is trying to seed discord among EU member-states over the Ukrainian
problem, the union’s High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy
Federica Mogherini said on Thursday as she answered questions from the
Italian members of European Parliament at a conference in the upper
house of Italian parliament...............................EU’s chief diplomat claims Russia trying to seed discord in EU over Ukraine
Suspects admit mass killing of missing Mexico students ...
ReplyDeleteMembers of a gang arrested in a probe into the disappearance of a group of 43 trainee teachers feared massacred have admitted to killing a large group of people, Mexico’s attorney general said on Friday............http://www.france24.com/en/20141107-suspects-admit-mass-killing-missing-mexico-students/
U.S. urges Europe, Asia to do more for U.N. peacekeeping ...
ReplyDeleteThe United States is urging countries in Europe, Latin America and Asia to commit more to U.N. peacekeeping operations around the world as Washington considers where it might be able to do the same, the U.S. envoy to the United Nations said on Friday.
The United Nations has more than 110,000 soldiers and police in 16 peacekeeping operations around the world in Africa, the Middle East, Asia and in Haiti. While Western countries used to routinely offer peackeepers for blue-helmeted U.N. battalions, the United Nations now relies mainly on developing countries.
According to Ambassador Samantha Power, this is no longer an appropriate model for the 21st century.
"U.N. peacekeeping is increasingly funded by developed countries and manned by developing countries," she said. "This is unsustainable and unfair. It will not produce the peacekeeping forces that today's conflicts and our national security demand..............http://www.todayonline.com/world/us-urges-europe-asia-do-more-un-peacekeeping
US Lacks Proof of Alleged Russian Military Incursion Into Ukraine: State Department ...
ReplyDeleteThe United States still needs to confirm claims emanating from Kiev that Russian tanks and artillery have allegedly crossed the Ukrainian border, State Department spokesperson Jen Psaki has told reporters.
"There have been a range of reports. I am not suggesting we are questioning them, I'm just suggesting we don't have independent confirmation," Psaki said Friday, referring to Ukrainian reports, which claim that Russia has allegedly moved heavy artillery, including T-64 tanks and Howitzer artillery systems, into Ukraine..............http://en.ria.ru/politics/20141108/195284661/US-Lacks-Proof-of-Alleged-Russian-Military-Incursion-Into.html
Obama calls for European unity strengthening in view of Russian actions towards Ukraine...
ReplyDeleteThe United States believes that Russia’s actions towards Ukraine are a reminder of the need to continue efforts to strengthen unity, freedom and democracy in Europe, U.S. President Barack Obama said in a written statement on the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall released by the White House of Friday.
“On behalf of the American people, I join our German friends and allies in marking the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall,” the statement says. “Like many Americans, I will never forget the scenes of East Berliners courageously taking to the streets, pushing past the guards and tearing down the wall that for so long had separated them from family and friends and the free world. Their triumph that night was a tribute to all those who had lost their lives over the decades trying to escape to freedom. It was a testament to the brave service of generations of West Germans, Americans and our fellow allies who stood shoulder to shoulder through a long Cold War. And it was a reminder that walls of concrete and barbed wire are ultimately no match for the will of ordinary men and women who are determined to live free.”
“Twenty five years later, we celebrate the progress that was made possible by the events of that November night. A united Germany plays a leading role in Europe and the world, and the United States is proud to count our German friends among our strongest allies. Nations across Central and Eastern Europe stand tall as proud democracies. Europe is more integrated, more prosperous and more secure. But as Russia’s actions against Ukraine remind us, we have more work to do to fully realize our shared vision of a Europe that is whole, free and at peace,” the statement says.............http://en.itar-tass.com/world/758704
The United States and the European Union should introduce more sanctions against Russia and supply lethal weapons to Kiev, if reports of Russia's alleged incursion into Ukraine are confirmed, US Senator John McCain has said....
ReplyDelete"If confirmed, today's reported Russian reinvasion of Ukraine should lead to an immediate escalation of US and EU sanctions. More importantly, we must also provide our Ukrainian partners with the military capabilities," McCain said Friday.............http://en.ria.ru/politics/20141108/195287937/Russia-Should-Be-Sanctioned-Further-if-Ukraine-Reinvasion.html
Report: Various European states threaten to recognize Palestinian statehood ...
ReplyDeleteAdditional European nations have reportedly threatened to follow suit of Sweden and unilaterally recognize Palestinian statehood if peace talks between Israel and the Palestinian Authority are not relaunched.
A Wall Street Journal report published late Friday cited senior US and European officials as reporting the potential move that some of Washington's main allies have considered.
"Other European countries are poised to follow Sweden," a senior European official told the WSJ.
"We're not going to wait forever," the official was quoted as saying in reference to the potential of his country to decide to recognize a Palestinian state.
Iraq to demand Kurdish oil money from Turkey...
ReplyDeleteA senior Iraqi official has expressed the new Iraqi government’s intention to demand the money collected in a Turkish bank over the Kurdistan regional government’s unilateral sale of oil through Turkey that sparked a row between Ankara and Baghdad during Nouri al-Maliki’s rule.
“We know that our money is in safe hands. We have not raised this issue this time but it will be on the top of our agenda in our upcoming meeting with the Turkish side,” Iraqi Foreign Minister Ibrahim al-Jaafari told a group of journalists Nov. 7, on the last day of a three-day visit to Turkey. Al-Jaafari was the first senior Iraqi official to pay a visit to Ankara since Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi formed a new government. The visit was described by both countries as the beginning of a new era in bilateral ties after a long period of tension due to al-Maliki’s sectarian policies.............http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/iraq-to-demand-kurdish-oil-money-from-turkey.aspx?pageID=238&nID=74034&NewsCatID=429
Moscou et Washington vont tenter de convaincre Kiev de remplir ses obligations de Genève pour la désescalade du conflit dans le Donbass, a déclaré le ministre russe des Affaires étrangères, Sergueï Lavrov après une rencontre bilatérale avec le secrétaire d'Etat américain John Kerry en marge du sommet de l'APEC à Pékin...
ReplyDeleteLe ministre russe a également exhorté à ne pas favoriser les idées visant à reprendre des méthodes pour résoudre la crise en Ukraine par la force qui « sont dans l'air » à Kiev. Selon Lavrov, Moscou promouvra un règlement politique de la situation au cours de ses contacts avec les deux parties.
Lire la suite: http://french.ruvr.ru/news/2014_11_08/La-Russie-et-les-USA-essayeront-de-convaincre-Kiev-de-remplir-les-obligations-de-Geneve-8804/
Lavrov: Russia Urges Not to Go Back to Use of Force in Ukrainian Crisis Settlement ...
ReplyDeleteRussia urges not to foster the popular in Kiev ideas of going back to the use or force as a method of resolution of the Ukrainian Crisis, promises to contribute to political settlement of the situation in its contacts with both sides, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said Saturday.
"What's most important is not to foster the ideas now spread in Kiev of the need to gain strength and go back to the use of force as a crisis settlement method, but to talk the hotheads off such thoughts and make sure that the commitments made by the Kiev's forces, namely on the course of political settlement of the Ukrainian crisis, were fulfilled," Sergei Lavrov told journalists following his meeting with the US Secretary of State John Kerry on the sidelines of the Asian-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Summit in Beijing. The Minister added that Moscow will use all the efforts to contribute to the political settlement of Ukrainian crisis in its talks with both conflicting sides.
Russian Foreign Minister also stated that Moscow welcomes Washington's interest in creating conditions for dialogue between the Ukrainian authorities and the independence supporters in Donbas.............http://en.ria.ru/world/20141108/195299505/Lavrov-Russia-Urges-Not-to-Go-Back-to-Use-of-Force-in-Ukrainian.html
Mexico gang suspects confess to mass killing. (three new detainees admitted setting fire to the group) ...
ReplyDeleteSuspected gang members in Mexico have confessed to killing more than 40 missing students and incinerating their remains in a case that has shocked the country, Mexico's chief prosecutor said.
In a somber, lengthy explanation of the investigation, Attorney General Jesus Murillo Karam played video on Friday showing hundreds of charred fragments of bone and teeth fished from the river and its banks.
He said it will be very difficult to extract DNA to confirm identities of the victims of a horrific mass murder and incineration that lasted 14 hours.
"I know the enormous pain the information we've obtained causes the family members, a pain we all share,'' Murillo Karam said at a news conference.
"The statements and information that we have gotten unfortunately points to the murder of a large number of people in the municipality of Cocula.''
"International experts have said they can't give a time frame for when they will get results,'' he added..............http://www.ellanodikis.net/2014/11/mexico-gang-suspects-confess-to-mass.html
Libyan protesters stop oil exports from eastern Hariga port ...
ReplyDeleteLibyan state security guards have started a protest at the eastern Hariga oil port, banning any oil exports, a Libyan oil official said on Saturday.
A tanker had been waiting for three days to lift oil but the guards did not allow it, the official said, asking not to be named. The port is only open for fuel imports, he added. REUTERS
Gorbatschow warnt vor "neuem kalten Krieg" ...
ReplyDeleteei den Feierlichkeiten zum 25. Jahrestag des Mauerfalls in Berlin erhob der frühere sowjetische Staats- und Parteichef Michail Gorbatschow schwere Vorwürfe gegen den Westen. "Die Welt ist an der Schwelle zu einem neuen Kalten Krieg.", sagte er mit Blick auf den Ukraine-Konflikt am Samstag. In den letzten Monaten habe sich ein "Zusammenbruch des Vertrauens" vollzogen.
