN General Assembly Third Committee. Thirty five states, including Russia, Belarus, Bolivia, Egypt, India, Iraq, Kazakhstan, China, the DPRK, Cuba and Lebanon, came against the document. Another 69 countries abstained. Among them are Brazil, Jordan, Libya, Saudi Arabia and South Africa.

    The document voices deep concern over violations of human rights in Iran, including over serious restrictions of the rights to peaceful assembly, the freedom of opinions and expressions, and systematic persecutions of human rights activists and repressions against journalists, bloggers and users of social networks................

  70. Australian Immigration and Border Protection Minister Scott Morrison has announced that Indonesian asylum seekers who registered with the United Nations after June 30 this year will not be granted resettlement in Australia...

    Previously, asylum seekers had been placed on a waiting list, where they would remain in Indonesia before being redirected to Australia.

    The move intends to halt people smugglers' practice of using Indonesia as a transit location for Australian shores, he said.

    "We're trying to stop people from thinking that it's okay to come into Indonesia and use that as a waiting ground to get to Australia," Morrison told The ABC on Wednesday morning...................

  71. Statement by High Representative/Vice President Federica Mogherini following her meeting with Deputy Prime Minister of Serbia, Ivica Dačić ...

    "I was pleased to meet today Serbia’s First Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ivica Dačić for the first time in my new capacity.

    During our discussions we exchanged views on progress in the EU facilitated dialogue and implementation of agreements. I hope to see the high-level dialogue resume soon, but the EU expects Belgrade and Pristina to continue working on implementation in the meantime.

    We reviewed together progress in the EU-Serbia relations, including in the accession negotiations. I reiterated to First Deputy Prime Minister Dačić our position on the need for Serbia's progressive alignment with the EU’s foreign policy.

    We also discussed foreign policy challenges that we are facing today. I was particularly interested to hear First Deputy Prime Minister Dačić's views in light of the upcoming Serbian chairmanship of the OSCE. We agreed that the crisis in Ukraine is a first priority and needs to be resolved in accordance with the fundamental principles of the OSCE.

    I look forward to working very closely with Ivica Dačić in the coming period."

  72. Grande Barrière de corail l'état d'urgence ...

    Le joyau marin de l'Australie se dégrade dangereusement. Pollution, trafic maritime, projets d'infrastructures menacent le site, que l'Unesco envisage d'inscrire sur la liste du patrimoine mondial en péril.

    C'est un monde multicolore, empreint de sérénité. Un « monde du silence » d'une extraordinaire biodiversité. Des milliers d'espèces différentes s'y côtoient. Plus de 3.000 sortes de mollusques ; 600 coraux différents, dont certains vieux de plus de quatre siècles ; 1.600 espèces de poissons, dont le célèbre poisson-clown ; près de 140 requins et raies divers ou encore 6 races de tortues marines. Un cadeau des dieux aussi vaste que l'Italie, qui longe sur 2.300 kilomètres la côte nord-est de l'Etat australien du Queensland. La Grande Barrière de corail, l'icône absolue de l'Australie, est pourtant en danger. Trente-quatre ans après l'avoir classé au patrimoine mondial de l'humanité, l'Unesco pourrait décider en juin prochain d'inscrire le site sur la liste du patrimoine mondial en péril. Ce serait un véritable camouflet pour le gouvernement australien, qui vient juste d'achever la consultation publique sur le Plan de développement durable de la Grande Barrière à l'horizon 2050. Pour Canberra, le temps presse.

    Les autorités australiennes se préoccupent pourtant du problème de longue date. Dès 1975, conscientes de l'inestimable valeur du site, elles ont créé la Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA), véritable centre d'expertise destiné à protéger le site pour les générations futures. Quatre ans plus tard, un accord est signé entre l'Etat du Queensland et l'exécutif fédéral pour gérer au quotidien cette Grande Barrière qui accueille chaque année pas moins de 2 millions de touristes, génère 5,4 milliards de dollars australliens (3,8 milliards d'euros) de recettes et près de 70.000 emplois......

  73. U.S. Vice President Joe Biden has left Washington for a five day trip that will include talks with leaders in Ukraine later this week....

    A senior White house official says Biden on Friday will convey U.S. concerns about "Russia’s ongoing violations of the September 5th Minsk agreement with Ukraine." The agreement called for a ceasefire between Kyiv and pro-Russian separatists.

    The White House says Russia has not taken meaningful steps to implement its obligations under the agreement, such as removing all of its troops from Ukraine and stopping the flow of mercenaries, weapons and equipment across the border. The U.S. says Moscow has also failed to allow an international observer mission to monitor the international border between Russia and Ukraine.

    While in Ukraine, Biden will chair a roundtable discussion on anti-corruption and rule of law reforms.

    Biden's trip will also include stops in Morocco and Turkey.

  74. Israel blows up home of Palestinian who rammed car at Jerusalem tram stop ...

    (Reuters) - Israel on Wednesday destroyed the home of a Palestinian who last month ran over and killed two people at a Jerusalem tram stop, a day after two militants killed four rabbis and a policeman at a synagogue in the city.

    The home of Abdel-Rahman Shaloudi, 21, was blown up before dawn, police and the military said. East Jerusalem resident Shaloudi was shot dead by police as he tried to flee after mowing down commuters at a light railway stop on Oct. 22.

    A three-month-old baby, a U.S. citizen, and a 22-year-old tourist from Ecuador were killed when he rammed the tram stop with his car. Seven other people were injured.

    Shaloudi's home in the East Jerusalem neighborhood of Silwan, adjacent to the old walled city, has been a scene of confrontations since the incident, which his family has said was a traffic accident..................

  75. Gorbachev believes West accepts Crimea’s reunification with Russia ...

    Mikhail Gorbachev, the former Soviet President and the Nobel Peace Prize winner, said on Wednesday he believes the West has accepted Crimea’s choice to rejoin Russia.

    “In my opinion, it (the West) has already put up with this,” the former Soviet leader said in an interview with the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper, answering a question whether the West has accepted the fact that Crimea is now part of Russia.

    According to Gorbachev, the current Ukrainian crisis results from the hasty collapse of the Soviet Union after the so-called Belavezha Accords signed by the Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian leaders in 1991.

    “When the Belavezha Accords were being discussed, they should have definitely returned to the issue of Crimea,” he said. “Russia must not be torn away from Crimea. This is its child,” the politician stressed.