"Die Ereignisse der vergangenen Monate sind die Konsequenzen aus einer kurzsichtigen Politik, aus dem Versuch, vollendete Tatsachen zu schaffen und die Interessen des Partners zu ignorieren", sagte der 83-Jährige. Er wirft dem Westen und insbesondere den USA vor, ihre Versprechen nach der Wende 1989 nicht gehalten zu haben. Stattdessen habe man sich zum Sieger im Kalten Krieg erklärt und Vorteile aus Russlands Schwäche gezogen..............http://kurier.at/politik/ausland/gorbatschow-warnt-vor-neuem-kalten-krieg/95.837.609
EU calls for Palestinian state as tensions soar ...
ReplyDeleteThe top EU diplomat appealed on Saturday (Nov 8) for the establishment of a Palestinian state as the killing of a young Arab-Israeli by police fanned tensions following violent clashes in Jerusalem.
Federica Mogherini, the European Union's new foreign affairs chief, said the world "cannot afford" another war in the Gaza Strip. "We need a Palestinian state - that is the ultimate goal and this is the position of all the European Union," Mogherini said during a trip to Gaza, devastated by its third conflict in six years...................http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/world/eu-calls-for-palestinian/1461610.html
Jérusalem "doit être la capitale de deux Etats" ...
DeleteLa chef de la diplomatie européenne Federica Mogherini a estimé samedi que Jérusalem devait "être la capitale de deux Etats" palestinien et israélien, au moment où la partie palestinienne de la Ville sainte annexée par Israël est en proie à des violences.
"Je pense que Jérusalem peut être et devrait être la capitale de deux Etats", a déclaré Mme Mogherini à Ramallah, en Cisjordanie occupée. "Le défi est de montrer que Jérusalem peut être partagée en paix et dans le respect", a-t-elle ajouté. Cette déclaration intervient alors que les tensions sont à leur comble à Jérusalem-Est, les Israéliens y poursuivant la colonisation, au grand dam des Palestiniens qui dénoncent également des provocations sur l'esplanade des Mosquées, troisième lieu saint de l'islam. "Ce n'est pas qu'une question israélo-palestinienne, il s'agit d'un problème global", a ajouté Mme Mogherini lors d'une conférence de presse conjointe avec le Premier ministre palestinien Rami Hamdallah durant laquelle elle a qualifié la colonisation israélienne d'"illégale" et d'"obstacle à une solution à deux Etats". Le matin, elle avait plaidé depuis la bande de Gaza pour un Etat palestinien indépendant, alors que la direction palestinienne s'apprête à soumettre dans le courant du mois un projet de résolution au Conseil de sécurité de l'ONU fixant un calendrier pour la fin de l'occupation et ouvrant la voie à un Etat dans les frontières de 1967 avec Jérusalem-Est pour capitale. (Belga)
Hamas announced on Friday that it has formed a "popular army" that is ready for future hostilities with Israel, especially when it comes to the Temple Mount compound....
ReplyDeleteA spokesman for Izzedine al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, told the crowd at a ceremony in the Jabaliya refugee camp that "the first section of the popular army for the liberation of Al-Aqsa and of Palestine" would comprise some 2,500 troops, AFP reported..............http://www.haaretz.com/news/diplomacy-defense/1.625306
Iraq says foreign military trainers welcome but 'a little late' ....
ReplyDeleteIraq said Saturday that foreign military trainers heading to the country are welcome but "a little late", after US President Barack Obama unveiled plans to send 1,500 additional troops.
"This step is a little late, but we welcome it," a statement from Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi's office said................http://english.ahram.org.eg/NewsContent/2/8/115068/World/Region/Iraq-says-foreign-military-trainers-welcome-but-a-.aspx
Cyprus accuses Turkey of 'provocative actions' in Mediterranean ...
ReplyDeleteCypriot President Nicos Anastasiades on Saturday accused Turkey of "provocative actions" that he said are hindering the island's peace talks and compromising security in the eastern Mediterranean.
Last month Cyprus suspended its participation in UN-led peace talks with Turkey amid tensions over Ankara's determination to search for oil and gas in the same region where the Cypriot government has licensed exploratory drills in an exclusive economic zone.
"Turkey's provocative actions do not just compromise the peace talks, but also affect security in the eastern Mediterranean region," Anastasiades said during a visit to Cairo.
"For the (peace) negotiations to succeed Turkey needs to show positive intention and adopt a constructive stance through positive and effective steps in this direction," he said, according to a translation.
The Greek Cypriot leader was speaking at a joint news conference in Cairo with his Egyptian counterpart Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras................http://english.ahram.org.eg/NewsContent/2/8/115054/World/Region/Cyprus-accuses-Turkey-of-provocative-actions-in-Me.aspx
Kurdish Regional Government's oil exports increase by 60%....
ReplyDeleteThe Kurdish Regional Government, or KRG, increased its exports to world markets through Turkey to 300,000 barrels per day, according to Kurdish official sources.
The KRG Ministry of Natural Resources announced on Friday on its website that the exported oil amount increased by 60 percent in November. Daily flow rates through the Kurdish crude pipeline to Turkey have represented an increase over the last four months, the statement said. The daily amount of exported oil in August has risen from 185,000 to nearly 300,000 in the first week of November, the ministry added.
The government's plan is to export around 400,000 barrels per day by the end of this year and increase the amount to 500,000 barrels per day by the end of the first quarter of 2015, according to the statement...................http://www.aa.com.tr/en/news/417254--krgs-oil-exports-increase-by-60-percent-in-november
La plupart des pays du monde seront sous la pression des USA (député russe) ...
ReplyDeleteLe chef du Comité de la Douma russe pour les affaires étrangères Alexeï Pouchkov juge que l'exemple de la Hongrie montre clairement que les États-Unis mettraient prochainement leur pression sur la plupart des pays dans le monde. C’est ce qu’il a écrit dans son profil Twitter.
Précédemment, le Premier ministre de Hongrie, Viktor Orban a déclaré que les États-Unis tentaient d'influencer la Hongrie en raison des relations énergétiques du pays avec la Russie.
Le 5 novembre, on a appris que Viktor Orban avait réaffirmé sa détermination visant à mettre en œuvre le projet de construction du gazoduc South Stream, auquel s’oppose l'UE. Selon Orban, les Etats-Unis considèrent cette décision comme un « rapprochement de la Hongrie avec la Russie ».
Lire la suite: http://french.ruvr.ru/news/2014_11_08/La-plupart-des-pays-du-monde-seront-sous-la-pression-des-USA-depute-russe-7187/
Ukraine - Intenses combats d'artillerie dans la nuit à Donetsk ...
ReplyDeleteD'intenses combats d'artillerie ont éclaté dans la nuit de samedi à dimanche à Donetsk, fief des séparatistes prorusses dans l'Est de l'Ukraine.
Les tirs très proches du centre ont commencé à s'intensifier vers 02H00 du matin (00h00 heure belge) et se poursuivaient avec la même force et régularité deux heures plus tard. Cette activité militaire sans précédent depuis le cessez-le-feu signé le 5 septembre intervient alors que l'OSCE a indiqué samedi avoir vu arriver à Donetsk d'importants renforts du côté des rebelles, soit plus de 40 chars et une vingtaine de camions portant des canons de 120 mm. Il n'était pas possible dans l'immédiat d'évaluer les conséquences de ces bombardements, en raison du couvre-feu imposé à Donetsk par les autorités séparatistes de 23H00 à 06H00 locales. De violents bombardements s'étaient poursuivis samedi dans la zone de l'aéroport, au nord de Donetsk, épicentre des combats entre rebelles et forces ukrainiennes depuis plusieurs mois. (Belga)
Les accords de Minsk ne fonctionnent pas en raison du fait que l'OSCE ne contrôle pas suffisamment leur exécution, a déclaré le vice-Premier ministre de la République populaire auto-proclamée de Donetsk, Andreï Pourguine....
ReplyDeleteLes autorités de Kiev et des représentants de la milice populaire ont convenu d'une trêve, d’un échange de prisonniers et ont atteint une série d'accords politiques lors des négociations trilatérales (UE-Ukraine-Russie) à Minsk le 5 septembre.
« Les autorités ukrainiennes ont interrompu l'échange de prisonniers, n’ont pas retiré des armes lourdes et ont continué à bombarder des zones résidentielles. Tout en gros, aucun point des accords conclus n’a été rempli », a déclaré Pourguine aux journalistes russes.
Lire la suite: http://french.ruvr.ru/news/2014_11_09/Pourguine-a-revele-la-raison-pour-laquelle-les-accords-de-Minsk-ne-fonctionnent-pas-6525/
Iraq troops 'seize Baiji oil refinery town centre' from ISIS ...
ReplyDeleteIraqi government forces have seized large areas of the town of Baiji - home to Iraq's biggest oil refinery - from Islamic State fighters, officials say.
They said the troops controlled some 50% of the town, about 200km (130 miles) north of the capital Baghdad.
IS-led militants took Baiji in June, in one of their earliest victories, but did not capture the refinery.
They control large areas of Iraq and Syria. A US-led coalition has been targeting them with air strikes.
A US defence official said on Saturday that coalition strikes had targeted a gathering of IS leaders near Mosul in northern Iraq, destroying a convoy of vehicles.
He could not confirm whether IS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was present at the time of the attack late on Friday.