    Crimea, donated as a “gift” to Ukraine by Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev in 1954, reunited with Russia in March 2014 after a referendum, which saw a landslide vote in favor of reunification..................

  76. Over 100,000 people displaced by recent violence in Libya: UN ...

    UNITED NATIONS, Nov. 18 (Xinhua) -- The United Nations Support Mission for Libya (UNSMIL) has reported that violence in parts of Libya has led to a deteriorating displacement crisis, prompting more than 100,000 people to flee their homes, UN spokesman Stephane Dujarric told reporters here Tuesday.

    "According to the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR), at least 100,400 people have fled their homes in the past month alone due to intense fighting in the eastern towns of Benghazi and Derna as well as in Libya's southeast and west regions," Dujarric said at a daily news briefing here.

    Since May, nearly 400,000 people have been displaced in Libya, he noted..............

  77. The US Senate voted to stop the NSA bulk data collection program, aimed at collection of American citizens' data...

    WASHINGTON, November 19 (Sputnik) — The US Senate voted in a 58-42 vote against a bipartisan bill that stops the National Security Agency's (NSA) bulk data collection program, targeting millions of Americans.

    "This is bipartisan legislation that enjoys the support of the intelligence community and also the tech community," Texas Republican Senator Ted Cruz said during the vote on Tuesday evening. "But in my view we should take it up and consider reasonable amendments on the floor to make it better."

    The USA Freedom Act sponsored by 19 Democratic and 3 Republican Senators, would end the NSA collection of American citizens' phone records and establish a privacy panel to advise and review the Foreign Intelligence Court decisions.

    The bill needed 60 votes to proceed through the 100-member Senate on to the next phase of debate.

    "Obviously I'm disappointed by tonight's vote," said Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont following the vote....................

  78. EU "not asking Serbia to impose sanctions" ...

    Johannes Hahn, the EU commissioner for neighborhood policy and enlargement, said on Tuesday he had not asked Serbia to impose sanctions against Russia

    Hahn, quoted last week as calling on Serbia to support EU's sanctions against Russia, also said on Tuesday that this issue was not connected to the opening of chapters in the country's accession negotiations.

    I have not asked from Serbia to join the European sanctions against Russia, Hahn told reporters after a meeting with Serbian Minister of Foreign Affairs Ivica Dačić in Brussels.

    The commissioner said that Serbia's foreign policy was one of the topics of the talks with Dačić on Tuesday, but stressed that such decisions are a sovereign matter of the Serbian government....................

  79. Αύξηση των ποσοτήτων ΦΑ του κοιτάσματος «Αφροδίτη» σε ποσοστό 12% διαπιστώνουν οι Ισραηλινές εταιρείες Avner και Delek ...

    Σύμφωνα με σχετική ανακοίνωση στο Χρηματιστήριο του Τελ Αβίβ οι δυο εταιρείες μαζί με την αμερικάνικη Noble που έχουν δικαιώματα στο οικόπεδο 12 εκτιμούν πως τα αποθέματα του κοιτάσματος «Αφροδίτη» ξεπερνούν τα 4,5 τρισεκατομμύρια κυβικά πόδια φυσικού αερίου.

    Οι νέες ποσότητες που ανακοινώθηκαν αποτελούν εκτιμήσεις των τριών εταιρειών και βασίζονται σε στοιχεία που αντλήθηκαν από νέες έρευνες που πραγματοποιήθηκαν στο κοίτασμα «Αφροδίτη».

    Παρά την αύξηση των ποσοτήτων αυτές δεν είναι ικανοποιητικές για να υποστηρίξουν τους στρατηγικούς σχεδιασμούς της κυβέρνησης για τερματικό υγροποίησης στο Βασιλικό.

    Στην ανακοίνωση των τριών εταιρειών αναφέρεται επίσης ότι στόχος είναι το φυσικό αέριο να διατεθεί στην διεθνή αγορά επειδή η αγορά της Κύπρου είναι μικρή για να απορροφήσει το σύνολο των ποσοτήτων.

  80. «Οι αστυνομικοί έδωσαν χρήματα στον περιπτερά για τα νερά αλλά εκείνος αρνήθηκε να τα τους πουλήσει», υποστήριξε ο αντιπρόεδρος της Ένωσης Αστυνομικών Υπαλλήλων Αθήνας, Σταύρος Μπαλάσκας....

    Mιλώντας στον "Ant1" ανέφερε ότι «δεν έγινε ούτε τσαμπουκάς, ούτε κλοπή, όπως διαφαίνεται από την έρευνα». «Από την ενημέρωση που έχω, οι συνάδελφοι από την διμοιρία έδωσαν χρήματα στον περιπτερά για να αγοράσουν νερά ενώ εκείνος τους είπε "δεν σας δίνω"» υπογράμμισε ο κ. Μπαλάσκας και έκανε λόγο για λάθος από την πλευρά των αστυνομικών λέγοντας ότι «οι συνάδελφοι δεν κατάλαβαν ότι έπρεπε να φύγουν και επέμειναν να του δώσουν λεφτά για να πάρουν τα νερά».

    Το βίντεο που δείχνει την επίθεση εναντίον περιπτερά από άνδρες των ΜΑΤ ενώ εκείνος τους κατηγορεί ότι του έκλεψαν μπουκάλια νερού, κάνει το γύρο του διαδικτύου κι έχει προκαλέσει έντονες αντιδράσεις αλλά και τη διενέργεια διοικητικής έρευνας από τη Διεύθυνση Εσωτερικών Υποθέσεων της Ελληνικής Αστυνομίας.

    Ο κ. Μπαλάσκας τόνισε πως οι αστυνομικοί ζήτησαν τη σύλληψή του επειδή δεν πήρε τα χρήματα, προσθέτοντας παράλληλα ότι «είναι παράνομο να αρνείσαι να πουλήσεις».

    «Δεν έγινε ούτε τσαμπουκάς, ούτε κλοπή κι αυτό έχει ήδη αρχίσει να διαφαίνεται από την έρευνα» πρόσθεσε ο κ. Μπαλάσκας................

  81. Libye: première trêve humanitaire depuis un mois à Benghazi ...

    La mission de l'ONU en Libye a annoncé que les différentes parties s'affrontant à Benghazi, dans l'est du pays, avaient accepté une trêve humanitaire de douze heures mercredi, pour permettre notamment l'évacuation de civils des zones de combats.

    Il s'agit de la première trêve depuis le lancement il y a un mois d'une nouvelle offensive du général Khalifa Haftar pour tenter de reprendre cette ville tombée en juillet aux mains de milices islamistes. Au moins 356 personnes ont péri dans ces combats. La trêve ne semble cependant pas être totalement respectée, selon un journaliste de l'AFP sur place, qui a fait état de tirs à l'arme lourde entendus dans la ville, sans être en mesure d'en déterminer l'origine................

  82. Moscou est persuadé qu'un élargissement irréfléchi et effréné de l'Otan est une erreur qui risque de compromettre la stabilité en Europe, a indiqué mercredi le chef de la diplomatie russe Sergueï Lavrov...

    "Nous sommes persuadés, et nous en avons parlé dès le début de l'actuelle période historique, qu'un élargissement irréfléchi et effréné de l'Otan était une erreur qui sapait la stabilité de l'Europe", a déclaré le ministre lors d'une conférence de presse conjointe avec son homologue hongrois Peter Szijjarto, en visite à Moscou.

  83. Nacionalistas de Ucrania quieren erradicar todo indicio ruso de su historia ...

    El ministro de Exteriores de Rusia, Serguéi Lavrov, declaró este miércoles que los nacionalistas que se encuentran en el poder en Ucrania prevén erradicar de su historia todo lo que está relacionado con Rusia.

    "Los nacionalistas radicales que están presentes en las estructuras gubernamentales de Ucrania pretenden erradicar todo lo que existe en su historia relacionado con Rusia", dijo Lavrov durante un encuentro con su homólogo húngaro, Péter Szíjjártó.............

  84. Turkey pushes for no-fly zone in Syria, US still reluctant...

    Turkey has pushed the U.S. to declare a no-fly zone and safe haven in northern Syria, as part of a coalition strategy against the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL), but Washington is still reluctant for such a move.

    Turkey and the U.S. have a “general mutual understanding,” but the two parties have not reached a deal on a train-and-equip program for the "moderate opposition" in Syria, a Foreign Ministry official, speaking on condition of anonymity, told the Hürriyet Daily News.

    Turkey and the U.S. have not reached a final agreement on the number of Syrian opposition soldiers to be trained, or which opposition groups would be part of the train-and-equip program, according to the diplomat, who also noted that there is no exact date to launch the program. The political leadership will soon decide on the issue, the diplomat added................

  85. El líder del Ejército Libre Sirio (ELS), Jamal Maruf, escapó de la ciudad siria de Alepo a Turquía ante la ofensiva de otros grupos rebeldes, informó este miércoles la cadena libanesa Al Mayadin...

    Los insurgentes del Frente islámico, que agrupa a diversas milicias como el Frente Al Nusra –la rama siria de Al Qaeda- o Ahrar Al Sham, tomaron posiciones en Alepo y sus afueras, controladas anteriormente por Maruf, y se apoderaron de las armas que EEUU y la UE habían suministrado al ELS, uno de los grupos rebeldes más conocidos en la guerra de Siria.

    Unos 14.000 combatientes del ELS abandonaron Alepo tras la huida de su líder...........

  86. Les USA veulent instaurer un ordre hiérarchique dans le monde (diplomate russe) ...

    La communauté internationale assiste à une tentative d'établir un ordre mondial rigoureusement hiérarchisé et ayant la forme d'une pyramide au sommet de laquelle on trouverait les Etats-Unis et leurs alliés, a déclaré mercredi à RIA Novosti la représentante permanente de la Russie auprès de l'UNESCO, Eleonora Mitrofanova.

    "Le comportement de ce genre fait généralement en sorte que l'opinion de la plupart des pays membres de l'Onu est complètement ignorée", a indiqué la diplomate.

    Mme Mitrofanova a annoncé mardi que l'UNESCO avait décidé de fermer son bureau à Moscou au second semestre 2015 en raison de difficultés financières.

  87. La délégation russe a déposé au Conseil de sécurité des Nations-Unies un projet de déclaration sur l’utilisation l'inadmissibilité de l’utilisation des armes chimiques dans les conflits au Moyen-Orient...

    C’est ce qu’a déclaré le représentant permanent de la Russie à l’organisation Vitali Tchourkine.

    La partie russe s’est retrouvée confrontée à des « doubles standards » lors de l’adoption de la déclaration. Selon Tchourkine, certains membres du Conseil de Sécurité appellent à donner à cette déclaration une direction différente, sans concentrer l’attention sur le programme chimique des autorités chimiques. La Russie, pour sa part, insiste sur la lutte contre la fabrication des armes chimiques par les terroristes.
    Lire la suite:

  88. Kiev’s decision on eastern Ukraine blockade inhuman — Russian upper house speaker ...

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko’s decree on social and economic blockade of the country’s east is cruel and inhuman, the speaker of the Federation Council, the upper house of Russia’s parliament, said Wednesday.

    “On the one hand, the Ukrainian authorities speak of necessity to retain Ukraine’s territorial integrity, on the other hand, they adopt such decisions, simply pushing part of the population, some regions out of Ukraine,” Valentina Matviyenko told a TASS correspondent.

    “This is just madness,” the official said, adding that depriving residents of a large part of Ukraine of social benefits is very harmful for them.

    She went on, saying that the economic blockade of the self-proclaimed Donetsk and Luhansk People’s republics is an attempt to shift the responsibility for developments in Ukraine’s east to the local authorities and Russia...........

  89. Security Council strongly condemns ‘despicable terrorist attack’ in Jerusalem synagogue ...
    The United Nations Security Council has strongly condemned yesterday’s “despicable terrorist attack” in a synagogue in Jerusalem, resulting in the murder of four innocent civilians worshipping there and a police officer, as well as the injury of many more.

    In a statement to the press, the members of the Council strongly condemned all such acts of violence, and expressed concern about increased tensions, “which have affected both the Israeli and Palestinian people, and urged all sides to take immediate steps to restore calm.”

    In addition, the Council emphasized the importance of all statements condemning the attack and condemning all acts of violence, and encouraged Israeli and Palestinian leaders and citizens to work together to lower tension, reject violence, avoid all provocations and seek a path toward peace....................

  90. Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk said Wednesday that his government does not intend to hold direct talks with independence-seeking insurgents to de-escalate the crisis in eastern regions.....

    "We will not negotiate directly with the mercenaries. If you want peace then follow the Minsk agreement," Yatsenyuk told a cabinet meeting.

    To pave the way for a peaceful solution to the 7-months-old conflict, Yatsenyuk proposed holding crisis talks in the Geneva-format with the participation of Ukraine, Russia, the United States and the European Union.....................