IS supporters have since denied the jihadist commander was there................http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-29974426
Fate of ‘critically wounded’ ISIS chief unclear ...
ReplyDeleteU.S. Central Command confirmed in a statement that U.S.-led air strikes targeted ISIS leaders near their northern Iraqi hub of Mosul late Friday, without confirming whether Baghdadi was killed, AFP reported.
“This strike demonstrates the pressure we continue to place on the ISIL [ISIS] terrorist network and the group's increasingly limited freedom to maneuver, communicate and command," U.S. Central Command said.
Anbar province MP Mohammad al-Karbuli told Al Arabiya News Channel that coalition aircraft had targeted a gathering of ISIS leaders in al-Qaim that led to the killing of tens of people and wounded many more.
Karbuli said chaos ensued the air raid with ISIS members scrambling to transport their wounded to al-Qaim hospital which was overwhelmed with the number of patients.
Reuters news agency quoted two witnesses as saying an air strike targeted a house where senior ISIS officers were meeting, near al-Qaim..................http://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/middle-east/2014/11/08/Reports-ISIS-leader-critically-wounded-in-air-strike.html
Europarede des EU-Parlamentspräsidenten Schulz warnt vor neuen Grenzen ...
ReplyDeleteDer Präsident des Europaparlaments, Martin Schulz, hat zum Jahrestag des Mauerfalls vor neuen Grenzen in Europa gewarnt und eine umfassende Reform der Asyl- und Flüchtlingspolitik gefordert. Das Recht, überall in Europa reisen und leben zu dürfen, sei die größte Errungenschaft der europäischen Einigung, sagte Schulz in seiner Europarede in Berlin.
Populisten betrieben Panikmache und warnten vor sogenannten Armutsmigranten aus Bulgarien und Rumänien, die angeblich die Sozialsysteme unterwanderten. "Da werden die Fakten verdreht", sagte der SPD-Politiker. Er forderte eine bessere Harmonisierung bei Asylverfahren und mehr Solidarität zwischen den EU-Ländern. "Es ist nicht fair, wenn nur einige wenige europäische Länder die große Mehrheit der Flüchtlinge aufnehmen."...............http://www.tagesschau.de/inland/schulz-warnt-vor-neuen-grenzen-in-europa-101.html
A ministerial committee approved a proposed bill on Sunday that would ensure the wholesale application of Israeli law to Jewish settlers in the occupied West Bank, a move sponsored by legislators who want Israel to annex part of the territory...
ReplyDeleteBut Justice Minister Tzipi Livni, Israel's chief negotiator in peace talks with the Palestinians that collapsed in April, said she would appeal the decision, effectively putting parliamentary ratification on indefinite hold.
Most countries consider the settlements Israel has built in the West Bank, which Palestinians seek for a state along with the Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem, as illegal.................http://english.ahram.org.eg/NewsContent/2/8/115143/World/Region/Israeli-ministers-approve-applying-Israel-law-to-W.aspx
Israel wants to confiscate over 3,000 acres in West Bank ‘for military purposes’ – report...
ReplyDeleteIsrael has plans to take 3,176 acres of Palestinian land around a West Bank village near central Jerusalem, according to residents of the village who were handed orders signed by the head of IDF Central Command, Ma’an news agency reports.
Beit Iksa residents told Ma’an that the orders, signed by the Israeli military commander in the West Bank, Nitzan Alon, were distributed Saturday morning by the soldiers. They gave residents of the village until 2017 to evacuate the land.
Ma’an also published maps of the areas to be expropriated.
Soldiers who are deployed at the military checkpoint at the entrance to the village have also told the residents that a liaison officer would be arriving in the village on Monday to clarify the order.............http://rt.com/news/203659-israel-palestinian-land-jerusalem/
Putin, Abe Could Meet in Japan in 2015, Agree to Work on Peace Deal: Kremlin's Spokesman ...
ReplyDeleteRussian President Vladimir Putin and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe met in the Chinese capital of Beijing on Sunday to discuss the outlook for the Russian leader's visit to Japan and confirm their commitment to reaching a postwar peace treaty between the two nations, Kremlin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.
"Putin and Abe expect the exact date of the Russian president's visit [to Japan] to be agreed at the best time available for both parties," Peskov said, adding the trip was likely to take place next year................http://en.ria.ru/politics/20141109/195386131/Putin-Abe-Could-Meet-in-Japan-in-2015-Agree-to-Work-on-Peace.html
Tourtchinov a refusé de signer la loi sur l’amnistie des miliciens ...
ReplyDeleteLe président de la Verkhovna Rada d'Ukraine, Alexandre Tourtchinov a refusé de signer la loi sur l'amnistie des membres de la milice populaire des Républiques populaires auto-proclamées de Donetsk et de Lougansk, a rapporté RIA Novosti. Selon Tourtchinov, il n'y a aucune condition préalable pour cela.
Plus tôt, Tourtchinov a indiqué que la loi sur le statut spécial du Donbass serait annulée par la nouvelle composition du parlement ukrainien............Lire la suite: http://french.ruvr.ru/news/2014_11_09/Tourtchinov-a-refuse-de-signer-la-loi-sur-l-amnistie-des-miliciens-9192/
BND warnt vor großem Anschlag im Westen - IS will die "finale Schlacht" erzwingen ...
ReplyDelete.....Zuvor hatte der Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) nach einem Medienbericht vor einem "größeren öffentlichkeitswirksamen Terroranschlag im Westen" durch die Dschihadistenmiliz Islamischer Staat (IS) gewarnt.
Der "Spiegel" zitierte am Sonntag aus einer entsprechenden internen BND-Analyse über die "mediale Terrorstrategie" des IS. Darin heißt es demnach, die Islamisten könnten mit einem derartigen Anschlag versuchen, die internationale Koalition zur Entsendung von Bodentruppen nach Syrien und in den Irak zu zwingen...............http://www.n24.de/n24/Nachrichten/Politik/d/5682534/wurde-der-is-chef-bei-einem-luftangriff-verletzt-.html
Four migrants killed after boat capsizes off Turkish coast ...
ReplyDeleteFour migrants were killed and five others were rescued off the coast near the resort town of Ayvalık, after small boat heading to Greece capsized in the Aegean Sea on Nov. 8.
Rescue workers removed the bodies of four people, including one child, and rescued five migrants who were taken to hospital. The migrants had taken a small boat and sailed from the Ayvalık district of Balıkesir province, hoping to reach the Greek island of Lesbos................http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/four-migrants-killed-after-boat-capsizes-off-turkish-coast.aspx?pageID=238&nID=74084&NewsCatID=341
El 80,72% de los votantes de la consulta catalana han votado sí a los dos preguntas propuestas, por tanto, quieren que Cataluña sea un Estado y que este sea independiente, con un 88,44%, según ha informado la vicepresidenta del Govern, Joana Ortega poco después de la media noche...
ReplyDeleteEl 10,11% han votado sí a un Estado, pero no a su independencia. El no a ambas cuestiones apenas ha alcanzado un 4,55%. La participación en la consulta alternativa catalana del 9-N es de 2.043.226 personas. El Gobierno catalán espera que alcance los 2.250.000. Algo antes, el presidente, Artur Mas, ha calificado la convocatoria de "éxito total". Los partidos y entidades convocantes del llamado "proceso participativo" han manifestado su satisfacción, e incluso su sorpresa, por lo que, hasta el momento, consideran un éxito de convocatoria..............http://politica.elpais.com/politica/2014/11/09/actualidad/1415542400_466311.html
A manned space capsule of Soyuz TMA-13M spacecraft with a crew of three astronauts from the International Space Station (ISS) has landed in Kazakhstan, the Russian Mission Control Center told RIA Novosti Monday...
ReplyDeleteMaksim Suraev (Roskosmos), Reid Wiseman (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) and Alexander Gerst (European Space Agency) have returned to the Earth and are currently being evacuated from the descent vehicle.
"Space generation" of fruit flies will land together with the crew. They were raised as part of the study on the impact of zero gravity on the development of highly organized forms of life and are of particular value for science.
Soyuz spacecraft carrying a trio of crew members docked automatically with the International Space Station on May 29. A Soyuz-FG rocket carrying the Soyuz TMA-13M capsule blasted off from the Baikonur space center in Kazakhstan.
During their 167-day stay on board the ISS, the astronauts carried out spacewalks and scientific experiments.
Jordan says scrapping peace deal with Israel impossible ...
ReplyDeleteJordanian Prime Minister Abdullah Ensour on Sunday said it is impossible to scrap the peace deal with Israel under the current circumstances, the state-run Petra news agency reported.
Severing the deal will cause political, security and military consequences, he said, adding "This issue is not under discussions at this stage."
If one needs to cancel the peace treaty, there should be an alternative, he added. There is a need for preparations if Jordan wants to cancel the treaty, which the two sides signed in 1994.
Last week, Jordan recalled its ambassador in Tel Aviv after Israeli escalations in east Jerusalem and violations against Al Aqsa mosque.
US slams Ukraine separatists for 'moving heavy weapons' ...
ReplyDeleteThe U.S. is concerned about movement of heavy weapons and tanks as the fight is escalated in the eastern Ukraine between the Ukrainian forces and pro-Russian separatists.
White House National Security Council spokesperson Bernadette Meehan said Sunday that numerous reports, including from the Special Monitoring Mission of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, has revealed that pro- Russian separatists are moving large convoys of heavy weapons and tanks to the front lines of the conflict.