  91. Nato-Chef: Gemeinsam mit Russland nach Friedenslösung in Ukraine suchen ...

    Ein friedlicher Ausweg aus der Ukraine-Krise muss gemeinsam mit Russland gesucht werden, meint der Nato-Generalsekretär Jens Stoltenberg.

    „Wir sehen, dass die Minsker Vereinbarungen nicht eingehalten werden und dass der Waffenstillstand erneut gebrochen ist. Wir müssen aber versuchen, eine friedliche Lösung des Konflikts auszuhandeln“, sagte Stoltenberg, der am Donnerstag nach Estland kommt, im Estnischen Staatsfernsehen.

    „Russland steht vor der Wahl: Entweder einen Teil der Friedensvereinbarung zu werden oder den Weg der Isolation zu gehen. Wir schlagen Russland vor, Teilnehmer eines Friedensabkommens zu werden.“...............

  92. Top Official Says U.S. Should Consider Giving Ukraine Lethal Aid ...

    U.S. President Barack Obama's choice to fill the number two spot at the State Department, Anthony Blinken, spoke favorably on Wednesday about the possibility of providing weapons to Ukraine, which is grappling with pro-Russian separatists.

    Testifying at a congressional hearing on his nomination to be Obama's deputy secretary of state, Blinken said the administration should consider rethinking its policy of not providing lethal aid to Kiev.

    Ukraine accused Russia last week of sending soldiers and weapons to help separatist rebels in eastern Ukraine launch a new offensive in a conflict that has already killed more than 4,000 people..............

  93. Kiev claims military operation in eastern Ukraine complies with UN Charter ...

    UNITED NATIONS, November 20. /TASS/. Kiev claims that a military operation it is conducting in eastern Ukraine is well in line with the United Nations Charter and meets the country’s liabilities under international law, Ukraine’s Deputy Permanent Representative at the United Nations Andrei Tsymbalyuk said on Wednesday at a United Nations Security Council meeting dedicated to anti-terrorism efforts.

    “As you know, the Ukrainian government has been conducting since March an anti-terrorist operation in the country’s eastern regions. This operation fully complies with the United Nations Charter and meets Ukraine’s all liabilities under international law, including human rights norms, refugee rights and international humanitarian law,” he said. Apart from that he accused “one of Ukraine’s neighbours” of “violating its obligations in the sphere of anti-terrorism fight,” which had triggered destabilization in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions................

  94. My mission is ISIL, not al-Assad, says US army chief ...

    The top-ranking U.S. army officer says his duty is defeating the Islamist militants reigning in Iraq and Syria, not toppling Syrian President Bashar al-Assad or leading the transformation in the country.

    “The mission I’ve been given is ISIL [Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant]. It’s not nation building, it‘s not overthrowing the Syrian regime,” General Martin Dempsey, joint chiefs of staff chairman, said speaking at the Defense One summit in Washington on Nov. 19.

    “The counter-ISIL strategy has to exist in both Iraq and Syria,” but as for the military strategy specifically, he said “the strategy is Iraq first, but not Iraq only.”............

  95. Nearly 1,000 killed in Ukraine since start of ceasefire: UN ...

    Fighting in eastern Ukraine has claimed the lives of nearly 1,000 people since the signing of a fragile ceasefire agreement in September, the United Nations said on Thursday.

    On average, 13 people were killed each day during the first eight weeks of the September 5 ceasefire, with a total of 957 deaths recorded up to November 18, according to a new UN human rights monitoring report.

    The number of people registered as displaced within Ukraine also soared from 275,489 in mid-September to 466,829 as of November 19.

    "The list of victims keeps growing. Civilians, including women, children, minorities and a range of vulnerable individuals and groups continue to suffer the consequences of the political stalemate in Ukraine," UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein said in a statement...................

  96. Obama-Berater: Lieferung „letaler Waffen“ an Ukraine denkbar ...

    Washington muss die Bereitstellung „letaler Waffen” an die Ukraine zwecks Verteidigung erwägen, wie der US-Vize-Sicherheitsberater Tony Blinken am Mittwoch im US-Senat sagte.

    Es gebe nur ein Moment, das „Russland dazu zwingen kann, zweimal nachzudenken, und das helfen wird, es von weiteren Aktivitäten abzuhalten“, so Blinken bei einer Senatsanhörung. Es handle sich um eine Erhöhung der Schlagkraft der ukrainischen Truppen, darunter auch mit Hilfe „letaler Waffen“ zu Verteidigungszwecken. „Eben deshalb müssen wir diese Variante erörtern“....................

  97. Rusia previene a EEUU del peligro que representa la venta de armas a Ucrania ...

    Si Washington decide vender armamento a Ucrania, el conflicto en el este del país será cada vez más abarcador, declaró este jueves el secretario del Consejo de Seguridad de Rusia, Nikolái Pátrushev.

    "Considero que EEUU es uno de los países que dio inicio al conflicto que tiene lugar en el territorio de Ucrania. Si ellos les empiezan a vender armamento, el conflicto se seguirá extendiendo", dijo Pátrushev al comentar la iniciativa de representantes de la administración estadounidense de comenzar el suministro de armas letales a Ucrania.

    Por su parte, el representante oficial de la cancillería rusa, Alexandr Lukáshevich dijo que el envío de armas constituye una violación de los acuerdos de Ginebra..................

  98. Moscow shocked by Ukrainian forces firing at OSCE convoy ...

    Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich stated that Ukrainian military forces shooting at representatives from the OSCE is “shocking”.

    Ukrainian military forces shooting at representatives from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe is “shocking” as Kiev should be providing for their safety, Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said Thursday.

    “These are shocking situations. We strongly express our protest over this, considering that the inviting party (Kiev) is obliged to provide all the necessary conditions for safety during the international observers’ work and movement,” Lukashevich said during a briefing...............Read more:

  99. Des prisonniers de l'armée ukrainienne pourraient être enterrés dans les charniers de Donetsk (ONU) ...

    Des civils, les corps desquels ont été découverts par la milice populaires dans des fosses communes près de Donetsk à la fin de septembre, pourraient été antérieurement capturés par les militaires ukrainiens et étaient devenus victimes d'exécutions extrajudiciaires, précise un rapport de la mission de surveillance de l'Office du Haut-Commissaire des Nations Unies aux droits de l'Homme.

    Le ministère russe des Affaires étrangères juge qu'il y a des raisons très sérieuses de croire que les forces de sécurité de la Garde nationale pourraient être impliquées dans les meurtres de civils. Kiev nie cette infirmation.
    Lire la suite:

  100. La Moldavia dice no al gas più economico della Romania ...

    La compagnia del gas rumena Romgas e la società austriaca OMV hanno proposto alla Moldavia forniture di gas ad un prezzo di 280-290 per mille metri cubi, ma questa offerta è stata ritenuta insoddisfacente.

    Lo ha dichiarato il vice premier e ministro dell'Economia moldavo Andrian Candu.

    Il prezzo è di 40-50 dollari più economico di quello russo, ma i volumi proposti sono insufficienti, ha spiegato. Le consegne sarebbero state effettuate attraverso il nuovo gasdotto Iasi-Ungheni, inaugurato il 27 agosto, ma finora non ancora funzionante.

    Secondo Candu, la Romania diventerà un'alternativa alle forniture di gas russo in Moldavia e negli altri Paesi vicini non prima di 5 anni, dal momento che il gasdotto non è ancora funzionante.
    Per saperne di più:

  101. Moldova greets Poroshenko with protests ...

    Moldova greeted Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko with protests on Thursday.

    The Ukrainian leader is visiting Chisinau to meet Moldovan President Nicholae Timofti and attend a heads of state meeting where Polish President Bronislaw Komarowski will also be present. The demonstrators displayed posters saying “Bloody Pyotr” and “No to War.”

    “Despite torrential rain, we have come here to protest to show that the Moldovan people are for peace and are condemning the war in Ukraine. Poroshenko is a president who chose to continue the bloodshed instead of stopping it,” Vyacheslav Valko, one of the action’s organizers, told TASS. He said the Moldovan police were doing everything to prevent Poroshenko from seeing the rally................

  102. Joint Statement on the occasion of the Universal Children’s Day and the 25th Anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child ...

    Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice-President of the Commission, Neven Mimica, Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development, Christos Stylianides, Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management and Věra Jourová, Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality made the following statement:

    "Today as we celebrate the 25th anniversary of the UN Convention on the rights of the child, we wholeheartedly welcome the unprecedented global support for this important Convention.

    This year we celebrate the award of the Nobel Peace Prize to the young Pakistani activist for female education Malala Yousafzai and to the Indian child right's activist Kailash Satyarthi. Both have fought courageously for the girls' right to education which the EU considers as the best investment we can make in development.

    Children have always been and remain at the heart of EU policy. Inspired by the Convention, the EU promotes children's rights through specific Guidelines as well as through the EU Agenda for the rights of the child for internal action.

    In the same spirit, the EU decided to launch the EU Children of Peace initiative after receiving the Nobel Peace Prize in 2012. So far, more than 108,000 children have benefitted from this humanitarian project ensuring education for children affected by conflict. Their number will grow as the initiative continues and more Member States join.

    The EU strives daily to protect children from harmful traditional practices such as Female Genital Mutilation and the Child, Early and Forced Marriage. At the Girl Summit held last July in London, the EU announced funding of more than €100 million for the next seven years to support gender equality and children’s wellbeing.

    Combating the worst forms of child labour, which includes children in armed conflict, remains high on our agenda. The EU actively supported the UN campaign “Children, Not Soldiers”, which aims to end by 2016 the recruitment and the exploitation of children by government armed forces in conflict.........................

  103. Albania and Greece decide to revise school texts ...

    Albania and Greece have decided to reappoint a joint committee for issues relating to texts that circulate in both countries, but also on other issues concerning education. The heads of education of Albania and Greece met in Tirana in order to make this cooperation concrete (photo).

    Minister of Education and Sport, Lindita Nikolla says that the Albanian government has launched an incentive to provide text books for Albanian children to Greece and training of teachers.

    “We’re starting work for the appointment of a joint commission which will have professionals who will have their say, following a study that they will make to books of history, geography, culture and economy in order to see how much these texts reflect the spirit of UNESCO and Council of Europe”, says Lindita Nikolla, minister of Education and Sport in Albania.

    The minister added that this is the first time after more than a decade that schools of the minority community are supplied with school texts in the Greek language before the start of the academic year. She said that the Albanian government fulfilled its engagement to improve their quality by holding consults with teachers from these schools and determined to publish text books which were considered by teachers of having a higher quality...........................- See more at:

  104. Los islamistas intentan tomar parte de los Altos del Golán en la frontera sirio-libanesa ...

    El Ejército sirio libra duros combates contra los rebeldes de la agrupación Frente Al Nusra en los alrededores de los pueblos ubicados en los Altos del Golán, cerca de la frontera de Siria con el Líbano, informa el diario libanés Al Diyar.

    Según el periódico, los islamistas del Frente Al Nusra han trasladado a más de 700 milicianos desde la provincia Daraa (110 kilómetros al sur de Damasco) a la provincia de Quneitra.

    Los islamistas llevan tres días intentando tomar la ciudad de Al Baaz, así como un par de pueblos cerca de la frontera libanesa.

    Las tropas gubernamentales sirias están consiguiendo resistir a los ataques.

    Esta parte de los Altos del Golán es estratégica porque se encuentra cerca de un puesto de control de Masnaa entre Siria y el Líbano................

  105. Lavrov a répondu aux accusations du département d'Etat ...

    En commentant les propos du département d'Etat américains d'après lesquels il aurait fait des déclarations incorrectes, le ministre des Affaires étrangères de Russie Sergueï Lavrov a dit qu'il ne croyait pas avoir enfreint des normes éthiques.

    Mercredi le porte-parole du département d'Etat Jeff Rathke a déclaré que le ministre des Affaires étrangères de Russie Sergueï Lavrov se serait exprimé d'une façon incorrecte en évoquant ses conversations avec le secrétaire d'Etat américain John Kerry.

    Précédemment Sergueï Lavrov a raconté que le secrétaire d'Etat John Kerr lui avait conseillé de ne pas faire attention aux paroles du président Barack Obama d'après lesquelles la Russie représentait une des menaces mondiales.
    Lire la suite:

  106. Ankara Says Daily Russian Gas Supplies to Turkey Decreased ...

    Deliveries of Russian gas to Turkey decreased from 42 billion cubic meters to 27-28 million, according to Turkey’s Energy Minister Taner Yildiz.