"Any attempt by separatist forces to seize additional territory in eastern Ukraine would be a blatant violation of the Minsk agreements," she said in a statement...............http://www.aa.com.tr/en/news/417848--us-slams-ukraine-separatists-for-moving-heavy-weapons
The Northern Ireland peace process, Turkey’s recent actions in Cypriot waters, the EU-Moldova association agreement and the Court of Auditors' report will all be on the agenda when MEPs meet on Wednesday and Thursday for the November part-session in Brussels.
ReplyDeleteThe session will start with the commemoration of the 25th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall and the election of the new EP vice-president to replace Corina Creţu who left to become commissioner....
On the eve of 9 November 1989 the Berlin Wall fell and East and West Germany could finally reunite. The 25th anniversary of of the fall of the wall will be commemorated by EP President Martin Schulz and the political leaders at the start of the November Brussels plenary.
MEPs will vote on the EU-Moldova Association Agreement on Thursday. The agreement, encompassing political association and economic integration, would be the first once approved since the EU-Ukraine agreement.
On Wednesday MEPs will debate the Northern Ireland peace process as well as the recent tension created by Turkish activities in Cypriot waters. The plenary will vote on two resolutions on Thursday..........http://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/news-room/content/20141107STO78013/html/EP-this-week-Northern-Ireland-Cyprus-Moldova-agreement-and-passenger-data
Barroso prevede una crescita del nazionalismo nell'UE ...
ReplyDeleteLa crisi di potere in Europa potrebbe peggiorare la situazione politica e provocare la crescita del sentimento nazionalista nella società, ritiene l'ex presidente della Commissione Europea Jose Manuel Barroso.
Nell'UE sono in corso processi socio-economici negativi, come nelle altre parti del mondo: la stratificazione e l'aumento della disoccupazione. Barroso ha detto che dal punto di vista dei cittadini di molti Paesi europei, i governi nazionali riescono a rispondere in modo più adeguato alle sfide emergenti.
Per saperne di più: http://italian.ruvr.ru/news/2014_11_10/Barroso-prevede-una-crescita-del-nazionalismo-nellUE-8305/
Egypt's Deadliest Militant Group Pledges Allegiance to Islamic State ...
ReplyDeleteSinai-based Ansar Beit al-Maqdis (ABM), the most active Islamist group in Egypt, has pledged loyalty to the Islamic State (IS), AFP reports, citing an audio message ABM posted on its Twitter account.
“We announce our pledge of allegiance to the caliph Ibrahim Ibn Awad… to listen and obey,” ABM stated in a 9-minute recording, referring to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of the radical Sunni group, as quoted by AFP. It should be noted that Baghdadi’s fate remains unclear following US airstrikes against the group on Friday................http://en.ria.ru/world/20141110/195425178/Egypts-Deadliest-Militant-Group-Pledges-Allegiance-to-Islamic-State.html
Germany Urges All Sides in Ukraine to Adhere to Ceasefire ...
ReplyDeleteGermany's foreign minister says the situation in Ukraine's rebel-held eastern regions has again become serious and all sides must respect a cease-fire agreement.
Frank-Walter Steimeier said during a visit to Kazakhstan on Monday that everyone involved in the conflict, including Russia, should resume the fulfillment of the cease-fire agreed to in the Belarussian capital of Minsk in September.
His comments came after European monitors reported convoys of heavy weapons and armor pouring into eastern Ukraine from Russia, along with the heavy shelling of the rebel-controlled city of Donetsk...............http://www.voanews.com/content/germany-urges-all-sides-in-ukraine-to-adhere-to-ceasefire/2514357.html
Iranian-built copy of US drone takes first flight: IRNA ...
ReplyDeleteAn Iranian copy of a U.S. reconnaissance drone captured in 2011 has taken its first flight, state news agency IRNA reported on Nov. 10.
In December 2011, Iran said it had captured a U.S. RQ-170 Sentinel reconnaissance drone in eastern Iran that had been reported lost by U.S. forces in neighbouring Afghanistan.
"We promised that a model of RQ-170 would fly in the second half of the year, and this has happened," Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh told IRNA. "A film of the flight will be released soon."
In a video posted by the semi-official Tasnim News Agency, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei voiced satisfaction at the news after seeing a replica of the drone, saying: "Today is a very sweet and unforgettable day for me." .................http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/iranian-built-copy-of-us-drone-takes-first-flight-irna.aspx?pageID=238&nID=74106&NewsCatID=352
Statement by High Representative/Vice-President Federica Mogherini on latest attacks in Libya ...
ReplyDelete"The series of explosions that went off in the city of Sahatta, yesterday where UNSRSG Bernardino Leon was meeting key Libyan interlocutors are heinous acts and can only prevent Libya from reaching a peaceful settlement to the conflict.
These attacks undermine the dialogue process. In the interest of the Libyan people, I call upon all parties to refrain from such destructive acts and to participate in the UN led dialogue process.
The European Union continues to believe that dialogue, in whatever shape or form, remains crucial and that the solution of the crisis requires a political settlement. We fully back the efforts of the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General, Bernardino Leon and I reaffirm EU's commitment to work alongside the UN".
Israeli soldier, civilians stabbed by Palestinian suspects....
ReplyDeleteAn Israeli soldier was stabbed and gravely wounded in Tel Aviv Monday by a Palestinian suspect from the West Bank, police said. A Palestinian man was fatally shot after stabbing three Israelis, killing one, in a separate attack in the West Bank.
The first incident, which occurred near a train station in downtown Tel Aviv, comes amid an increase in Israeli-Palestinian tensions, raising fears it could spark a full blown Palestinian uprising. Israeli police said that they immediately arrested a Palestinian suspect.............http://www.france24.com/en/20141110-israel-soldier-stabbed-tel-aviv-palestinian-suspect-protests-uprising/
Gaza: Ban Ki-moon forms independent panel to investigate recent conflict ...
ReplyDeleteUN, 10 November 2014 – Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon today announced the formation of an internal inquiry aimed at reviewing “certain incidents” reported at United Nations facilities in the Gaza Strip during the recent summer conflict there between Palestinian factions and the State of Israel.
During his visit last month to the war-ravaged enclave, the Secretary-General called for a thorough investigation into incidents where UN facilities – including schools run by the UN agency tasked with assisting Palestinian refugees (UNRWA) – sustained hits resulting in the deaths of numerous innocent civilians and UN staff members..................http://elepiloges.blogspot.gr/2014/11/gaza-ban-ki-moon-forms-independent.html
Serb radical leader Vojislav Seselj to return to Belgrade for treatment on November 12...
ReplyDeleteVojislav Seselj, the leader of the Serbian Radical Party, will return to Belgrade on November 12 after spending 12 years at the Hague Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia, Serbian Vice-Premier Rasim Ljajic, in charge of cooperation with the Hague Tribunal, said on Monday.
Seselj, 60, surrendered to the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia on February 23, 2003. He was accused of inciting inter-ethnic strife and crimes against the non-Serbian population in Croatia, Vojvodina (Serbia) and Bosnia & Herzegovina during the Yugoslav wars in 1991-1993..............http://en.itar-tass.com/world/758987
Naftogaz CEO says Ukraine could do without Russian gas in coming winter...
ReplyDeleteUkraine can do without Russian gas throughout the coming winter, Naftogaz CEO Andrei Kobolev said on Monday.
“My major discontent in this process (negotiations on the winter package) is that we have opted for, as a matter of fact, a least risky variant,” he said in an interview with Ukrainskaya Pravda. “We could try this winter to impose certain measures of economizing, controlling key inefficient elements of consumption, and we have lots of them, in order to bring down consumption and do without Russian gas throughout the winter. I have often come under criticism for such position but it I think it would be useful for the country. The thing is that we should get rid of a number of myths that have been being imposed on Ukrainians for years. For instance, the myth that we will die without Russian gas. This is not true. And we must prove it to ourselves.”................http://en.itar-tass.com/world/759007
OSCE mission to Ukraine says situation in eastern Ukraine is tense....
ReplyDeleteObservers from the Special Monitoring Mission (SMM) to Ukraine of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) said in a regular daily report on Monday the situation in eastern Ukraine remained tense, with ongoing episodes of the use and movement of weapons.
“On 8 November, returning from a patrol to Kramatorsk, two SMM members were held at a Ukrainian checkpoint in Karlivka (38 kilometres north-west of Donetsk). All their identification documents were taken by Ukrainian servicemen. According to the servicemen, the SMM monitors were supposed to show documentation which would allow them to pass the area where the “Anti-Terrorism Operation” (“ATO”) is being conducted. After 2.5 hours both SMM members were allowed to leave the checkpoint and returned to base,” the SMM said in the report over the past weekend................http://en.itar-tass.com/world/759012
High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini said the EU ministers will discuss the expansion of sanctions against Russia next week...
DeleteMOSCOW, November 11 (Sputnik) – The heads of the European Union’s foreign ministries will discuss the expansion of sanctions against Russia next week, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Federica Mogherini said Tuesday.
Mogherini said the EU foreign ministers will discuss “the question of increasing sanctions on Russia and supporting Ukraine next week,” Reuters reported.
Temple Mount violence threatens Jews worldwide, Israel's envoy to Jordan warns ...
ReplyDeleteThe violence on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount endangers the lives of Jews around the world and places Israel’s peace treaty with Jordan in jeopardy, the ambassador to Jordan, Daniel Nevo, said on Monday.