    ANKARA, November 20 (Sputnik) — Daily delivery volumes of Russian natural gas to Turkey have decreased from 42 million cubic meters to 28 million cubic meters, Turkey’s Energy Minister Taner Yildiz said on Thursday.

    “Today, deliveries of Russian gas decreased from 42 billion cubic meters to 27-28 million. For us, it is not good. We ensure usual consumption, this is why because of this [decrease] our demand increases every day. These numbers should be stipulated in a contract,” Yildiz said during the 6th Atlantic Council Energy and Economic summit in Istanbul.

    Yuldiz said that this issue will be discussed during his upcoming talks with Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak in Moscow...............

  107. U.S. victims of bombings and shootings in Jerusalem more than a decade ago have cleared a final hurdle to take the Palestinian Authority and the Palestine Liberation Organization to trial in New York for supporting the attacks....

    U.S. District Judge George Daniels in Manhattan largely denied bids by the Palestinian Authority and the PLO to dismiss the long-running $1 billion lawsuit ahead of a jury trial scheduled for Jan. 12.

    At a court hearing on Thursday, Daniels also reaffirmed his decision in 2008 finding that his court had jurisdiction over claims against the Palestinian Authority and PLO despite changes in law at the appellate level................

  108. Lithuanian President’s assaults on Russia exceeding those of Ukrainian radicals ...

    Lithuania’s President Dalia Grybauskaite makes the anti-Russian statements, the extremism of which exceed the statements by nationalist radicals in Kiev and this obviously impedes resolution of the Ukrainian crisis, Russian Foreign Ministry official spokesman Alexander Lukashevih said in a comment Thursday night.

    “On November 20, President Dalia Grybauskaite belched out a new set of rude verbal assaults on Russia in an interview with a local radio,” he said. “She went as far as to label Russia as a terrorist state in the context of Ukrainian events.”

    “She also made an outright appeal to give military assistance to the incumbent Ukrainian regime, claiming that if Russia’s so-called aggression was not stopped then it could spread farther on into Europe,” Lukashevich said......................

    1. La présidente de Lituanie surpasse les radicaux de Kiev ...

      Dans ses propos provocateurs à l'égard de la Russie la présidente de Lituanie Dalia Grybauskaite surpasse les déclarations extrémistes des nationalistes radicaux de Kiev ce qui complique le règlement de la crise en Ukraine, a déclaré le porte-parole du ministère des Affaires étrangères de Russie Alexandre Loukachevitch.

      Dans un entretien à une radio locale Mme Grybauskaite a qualifié la Russie d'Etat terroriste dans le contexte des événements ukrainiens et a appelé au soutien, militaire compris, du régime ukrainien en place.

      « Les politiques raisonnables de la plupart des pays qui ne tâchent pas de plaire aux marginaux et qui sont vraiment préoccupés par la situation en Ukraine, en Europe et dans le reste du monde adoptent une approche différente qui est responsable », a dit le diplomate.
      Lire la suite:

    2. Los comunistas rusos proponen sanciones contra Lituania ...

      El vicepresidente del grupo parlamentario del partido comunista ruso, Nikolái Koloméitsev, propuso romper las relaciones diplomáticas con Lituania e imponer sanciones contra el país vecino en respuesta a las declaraciones antirrusas de la presidenta lituana, Dalia Grybauskaite.

      En una entrevista a una radio local la mandataria dijo que Rusia es un "Estado terrorista" y llamó a ayudar militarmente a las autoridades ucranianas.......................

  109. Israeli security forces have foiled an attack on Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman by Hamas....

    MOSCOW, November 21 (Sputnik) – Israeli forces have foiled a Palestinian plan to assassinate Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman during the summer war with Gaza, The Times of Israel reports.

    "A group of Hamas members from near Bethlehem in the West Bank planned to purchase a rocket-propelled grenade, which would be shot at Liberman, who lives in an Israeli settlement in the area," the Shin Bet, Israel's security service, said Thursday night, as cited by The Times of Israel.................

    1. Hamas denies knowledge of Liberman plot, but says leadership of 'occuaption' are legitimate targets ...

      Hamas neither confirmed nor denied the allegations following the indictment of three Palestinians for a plan to buy a rocket-propelled grenade launcher to blow up Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman.

      "We have no information about this issue. However, we stress that leaders of the "Occupation" (Israel) who are responsible for the killing of children and women and for defiling the sacred sites are legitimate targets for the resistance," Hamas spokesman Sami Abu Zuhri said.

  110. Heute vor einem Jahr, am 21. November 2013, schlug die damalige ukrainische Regierung die Tür zur EU überraschend zu - und stürzte das Land in eine tiefe Krise....

    Die Ukraine gedenkt am heutigen Freitag des Beginns der prowestlichen Massenproteste vor einem Jahr. Präsident Petro Poroschenko empfängt dazu US-Vizepräsident Joe Biden. Diskussionen und Ausstellungen über den Beginn der Demonstrationen auf dem Unabhängigkeitsplatz (Maidan) sind am Freitag in der Hauptstadt Kiew geplant. Zudem ist ein Marsch ehemaliger Demonstranten im Stadtzentrum angekündigt...............

  111. Saudi Arabia beheads Turk for drug trafficking...

    Saudi Arabia on Nov. 20 beheaded a Turkish man convicted of drug trafficking, the interior ministry said, in the latest execution in the ultra-conservative Gulf kingdom.

    Ali Ağırdaş had been convicted of receiving a "large amount of drugs" and was executed in the Saudi capital Riyadh, the ministry said in a statement.

    His execution brings to 70 the number of Saudis and foreigners beheaded in the kingdom this year, according to an AFP count, despite international concern.

    Rape, murder, apostasy, drug trafficking and armed robbery are all punishable by death under the kingdom's strict version of Islamic sharia law.

  112. Un voluntario griego muere a causa de bombardeos en Donetsk ...

    El voluntario griego Afanasi Kosse falleció este martes a causa de los bombardeos en el aeropuerto de Donetsk, informó el presidente de la Asociación de Graduados Universitarios de la antigua URSS, Panagiotis Xanthopoulos.

    Según comunicó, Kosse, de doble nacionalidad -griega y ucraniana- combatía en las filas de los milicianos y al mismo tiempo recogía materiales para su Libro Blanco sobre los delitos contra la población civil en el este de Ucrania.

    «Ha recogido buenos materiales sobre la situación en Ucrania”, dijo Xanthopoulos.

    El amigo del fallecido relató que Kosse investigó el caso de los bombardeos contra la localidad de Sartana que acabó con la vida de seis ciudadanos de Grecia, entre otros, y demostró que fueron las tropas ucranianas que abrieron fuego.