Nevo was speaking during an event at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s Harry S. Truman Research Institute for the Advancement for Peace marking the 20th anniversary of the peace agreement between Jordan and Israel.
There are 1.8 billion Muslims in the world who can be riled just by hearing that Jews are penetrating the Aksa Mosque, even if such reports are false, he said.................http://www.jpost.com/Breaking-News/Temple-Mount-violence-threatens-Jews-worldwide-Israels-envoy-to-Jordan-warns-381412
Netanyahu orders demolition of homes of Palestinian attackers ...
ReplyDeleteIsraeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday night instructed security officials to demolish the homes of Palestinians who perpetrated deadly attacks on Israelis, his office said in a statement.
The order on the use of the controversial punitive measure was made during a security discussion with Israel's defense leadership that was convened in Jerusalem after two stabbing attacks claimed the lives of two Israelis on Monday.
Netanyahu ordered a series of steps be taken against the Palestinians responsible for the killing, "including increasing the number of security forces on the ground and moving forward on the demolition of terrorists' homes," said a statement by the Prime Minister's Office...................http://www.globaltimes.cn/content/891176.shtml
Turkey has increasingly become a bridge for human trafficking, as citizens of developing countries exploit its visa exemption policies to use its territory as a stepping stone to reach Europe, according to a parliamentary report....
ReplyDeleteA commission from Parliament's Human Rights Committee on the issue conducted research on the border with Greece and Bulgaria and prepared a report.
The report found that even people from as far away as the Dominican Republic are being captured at border crossings in the northwestern province of Edirne.
It also cited the mountainous terrain in the eastern part of Turkey, the country's open-door policy vis-à-vis Syrian refugees, and visa exemption practices with a number of developing countries as contributing factors attracting people to Turkey ahead of illegal crossing attempts.
Most recently, coast guards caught 41 illegal migrants off the Aegean district of Ayvalık as they were sailing to Lesbos in Greece...............http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/worlds-refugees-rush-to-turkey-on-way-to-eu.aspx?pageID=238&nID=74134&NewsCatID=359
Iraqi Kurdish PM slams Baghdad over unfulfilled promises ....
ReplyDeleteThe Prime Minister of the Kurdish Regional Government, Nechirvan Barzani, accused the central Iraqi government of not keeping its promises by not sending their share of the budget and not paying salaries of Iraqi Kurdish officials, an Anadolu Agency correspondent reported on Monday.
In an interview with the press after a closed-door session of Kurdish Regional Government Parliament, Nechirvan Barzani gave his insight into the economic crisis in Kurdish Iraq, problems in central Iraq and his solutions to these issues.
“As the Kurdish Regional Government, our priority is to form an alliance with the Baghdad government. If this does not happen, we have another option,” he said.
Barzani accused Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi of not fulfilling his promise to pay the share of the Kurdish Regional Government from the Iraqi budget, where, in exchange part of the Iraqi Kurdish oil was supposed to be sold through Iraq's State Oil Marketing Organization................http://www.aa.com.tr/en/news/418467--iraqi-kurdish-pm-slams-baghdad-over-unfulfilled-promises
Albanian PM denies expansionist ambitions ...
ReplyDeleteBELGRADE -- "Our project is a Greater Europe with Serbia and Albania. A Greater Albania is an obsolete myth that has nothing to do with us," Albanian PM Edi Rama has said.
In a statement for B92 TV, he added that there was no proof that a policy was being advocated in favor of this expansionist project that would include parts of Albania's neighboring countries.
"Show me at least one proof of that in my career or in the career of any Albanian politician that would support they stood for a Greater Albania."
The Albanian prime minister also said he was surprised that someone in Serbia could be provoked by his position that Kosovo was independent. Ethnic Albanians in this Serbian province in 2008 unilaterally declared independence, which Serbia rejected as a violation of its sovereignty and territorial integrity.
"I find it fascinating that this can provoke you," he revealed, and added, "It is not something I dreamed up. It is the reality. Many countries that Serbia cooperates with recognized Kosovo as an independent state." .............http://www.b92.net//eng/news/politics.php?yyyy=2014&mm=11&dd=11&nav_id=92199
Syrian President Bashar Assad is to blame for the civil war engulfing his country and the West should not talk to him just because Islamic State (IS) is "even worse", German Chancellor Angela Merkel's foreign policy adviser said on Tuesday....
ReplyDeleteIS militants have seized swathes of territory in both Syria and Iraq and a US-led coalition is targeting them in air strikes, providing some respite for Assad's forces and prompting some to suggest a possible rapprochement with the president.
"(Despite) the fact that maybe now there is an organization - ISIS - that with regard to humanitarian and human rights violations is even worse than Assad, we shouldn't consider Assad now somebody who can be an interlocutor and somebody whom we should work with," said Christoph Heusgen, Merkel's chief adviser on foreign and security policy.
Mahmoud Abbas, the Palestinian president, has accused Israel of igniting a "religious war" by allowing Jewish worshippers to visit the holy site in Jerusalem...
ReplyDeleteSpeaking at a ceremony on Tuesday in the West Bank city of Ramallah marking the 10th anniversary of the death of Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, Abbas said the visits by the Jewish worshippers were provocative and that Palestinian worshippers would defend the site.
His remarks came as Israeli troops shot and killed a Palestinian demonstrator in clashes near the southern West Bank city of Hebron...............http://www.aljazeera.com/news/middleeast/2014/11/abbas-says-israel-igniting-religious-war-20141111133911922.html
Les représentants de la mission de surveillance de l'OSCE dans Donbass divulguent des informations sur le déploiement de l'armée ukrainienne. Selon le représentant du Conseil de sécurité nationale et de défense de l'Ukraine Andreï Lyssenko, Kiev est préoccupé par de tels faits....
ReplyDeleteLyssenko a exprimé l'espoir que la « mission agira de façon impartiale et ne permettra pas des actions qui pourraient porter atteinte à la crédibilité de son travail dans la société ukrainienne ».
Lire la suite: http://french.ruvr.ru/news/2014_11_11/Kiev-accuse-lOSCE-de-divulgation-de-secrets-8303/
Chinese president starts talks with Obama with call to study history of China ...
ReplyDeleteChinese President Xi Jinping started his meeting with US President Barack Obama in the Chinese government residence Zhongnanhai from a call to study China’s history to understand the country’s people, China’s central television reported Tuesday.
“The understanding of China’s modern history is very important for understanding of modern ideals and aspirations of the Chinese people,” said Xi, who walked with Obama along Zhongnanhai and familiarized his guest with the long history of the residence, including the island of Yingtai.
After the stroll, the two leaders started talks...............http://en.itar-tass.com/world/759193
Catalogne: pas de droit à l'autodétermination possible ...
ReplyDeleteMadrid ne négociera pas sur la question de l'autodétermination de la Catalogne, un droit inexistant dans la Constitution, a prévenu mardi la numéro deux du gouvernement espagnol, Soraya Saenz de Santamaria.
"Le droit d'autodétermination que vous demandez n'est pas possible, ni dans cette Constitution ni dans aucune des démocraties voisines", a déclaré la vice-présidente, en réponse à une question qui lui était posée au Sénat, à Madrid, deux jours après un vote symbolique sur l'indépendance en Catalogne ayant attiré dimanche 2,3 millions de participants.
"Avec ce parti, avec ce gouvernement, ne cherchez pas à négocier sur la souveraineté des Espagnols (...) si ce que vous voulez c'est l'indépendance de la Catalogne et bien il sera difficile que nous arrivions à un accord", a-t-elle ajouté en direction du sénateur Josep Lluis Cleries, de la coalition nationaliste CiU au pouvoir dans cette région du nord-est de l'Espagne................http://www.rtbf.be/info/monde/detail_catalogne-le-president-catalan-propose-un-dialogue-permanent-a-madrid?id=8399146
Turkey promotes united stance against Israel after Aqsa ...
ReplyDeleteTurkish Deputy Prime Minister Numan Kurtulmus has stated on Tuesday that Ankara would call for cooperation and solidarity from all countries that are uneasy with the Israeli government's assaults in city of Jerusalem, also known as Al Quds in Arabic.
The deputy prime minister’s remarks came after the Al-Aqsa complex in Jerusalem, which represents the world's third holiest site for Muslims, was stormed last week by a group of Jewish settlers and Israeli security forces.
"We will recommend setting up an 'International Quds Foundation' as a proposal," he told an Anadolu Agency reporter at Morocco's Casablanca International Airport on Tuesday.
Jews refer to the holy compound as the Temple Mount, deeming it to be the site of two Jewish temples in Biblical times..........http://www.aa.com.tr/en/rss/419086--turkey-promotes-united-stance-against-israel-after-aqsa
UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has praised the Sino-American agreement on the reduction of greenhouse gases, pointing out that it is an important contribution to the climate change issue....
ReplyDeleteUNITED NATIONS, November 12 (RIA Novosti) – UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has praised a US-China agreement on the reduction of greenhouse emissions, stressing that it is an important contribution to the climate agreement to be reached in Paris next year.
"The Secretary-General commends the joint announcement by the Governments of the People's Republic of China and the United States of their post-2020 action on climate change," Ban Ki-moon's spokesman said in a statement Tuesday...........http://www.sputniknews.com/environment/20141112/1014639073.html
Israeli settlers torched mosque, say Palestinians ...
ReplyDeleteAn attack against a mosque in a West Bank village early on Wednesday ignited a fire that destroyed its first floor, the village's mayor said, blaming Jewish settlers for the attack.
The fire broke out before dawn in the village of Mughayer, north of Ramallah, said Mayor Faraj al-Naasan. He said efforts of residents and Palestinian fire services to quell the blaze succeeded only in saving the building's second floor.
The mayor said he had no doubt that Jewish settlers were responsible, citing a previous settler attack against another mosque in the village two years ago and frequent settler attacks against vehicles and olive groves there.................http://www.france24.com/en/20141112-west-bank-mosque-torched-palestinians-israeli-settlers/
South Ossetia plans to seal diplomatic ties with east Ukraine self-proclaimed republics ...
ReplyDelete“South Ossetia’s Foreign Ministry has received my clear instructions to establish diplomatic and other relations with these states,” President Tibilov told local TV channels.
The leader said by acknowledging the independence of DPR and LPR, South Ossetia has asserted itself on the international arena as “an independent state with its own view of political processes in the world.”
South Ossetia has not ended its efforts to be recognized as an independent state by the rest of the world. “Our Foreign Ministry is working in this direction with many countries, including in Latin America and Africa,” he said.
South Ossetia, which declared independence from Georgia in 1990, was recognized as independent by Russia, as well as Nicaragua, Venezuela and Nauru, in the wake of the five-day August 2008 war................http://en.itar-tass.com/world/759249
Russia believes there is a good chance of world powers reaching a deal with Iran on its nuclear programme by a Nov. 24 deadline, Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov said on Wednesday....
ReplyDelete"We aren't looking at the possibility of not reaching a deal by Nov. 24. We are focused completely on the task before us in so far as we have a chance and it's not small. We can't miss (the opportunity)," he was quoted as saying by Interfax news agency.
Seventeen police officers were detained on Nov. 12 as a part of a fresh wave of operations conducted in seven provinces across Turkey....
ReplyDeleteTeams from the organized crime branch launched the operations on the order of the Istanbul Public Prosecutor’s Office.
The police officers are accused of illegal wiretapping, violating privacy rights, forging documents and violating the confidentiality of investigations.
Dozens of police have been detained in operations throughout 2014 on charges of forming a criminal organization and bugging phones, part of what President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has described as a plot to unseat him from power.
The statement of NATO Supreme Allied Commander of Europe, Philip Breedlove on alleged Russian military convoys invading Ukraine are unfounded. Official representative of Russia's Defense Ministry major-general Igor Konashenkov said on Wednesday.
ReplyDelete"We have already stopped paying attention to the allegations of the Supreme Allied Commander Europe, General Philip Breedlove about "noticed" Russian military convoy, allegedly invaded the Ukraine. Repeatedly emphasized that for regular concussion of air in Brussels about the alleged presence of Russian forces in Ukraine are not true and had no fact evidence", - said the Russian general.
According to him, it seems that "as less European public believes general Breedlove, the higher the degree of his alarmist anti-Russian claims."
As previously stated by Breedlove, NATO recorded the arrival at the east of Ukraine for the past two days several convoys of military equipment and military of Russia. According to him, first of all, we are talking about tanks, air defense systems, as well as combat units.
Le ministère russe de la Défense dément l'information sur des militaires qui auraient pénétré en Ukraine depuis la Russie, a communiqué son porte-parole Igor Konachenkov.
ReplyDeleteMercredi le commandant suprême des forces de l'OTAN en Europe Philip Breedlove a déclaré qu'une colonne militaire russe, des chars compris, aurait pénétré dans l'est de l'Ukraine au cours de ces deux derniers jours.
Selon Igor Konachenkov, ces déclarations sont dénuées de fondement.
Lire la suite: http://french.ruvr.ru/news/2014_11_12/Russie-le-ministere-de-la-Defense-trouve-gratuites-les-accusations-de-lOTAN-6984/
Russland bestreitet Aufmarsch in Ukraine ...
ReplyDeleteOSZE und Nato bestätigen, dass ein Konvoi mit russischem Militärgerät und Soldaten die Grenze zur Ukraine überquert hat. Russland will damit nichts zu tun haben...............http://www.zeit.de/politik/ausland/2014-11/ukraine-russland-truppen-grenze
French parliament to hold symbolic vote on Palestine status ...
ReplyDeleteFrench lawmakers are set to hold symbolic parliamentary votes over the next month on whether the government should recognize Palestine as a state, a move likely to anger the Jewish state.
France does not classify Palestine as a state, but says it could extend recognition if it believed doing so would help promote peace between the Palestinians and Israel..............http://www.todayonline.com/world/french-parliament-hold-symbolic-vote-palestine-status
Greece may resort to legal action against Turkey for allegedly violating the international sea law, Greek Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Evangelos Venizelos said on Nov. 12.,,,
ReplyDeleteVenizelos made the remarks at the Greek Parliament in Athens. He was referring to Turkey’s recent move to send a warship to monitor a Cypriot oil-and-gas exploration mission off the coast of Cyprus................http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/greece-warns-turkey-of-legal-action-over-warship-move-.aspx?pageID=238&nID=74243&NewsCatID=510
Iraqi PM Abadi shakes up battered army ...
ReplyDeleteIraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi has removed 26 military officers from their posts, sending 10 others to retirement and appointing 18 new commanders, the prime minister’s office said in a statement obtained by Al Arabiya News.
The move was Abadi's first such shake up of the military since he took office in August, succeeding Nouri al-Maliki, who help the premiership for eight years.
Maliki is widely blamed for the poor state of army, which lost major swathes of land to the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) during his administration. Maliki was accused of pursuing a sectarian agenda that favors Shiites over Sunnis in state administration and the military.
Critics say Maliki built the army on sectarian and personal loyalties rather than on national and professional grounds.
The prime minister holds the post of General Commander of the Armed Forces under the Iraqi constitution.................http://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/middle-east/2014/11/12/Iraqi-prime-minister-shakes-up-military.html
Vojislav Seselj, the leader of the Serbian Radical Party, returned to Belgrade on Wednesday after almost 12 years of absence...
ReplyDeleteSeselj, 60, surrendered to the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia on February 24, 2003. He was accused of inciting inter-ethnic strife and crimes against the non-Serbian population in Croatia, Vojvodina (Serbia) and Bosnia & Herzegovina during the Yugoslav wars in 1991-1993.
On November 6, the Hague Tribunal agreed to temporarily release Seselj from custody and allowed him to return to his home country to undergo cancer treatment after Serbia had provided strong guarantees that he would be returned to the Hague at the first request.................http://en.itar-tass.com/world/759405
Armenia: Azerbaijan Shot Down Helicopter ...
ReplyDeleteArmenia has threatened its neighbor Azerbaijan with "painful" consequences for shooting down an Armenian military helicopter Wednesday.
Armenia said the helicopter was on a routine training mission, but Azerbaijan said its forces shot down the Russian-made Mi-24 helicopter gunship after it tried to attack their positions.
Armenian media reported all three crew members aboard were killed.
The incident has raised concerns of renewed violence between the two South Caucasus neighbors over Nagorno-Karabakh, a region of Azerbaijan controlled by ethnic Armenians.
The downing is the most serious military incident along the Karabakh border since the 1994 cease-fire that ended a bloody war over the disputed region that cost 30,000 lives.
Bomb explodes near Egyptian embassy in Libyan capital - witnesses ...
ReplyDeleteA car bomb exploded near the Egyptian embassy in the Libyan capital, Tripoli, on Thursday though there were no immediate reports of casualties, residents and witnesses said.
The blast followed a series of car bombs on Wednesday mainly in towns under the control of the internationally recognised government, based in the eastern city of Tobruk, which is facing a challenge from a rival government set up in Tripoli.
A Reuters witness said the bomb had slightly damaged buildings and some stores, but it was not clear if the embassy had been hit............http://www.todayonline.com/world/bomb-explodes-near-egyptian-embassy-libyan-capital-witnesses
First Deputy Permanent Representative of Russia in UN Alexander Pankin claimed at the Security Council meeting that Kiev's claims about Russian forces on the territory of Ukraine are used to justify its own misfortunes...
ReplyDeleteUNITED NATIONS, November 13 (RIA Novosti) – Kiev's claims about Russian forces on the territory of Ukraine serve to justify its own misfortunes, First Deputy Permanent Representative of Russia in UN Alexander Pankin said at the Security Council meeting.
"To justify their [Kiev authorities'] misfortunes and the massive sending to the front of people and equipment we are hearing declarations about Russians sending weapons and members of the regular army [to Ukraine]," Pankin said.
He also noted that similar claims from NATO regarding the alleged movement of Russian forces in Ukraine were "propagandistic falsifications" with no proof, adding that the Russian-Ukrainian border received a great amount of attention and could easily be monitored from space....................http://www.sputniknews.com/politics/20141113/1014675612.html
Turkey's effort to play a role in resolving Libya's deepening conflict risks further damaging its strained relations with Western allies, by fuelling suspicions that it is doubling down on a pro-Islamist regional agenda....
ReplyDeleteLibya has descended into chaos three years after the toppling of strongman Muammar Gaddafi, with warring factions battling for control and the capital Tripoli currently run by an alternative government partly backed by Islamist groups.
Turkey's appointment last month of a special representative to Libya, who became the first envoy publicly to meet with the internationally unrecognized authorities in Tripoli, is part of Ankara's efforts to promote U.N.-backed peace negotiations, according to senior Turkish officials...................http://www.todayonline.com/world/turkeys-role-libya-adds-pro-islamist-perception
Statement in the European Parliament Plenary on the Association Agreement with Moldova (Austrevicius report) ...