    “Kosse decía que si los medios de comunicación griegos no tienen coraje para escribir la verdad sobre Ucrania, lo haremos nosotros”, recordó Xanthopoulos...........

  113. Washington insuffle à l'Europe la peur de la Russie ...

    L'Europe exagère sciemment les craintes de la population face à une prétendue menace russe, écrit vendredi le quotidien Rossiïskaïa gazeta.

    Et il ne s'agit pas que des élucubrations de certains politiciens russophobes, mais une tendance stable appelée à inculquer à la population du Vieux Continent le frisson de "l'arrivée des Russes".

    L'amplification de la psychose est à la charge des médias. De la même manière que le fameux chien de Pavlov bave en entendant la cloche, la direction de l'Otan inculque aux Européens le réflexe tout aussi persistant de la "russophobie - rien qu'en mentionnant Moscou les Européens se serrent conter les USA et sont prêts à satisfaire tout caprice de Washington".

    La Suède est un parfait exemple. Ce pays a d'abord cherché un sous-marin russe qui se serait rendu près de ses côtes. L'agitation des recherches ressemblaient à celle autour du monstre du Loch Ness..................

  114. Vol MH17 : des restes humains découverts sur le site du crash ...

    Les experts néerlandais ont découvert jeudi des restes humains sur le site du crash du Boeing de Malaysia Airlines dans la région de Donetsk (est de l'Ukraine).

    Leur expertise légale préliminaire sera entreprise d'abord à Kharkov. Ensuite les restes seront transportés aux Pays-Bas où une procédure d'identification sera également organisée.

    En outre les experts ont collecté plusieurs fragments de l'avion.

    Les travaux sur le site doivent durer encore quelques jours, mais la date exacte de leur fin n'est pas fixée................Lire la suite:

  115. Egypt closes schools in Sinai towns as area inches toward open war ...

    (Reuters) - Egypt has indefinitely shut schools in two border towns in northern Sinai as the army prepares to intensify a battle with Islamist militants that turned the daily trip to lessons into a "journey of death".

    Local people say children's education has fallen victim while the military stages air strikes against jihadists, who are targeting soldiers and police, and have started beheading army informers.

    "We are putting our lives at risk on a daily basis," said Mohamed, a teacher who lives in the town of Sheikh Zuweid. "Sometimes there is fire between gunmen and the armed forces and sometimes stray bullets hit some of us.".............

  116. ‘What do you want me to tell Ankara?’ Biden asks Cypriot leader before visit ...

    U.S. Vice President Joe Biden has reportedly called Cypriot President Nicos Anastasiades to ask if he wants him to convey any messages to Ankara ahead of his visit three-day visit to Turkey.

    Biden telephoned Anastasiades to ask him, “What do you want me to tell Ankara?” amid strained ties between the Turkish and Greek Cypriot sides over rights on the energy resources of the divided island.

    According to sources close to the Cypriot government, Anastasiades told Biden, “I want to solve the Cyprus issue as soon as possible. Convey this.”....................

  117. ‘Western policy of destroying ISIS completely unsuccessful’....

    The US anti-ISIS policy only helps them recruit more people, while the only way to fight ISIS is to secure borders and re-examine immigration policies both in America and Europe, retired US Army Colonel Douglas MacGregor told RT.

    President Obama is under increasing pressure from the military to send troops to fight against the Islamic State. It has also been reported that the Pentagon doesn’t have enough drones to use against extremists.

    RT: Do you think President Obama's policy in fighting the Islamic State is working?

    Douglas MacGregor: Of course not, it is completely unsuccessful from the standpoint of destroying ISIS, but it’s an enormous success story for ISIS. It is actually helping the Sunni Islamists recruit new people – more than a thousand every month from across Asia, Africa, and the Middle East.

    RT: What should be done differently?

    DM: First of all, the US should completely disengage from this. This is Sunni vs. Shia war at the regional level that has nothing to do with us. Iraq and Syria do not exist as states any longer. Southern Iraq is now a satellite of Iran, Syria is split between Mr. Assad who is aligned with Iran and Sunni Muslim extremists who want to remove him. Remember, on one side you have the Turks, the Saudis and other Sunni Islamists, and on the other side you have Iran, Russia in the background, its [Iran’s] allies in Iraq, Hezbollah in Lebanon and Syria. So this is really not a fight for the US at all...................

  118. Ukraine accuses Russia of cross-border shelling ...

    Ukraine on Friday accused Russia of carrying out a cross-border shelling against Ukrainian positions in the eastern part of the country.

    "Over the past day, for the first time since the signing of the Minsk agreements, we recorded a resumption of shelling of Ukrainian territory from the territory of the Russian Federation," Andrei Lysenko, a spokesman for the National Security and Defense Council, told a media briefing.

    He said the cross-border shells were fired from Manotsky, a village in Russia's Rostov region, against Kamyshnoe, a village in Ukraine's Lugansk region, which lies near the crossing checkpoint on the joint frontier between the two neighboring countries.

    Besides, Lysenko again accused Russia of aiding independence-seeking insurgents with weapons and sending troops to combat areas of the conflict in eastern Ukraine.

    The accusations came as fierce fighting resumed in Donetsk and Lugansk regions, after the ceasefire agreement signed by the Ukrainian government and insurgent leadership in September practically collapsed.

    Over the past 24 hours, one government soldier was killed and 18 others wounded in confrontation with rebels, according to the press service of the Ukrainian military operation................

  119. The EP is not only the EU's only directly-elected institution, but it also does its best to promote democracy outside Europe....

    This year marks 20 years of European Parliament involvement in election observation. Last year the Parliament sent delegations to observe elections in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Honduras, Jordan, Kenya, Madagascar, Mali, Nepal, Pakistan, Paraguay and Tajikistan. In recent months MEPs participated in missions to Egypt, Tunisia and Ukraine.

    About the observation missions
    Since 1994 the European Parliament has worked to strengthen the legitimacy of national elections and to increase public confidence in elections in countries outside the EU. The Parliament can send delegations of MEPs to observe elections or referendums on the condition that the polls are held at the national level, that national authorities have invited the EU or the European Parliament, and that a long-term mission is present.

    MEP delegations normally form part of the wider EU Election Observation Mission (EOM). When there is no EU mission present, Parliament's delegations are integrated into the missions of the OSCE's Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights.