ReplyDeletePresident, distinguished members of the European Parliament.
Let me first of all thank Austrevicius, Member of the European Parliament, for his excellent report which contains many important recommendations and shows that we have a high degree of consensus on our policy with the Republic of Moldova.
The people of the Republic of Moldova are aspiring to benefit from the same freedoms and stability we enjoy and which are not self-evident for everybody on our continent. They wish to move closer to the European Union, to our unique community. And the aspirations of the people of the Republic of Moldova remind us of what the European Union has achieved over the last decades: we enjoy democracy, rule of law, prosperity, peace and absence of major threats to our sovereignty.
Focus on the Republic of Moldova is important. The Republic of Moldova is showing determination to bring its European agenda forward.................http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_SPEECH-14-1702_en.htm?locale=en
Israel has officially declined to cooperate with the UN Human Rights Council committee’s investigation into the country's 50-day 'Operation Protective Edge' over possible war crimes committed, saying it is obvious the probe will find it guilty....
ReplyDeleteThe Israeli government refused entry to the investigation team on Wednesday, which arrived in Jordan’s capital of Amman with plans to travel through Israel and into the Gaza Strip.
The decision not to cooperate was due to the team’s “one-sided” view of the events, Haaretz reported, citing Foreign Ministry spokesman Emmanuel Nachshon.
“The council’s obsessive hostility toward Israel, the committee’s one-sided mandate and committee chairman William Schabas’ declared anti-Israeli positions” were listed as reasons for refusal by Nachshon.
The spokesman referred to the investigation as “a pretense that some inquiry is being held before the conclusions are published.”
“While Hamas launched thousands of rockets at Israel, the UN’s Human Rights Council made a decision stating Israel’s guilt in advance and set up a probe as a rubber stamp for its known positions,” he said....................http://rt.com/news/205019-probe-israel-gaza-war/
Majority of 529 members in the European Union’s parliament voted for Association Agreement with Moldova....
ReplyDeleteBRUSSELS, November 13 (RIA Novosti) – The European Parliament on Thursday voted in favor of ratifying the Association Agreement with Moldova.
The ratification was passed by an overwhelming majority of 529 members in the European Union’s parliament.
Russian troops move on the territory of the Russian Federation and do not threaten Ukraine, Deputy Permanent Representative of the Russian Federation to the UN, Alexander Pankin, said at a meeting of the Security Council of the United Nations, TASS reports....
ReplyDeletePankin responded to the request from Ukrainian Permanent Representative Yuri Sergeyev to immediately clarify the situation with "many hundreds" of pieces of Russian military hardware, that were allegedly deployed at the border between Russia and Ukraine.
"Let's agree that the military hardware and forces of the Russian armed forces are staying on the territory of my country. They do not threaten your country. They move on the territory of my country. Escalating passions at the Security Council, as if a battle march on Ukraine is about to take place, does not help the constructive discussion that everybody advocates here," said the Russian diplomat.............http://english.pravda.ru/news/hotspots/13-11-2014/129019-russian_troops_ukraine-0/#.VGTP12fm75M
The US State Department said Wednesday that US Secretary of State John Kerry would be meeting with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Jordanian King Abdullah in Amman on Thursday.
Ukraine pulling military hardware closer to Donbass — Russian OSCE ambassador ...
ReplyDeleteUkraine’s army is pulling military hardware, including artillery and tanks, closer to Donbass (eastern Ukraine’s Donetsk and Luhansk regions), Russia’s Permanent Representative at the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Andrey Kelin said on Thursday after a meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council.
Kelin said the Russian side had presented “facts that prove concentration of military hardware (on borders with Donetsk and Luhansk regions)."
“Over the past few days, from November 6 to November 9, we have information about seven cases when army vehicles were pulled to Donbass,” he said, adding these vehicles included tanks, anti-aircraft self-propelled artillery systems Shilka, short-range ballistic missile systems Tochka-U, and multiple launch rocket systems Grad and Smerch.
“What is to be expected from the local self-defense forces? They are reinforcing their positions, since they expect an attack,” he said.............http://en.itar-tass.com/world/759604
Spanish Socialist Party Insists Country Should Recognize Palestinian State ...
ReplyDeleteThe Spanish Socialist Workers' Party will begin voting on a nonbinding motion in the Spanish Congress of Deputies next week, urging Madrid to recognize the Palestinian state.
MOSCOW, November 13 (Sputnik) – The Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) has said that sooner or later the country will recognize the Palestinian state, and the political party will push the country toward such a decision, El Pais reported Thursday.
The PSOE will begin voting on a nonbinding motion in the Spanish Congress of Deputies next week, urging Madrid to recognize the Palestinian state..............http://sputniknews.com/politics/20141113/1014702775.html
Iraq needs 80,000 good troops to retake lost territory: U.S. general...
ReplyDelete(Reuters) - Iraq will need about 80,000 effective military troops to retake the terrain it lost to Islamic State militants and restore its border with Syria, the top U.S. general said on Thursday.
"We're going to need about 80,000 competent Iraqi security forces to recapture territory lost, and eventually the city of Mosul, to restore the border," Army General Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of staff, told a congressional hearing..............http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/11/13/us-mideast-crisis-usa-hagel-idUSKCN0IX1V420141113?feedType=RSS&feedName=worldNews
Holland says its jets intercepted Russian transport plane in Baltic airspace Wednesday...
ReplyDeleteThe Dutch Defense Ministry says two fighter jets of the national air force have intercepted a Russian transport plane in the Baltic countries’ airspace.
According to the Defense Ministry’s statement the incident occurred on Wednesday evening, when a Russian four-engine plane IL (presumably Ilyushin-76 - TASS) en route towards Kaliningrad, strayed into the airspace of Estonia and Lithuania without prior notice.
Two Dutch F-16 jets were ordered into the air from the Polish airbase near the town of Malbork “to escort the Ilyushin out of the Baltic countries’ airspace,” the statement runs....................http://en.itar-tass.com/russia/759631
Der Westen weigerte sich, Beweise für den Einmarsch Russlands Truppen in die Ukraine vorzuweisen ...
ReplyDeleteDie USA und die Länder der Europäischen Union vermochten es nicht, konkrete Fakten darüber anzuführen, dass Russlands Technik die Grenze zur Ukraine überquert hat.
Das hat am Donnerstag der ständige Vertreter Russlands bei der OSZE, Andrej Kelin, nach der Ratsitzung der Organisation erklärt.
Seinen Worten zufolge, hatte die russische Seite in der Sitzung die OSZE-Partner aufgefordert, Beweise vorzuweisen, doch erwidert wurde ihr mit einer Absage.
Seinerseits, fügte Kelin hinzu, hat Russland die Beweise dafür, dass die Ukraine schwere technische Mittel, darunter Panzer und Artillerie, zum Donezbecken zusammenzieht.
Weiterlesen: http://german.ruvr.ru/news/2014_11_13/Der-Westen-weigerte-sich-Beweise-fur-den-Einmarsch-Russlands-Truppen-in-die-Ukraine-vorzuweisen-8314/
Kerry: ‘Firm Commitments’ to Restoring Status Quo at Al-Aqsa Mosque ...
ReplyDeleteU.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said Israeli, Palestinian, and Jordanian leaders have all agreed on steps to reduce tensions surrounding worshippers at Jerusalem’s al-Aqsa mosque. Those steps include Israel lifting restrictions that barred Muslim worshippers under the age of 35 from the mosque.
At issue in the recent outbreak of violence are new Israeli settlements on occupied territory and restrictions to the al-Aqsa mosque, Islam’s third holiest site and the most holy in Judaism..................http://www.voanews.com/content/kerry-firm-commitments-to-restoring-status-quo-at-al-aqsa-mosque/2519910.html
British Prime Minister David Cameron has told a joint sitting of the Australian Parliament that Britain would soon follow Australia's lead in introducing hardline measures to deal with citizens who join the Islamic State movement...
ReplyDeleteAddressing the parliament on Friday, Cameron noted the passage of Australia's Foreign Fighters legislation through parliament last month and said his government hoped to introduce similar measures in early 2015.
He said those counter-terror laws would enable police to have " new powers at ports to seize passports to stop suspects traveling and stop British nationals returning to the UK, unless they do so on our terms".
That would be in addition to "new rules that prevent airlines who don't comply with no-fly lists or security screening measures from landing in the UK".
Cameron arrived in Canberra on Friday morning, having spent time earlier in the day with Australian prime minister Tony Abbott in Sydney..................http://www.globaltimes.cn/content/891824.shtml
UK sets plans to seize passports of radicalized Britons ...
DeleteBritain has outlined plans to seize passports from radicalized Britons and stop them returning from fighting overseas, Prime Minister David Cameron said on Friday while proposing landing bans on airlines that fail to comply with London’s no-fly lists.
“We will shortly be introducing our own new Counter-Terrorism Bill in the UK,” he said in speech to Australia’s parliament in Canberra before he travels to the G20 leaders’ summit in Brisbane this weekend.
“New powers for police at ports to seize passports, to stop suspects travelling and to stop British nationals returning to the UK unless they do so on our terms.............http://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/world/2014/11/14/UK-sets-plans-to-seize-passports-of-radicalized-Britons-.html
British Prime Minister David Cameron said Friday the decision to lift or extend sanctions against Russia depends on Moscow’ s position on the Ukrainian crisis....
ReplyDelete“If Russia takes a positive approach towards Ukraine's freedom and responsibility, we could see those sanctions removed, if Russia continues to make matters worse, then we could see those sanctions increased,” Cameron, who is in Australia to take part in the G20 summit, due November 15-16 in Brisbane, told journalists.
The positions of Russia and Western nations on the Ukrainian developments differ radically. Russia has repeatedly denied any involvement in the intra-Ukrainian crisis, but the West accuses Moscow of participation in clashes in Ukraine’s war-torn southeast and has subjected Russia to sanctions.
Israel lifts age bar on Jerusalem mosque prayers ...
ReplyDeleteMen of all ages will be allowed to attend the main weekly Muslim prayers Friday at Jerusalem’s flashpoint Al-Aqsa mosque compound for the first time in “months and months”, a police spokesman said, according to Agence France-Presse.
“No age limit on the Temple Mount, we’re hoping things will be calm and quiet today,” spokesperson Mickey Rosenfeld said.
Rosenfeld was using the Jewish term for the Old City holy site that has been the scene of repeated disturbances for months.
He added that “extra police units were deployed in Jerusalem this morning to prevent any incidents in and around the Old City.”..............http://english.alarabiya.net/en/News/middle-east/2014/11/14/Israel-lifts-age-bar-on-Jerusalem-mosque-prayers.html
Ukraine’s Radical Party threatens to leave coalition if Kiev buys coal from Russia ...
ReplyDeleteThe Radical Party of Oleh Lyashko could withdraw from participating in the parliamentary coalition if the Ukrainian government purchases coal from Russia, the party leader said.
The ongoing talks on establishing the coalition in Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada involve the Petro Poroshenko Bloc, the People’s Front, the Samopomich (Self Help) and Yulia Tymoshenko’s Batkivshchyna. The coalition agreement could be made public on Friday.
Lyashko insists that Ukraine should buy coal “from anyone and at any price” but not from Russia. “Otherwise the Radical Party will refuse to join the coalition,” the politician said...............http://en.itar-tass.com/world/759656
Kiew will Osten des Landes nicht zurückerobern...
ReplyDeleteDie Waffenruhe in der Ukraine ist gebrochen, im Donbass wird wieder gekämpft. Nato-Generalsekretär Stoltenberg attackiert Putin deshalb scharf. Die ukrainische Regierung strebt nach eigener Aussage weiter eine politische Lösung an.
Die Ukraine will nach Worten von Außenminister Pawlo Klimkin die von Separatisten besetzten Gebiete nicht zurückerobern. „Eine militärische Offensive würde doch auch die Zivilbevölkerung in Mitleidenschaft ziehen, unsere ukrainischen Landsleute“, sagte Klimkin der Zeitung „Rheinische Post“. Seine Regierung wolle sich weiter an das Waffenruhe-Abkommen halten und strebe eine politische Lösung an, betonte der Minister.
Sollten die von Russland unterstützten Separatisten jedoch neue Angriffe starten, sei die ukrainische Armee inzwischen stark genug, um sie zurückzuschlagen. Klimkin kündigte an, dass die Ukraine wohl schon bald weitere westliche Finanzhilfen benötigen werde................http://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/ausland/kiew-will-besetzte-gebiete-nicht-zurueckerobern-13265340.html
Poroshenko ha deciso di celebrare l'anniversario di Maidan ...
ReplyDeleteIn Ucraina il 21 novembre di ogni anno sarà celebrata la Giornata della dignità e della libertà dell’Ucraina, l’anniversario di Euromaidan. Il decreto relativo è stato firmato dal Presidente Petro Poroshenko, si informa sul sito presidenziale.
"L'Ucraina è un territorio di dignità e di libertà. Così ci ha reso non una, ma due rivoluzioni: il nostro Maidan del 2004 che era una festa della libertà e la rivoluzione del 2013 la rivoluzione della dignità”, ha dichiarato il leader ucraino. Secondo Poroshenko, durante Euromaidan gli ucraini "hanno dimostrato la loro europeità, la loro dignità, la loro aspirazione alla libertà", si dice nel comunicato.
Per saperne di più: http://italian.ruvr.ru/news/2014_11_14/Poroshenko-ha-deciso-di-celebrare-lanniversario-di-Maidan-8926/
Libya is on the verge of collapse...
ReplyDeleteThree years after the fall of dictator Moammar Gadhafi, Libya is being torn apart by power struggles. The security situation is catastrophic and the country is sliding into civil war.
Bombings in Tripoli, explosions in Tobruk, deadly fighting between rival militias in Benghazi - barely a day goes by in Libya without terrible news. On Thursday (13.11.2014), two car bombs exploded in the capital. On Wednesday, at least five soldiers died in several attacks in the east of the country. The latest incidents show that those in power are less and less able to get the security situation under control.
Two governments, two parliaments
No wonder: there are currently two rival parliaments and two rival governments in the country. One is dominated by Islamists, the other by their opponents. Both are fighting for influence, money, and resources and need the support of several different militias. The armed groups had fought side by side against dictator Moammar Gadhafi, but since his fall they only serve their own interests - with terrible consequences.................http://www.dw.de/libya-is-on-the-verge-of-collapse/a-18061835
Good news for eurozone as Germany, France skirt recession...
ReplyDeleteThe economic clouds over Europe appeared to lift slightly in the third quarter as its two biggest economies both narrowly escaped a new recession, official data showed on Friday (Nov 14).
In Germany, Europe's economic powerhouse, gross domestic product (GDP) expanded by 0.1 per cent in the period from July to September, after shrinking by 0.1 per cent in the preceding three months, the federal statistics office said.
And in Paris, a preliminary estimate by the INSEE agency showed the French economy grew by 0.3 per cent in the third quarter, following a contraction of 0.1 per cent in the second quarter...................http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/business/international/good-news-for-eurozone-as/1472938.html
Hungary supports Turkey's EU membership ...
ReplyDeleteTurkey would bring new dynamism for all of Europe, says Hungarian minister of foreign affairs and trade.
Sanctions introduced by members of the G20 against Russia contradict the very principles of the summit’s activities, as well as international law, Russian President Vladimir Putin told TASS ahead of the G20 meeting in Brisbane, Australia...
ReplyDeleteTASS: You’re going to attend another G20 summit. To what extent is this format still in demand and relevant, and is it logical that some G20 countries, while striving to cooperate and develop the global economy, have been taking sanctions against one of the G20 members?
VLADIMIR PUTIN: Is this format still in demand or not? I believe it is. Why? The G20 is a good platform to meet each other, discuss both bilateral relations and global problems, and develop at least some sort of common understanding of what this or that problem is all about, and how to resolve it. A good place to make a road map for joint work.
This is the most important thing because it is totally unrealistic to expect that everything that may be said there will be implemented, especially since the decisions themselves are not mandatory. To a certain degree they are neglected. They are not observed whenever and wherever they are not in line with somebody’s interests. First and foremost, this means the interests of global players....................http://rt.com/politics/official-word/205447-putin-g20-summit-sanctions/
Lithuanian minister hopes EU will blacklist more Russian officials ...
ReplyDeleteForeign Ministers’ meeting on Monday may expand the blacklist of Russian citizens who will be denied entry to the EU member-states, Lithuanian Foreign Minister Linas Linkevicius said on Friday.
He expressed hope that ministers would manage to come to terms on the additional sanctions against the individuals who he claimed were responsible for the escalation of the Ukrainian conflict.
Linkevicius said people from the political, economic and military segments might be added to the blacklist.................http://en.itar-tass.com/world/759774
Mistral : Paris se décrédibilise en s'alignant sur Washington (député français) ...
ReplyDeleteLa France se décrédibilise sur la scène internationale en raison de sa position irresponsable à l'égard de la livraison des navires Mistral commandés par la Russie, a déclaré vendredi Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, président du mouvement Debout la France et parlementaire.
"Cet acte irresponsable décrédibilise fortement notre pays sur la scène mondiale. Que vaudra à l'avenir l'engagement de la France puisqu'il suffit désormais d'un claquement de doigt des Etats-Unis, de l'Allemagne, et de la Pologne pour que le gouvernement remette en cause sa parole ? Cet alignement permanent du gouvernement socialiste sur les positions américaines et allemandes abaisse considérablement la France", a indiqué M.Dupont-Aignan dans un communiqué mis en ligne sur son site officiel............Lire la suite: http://french.ruvr.ru/news/2014_11_14/Mistral-Paris-se-decredibilise-en-salignant-sur-Washington-depute-francais-7723/
Scottish National Party leader Nicola Sturgeon said she has strong faith in the country's future and announced that Scotland will hold another referendum on independence...
ReplyDeleteLONDON, November 14 (Sputnik) — Scotland should be independent, and the country will hold a second independence referendum, Scottish National Party (SNP) leader Nicola Sturgeon said on Friday, the same day she replaced Scotland's First Minister Alex Salmond as head of the political party.
"I believe today as strongly as I ever have that we should be independent. I believe perhaps more strongly than I ever have that we will be independent… But that will only happen when a majority of our fellow citizens vote for that in a referendum so our task remains as it has always been, not to impose our will, not to berate those who disagree with us, but to persuade," Sturgeon said at an SNP conference.
Sturgeon put getting popular support for the second independence referendum at the top of the party's agenda.
It is expected that Sturgeon will succeed Salmond as Scotland's First Minister next week..............http://sputniknews.com/politics/20141114/1014743127.html