    To find out more about the importance of these missions, we talked to MEPs involved with recent election missions.


    Fourteen MEPs observed the parliamentary elections in Ukraine on 26 October. The delegation was headed by Andrej Plenković, who judged the elections to have been in line with international standards. Plenković called election observation "one of the best examples of Parliament's commitment to supporting the development and consolidation of democracy, the rule of law and human rights in third countries".

    The Croatian member of the EPP group added: "The participation of members in election observation activities increases the European Parliament's political added value and visibility in countries outside the EU and further enhances the democratic legitimacy of the election observation process.".......................

  120. Ukraine coalition agrees to make NATO membership a priority ...

    Ukraine's pro-Western political parties on Friday agreed to make joining NATO a priority in a coalition deal that will give them a parliamentary majority.

    The coalition agreement inked by the five parties stipulates that a law must be passed by the end of the year confirming Ukraine's intention to push for membership of the military alliance.

    Any step by Kiev towards joining the bloc would further rile Russia, with East-West tensions already at boiling point over fighting in east Ukraine between government forces and pro-Moscow rebels..................

  121. Biden nennt Bedingung für Aufhebung der Russland-Sanktionen ...

    US-Vizepräsident Joe Biden hält eine Diskussion über eine Aufhebung der westlichen Sanktionen gegen Russland erst dann für denkbar, nachdem Russland die Vereinbarungen, die die ukrainische Regierung und die abtrünnigen Regionen Donezk und Lugansk im September in Minsk getroffen hatten, erfüllt hat.

    „Wenn Russland seine Verpflichtungen erfüllen und die Souveränität und territoriale Integrität der Ukraine respektieren würde, könnten wir rationale Diskussionen zu den Sanktionen beginnen. Aber das ist noch nicht der Fall“, sagte Biden am Freitag in Kiew nach einem Treffen mit dem ukrainischen Präsidenten Pjotr Poroschenko. Wenn Russland aber „Respektlosigkeit“ gegenüber den Minsker Vereinbarungen zeige, dann wäre eine weitere Verschärfung der Sanktionen möglich, drohte der US-Vizepräsident................

  122. Mistral: procédure judiciaire en cas de non-livraison (Moscou) ...

    La France risque de faire l'objet d'une procédure judiciaire en cas de non-exécution du contrat prévoyant la livraison de porte-hélicoptères de classe Mistral à la Russie, a annoncé vendredi l'ambassadeur de Russie auprès de l'Otan, Alexandre Grouchko.

    "A en juger d'après ce que nous lisons dans la presse (…) nous pouvons supposer que la France subit une pression sans précédent en la matière. Mais les contrats doivent être honorés. C'est la réputation de la France en tant que partenaire fiable et acteur international qui est en jeu", a déclaré le diplomate dans une interview à la chaîne de télévision Rossiya 24.

    "Si le contrat n'est pas rempli, la France fera face à des conséquences politiques graves et à la perspective d'une procédure judiciaire, car il s'agit d'investissements importants engagés dans ce projet", a souligné l'ambassadeur de Russie auprès de l'Otan.............Lire la suite:

  123. NATO officials admit they have no confirmation that Russian weaponry and military vehicles cross the border and that Russian troops are being amassed along the border with Ukraine, Russia's envoy to the alliance Alexander Grushko said...

    MOSCOW, November 21 (Sputnik) — NATO officials admit they have no credible evidence of Russian troops or heavy weaponry crossing the Ukrainian border, Russia's envoy to the alliance said Friday.

    "As far as I remember, even NATO officials themselves admit they have no credible materials confirming that Russian weaponry and military vehicles cross the border and that Russian troops are being amassed along the border with Ukraine," Alexander Grushko said in an interview with the Rossiya-24 TV channel...................

  124. Ukraine: Neue Regierung erklärte Nato-Beitritt zur Priorität ...

    Die neue Regierungskoalition in der Ukraine hat das Streben nach einem Beitritt zum Verteidigungsbündnis Nato zur vordringlichen Aufgabe erklärt. Der am Freitag, dem Jahrestag der Maidan-Proteste, veröffentlichte Koalitionsvertrag sieht vor, dass noch vor dem Jahresende ein Gesetz verabschiedet werden soll, in dem der Beitritt zum Nordatlantischen Bündnis zur Priorität erklärt wird. An der Koalition in Kiew sind fünf proeuropäische Parteien beteiligt. Die neue Mehrheit werde 300 der 450 Abgeordneten stellen, sagte Ministerpräsident Arseni Jazenjuk. Damit gibt es eine Zwei-Drittel-Mehrheit, mit der Verfassungsänderungen beschlossen werden können. Bei der Wahl am 26. Oktober hatten die proeuropäischen Parteien mehr als 50 Prozent der Stimmen erhalten...............

  125. Abbas warns Israel against 'religious war' ...

    Palestinian president warns of turning political conflict into religious one as clashes erupt across occupied West Bank.

    Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has warned against places of worship becoming points of conflict, as tensions remain high over right-wing Jewish demands to be able to pray inside Jerusalem's holiest compound.

    Speaking in Ramallah on Friday, Abbas warned Israel of turning the current political conflict into a religious one.

    "This is a crucial time, there's terrorism, religious conflict and violence. It is us who pay the price, the blood of our children," said Abbas.

    "I am warning against turning a political conflict into a religious one. Let's talk about politics not religion.".....................

  126. EEUU agradece a Georgia por acoger a expresos de Guantánamo ...

    Washington está agradecido a Tiflis por acoger a tres expresos de Guantánamo, dijo el embajador de EEUU en Georgia, Richard Norland.

    "Georgia acoge a los presos, le estamos agradecidos y consideramos que se trata de un acto humanitario", dijo Norland al señalar que es importante respetar "la privacidad de los reclusos".

    Interior de Georgia indicó que se trata de una iniciativa estadounidense y subrayó que después de un programa de rehabilitación de los expresos de Guantánamo volverán a sus países.

    "En 2010 Georgia ya acogió a tres expresos de Guantánamo que regresaron a sus países una vez concluido el programa", recuerda el comunicado del ministerio.

    Previamente, el viceministro del Interior, Leván Izoria, declaró que Georgia se compromete a garantizar la seguridad de los expresos.

    Según los medios, los tres exreclusos son originarios de Yemen.

    El jueves EEUU liberó a cuatro yemeníes y un tunecino de entre 31 y 48 años. Tres partieron rumbo Georgia y otros dos a Eslovaquia.


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