A Malaysia Airlines passenger plane with 295 people on board has
crashed in Ukraine near the Russian border, Interfax cited an aviation
industry source as saying.
It said the Boeing plane was flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur.
Malaysia Airlines tweeted that it had lost contact with MH17 and its last known position was over Ukraine.
The Interfax report said the plane came down 50km short of entering Russian airspace.
It "began to drop, afterwards it was found burning on the ground on Ukrainian territory," the unnamed source said.
The plane appeared to have come down in a region of military action where Ukrainian government forces are battling pro-Russian separatists.
A separate unnamed source in the Ukrainian security apparatus, quoted by Interfax, said the plane disappeared from radar at a height of 10,000 metres after which it came down near the town of Shakhtyorsk.
***There are unconfirmed reports from the Ukrainian interior ministry that the airliner was shot down by a ground-to-air missile........http://www.rte.ie/news/2014/0717/631440-ukraine-plane-crash/
It said the Boeing plane was flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur.
Malaysia Airlines tweeted that it had lost contact with MH17 and its last known position was over Ukraine.
The Interfax report said the plane came down 50km short of entering Russian airspace.
It "began to drop, afterwards it was found burning on the ground on Ukrainian territory," the unnamed source said.
The plane appeared to have come down in a region of military action where Ukrainian government forces are battling pro-Russian separatists.
A separate unnamed source in the Ukrainian security apparatus, quoted by Interfax, said the plane disappeared from radar at a height of 10,000 metres after which it came down near the town of Shakhtyorsk.
***There are unconfirmed reports from the Ukrainian interior ministry that the airliner was shot down by a ground-to-air missile........http://www.rte.ie/news/2014/0717/631440-ukraine-plane-crash/
Malaysian Airlines have confirmed the accident and will be releasing a statement shortly........
ReplyDeleteThe plane did not enter Russian airspace when it was expected to and crashed in the Donetsk city of eastern Ukraine.
Malaysia Airlines posted a tweet saying: "Malaysia Airlines has lost contact of MH17 from Amsterdam. The last known position was over Ukraine airspace. More details to follow."
Only hours earlier Russian forces were accused of shooting down a Ukrainian jet while it was on a mission over Ukrainian territory.
A spokesman for the Ukrainian National Security and Defence Council, said an Su-25 ground attack plane was downed on Wednesday evening.
The crash comes only months after the missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 disappeared on March 8.........................http://www.dailystar.co.uk/news/latest-news/389503/Malaysia-plane-crash
Malaysia Airlines passenger jet reportedly shot down in Ukraine...
ReplyDeleteA Malaysian Airlines passenger plane with 295 aboard was shot down by a surface-to-air missile in Ukraine near the Russian border, according to multiple reports.
The airline, the same one whose plane disappeared over the Indian Ocean in March, confirmed only that "an incident" had occurred involving the Boeing 777, which was en route to Kuala Lumpur from Amsterdam.
“Malaysia Airlines has lost contact of MH17 from Amsterdam," read a tweet from the airline. "The last known position was over Ukrainian airspace. More details to follow,” read a tweet from Malaysia Airlines’ account.
Multiple reports said the plane was shot down at cruising altitude. Anton Gerashenko, an adviser to Ukraine's Interior Minister told The Associated press that the plane, carrying 280 passengers and 15 crew people onboard, was shot down.
Gerashenko says on his Facebook page the plane was flying at an altitude of 33,000 feet when it was hit Thursday by a missile fired from a Buk launcher. A similar launcher was seen by Associated Press journalists near the eastern Ukrainian town of Snizhne earlier Thursday.
The adviser also told Russian news agency Interfax that all onboard have been killed.
Pentagon Spokesman Col. Steve Warren said he was aware of reports of the downed passenger jet in Ukraine,but did not have further information..............................http://www.foxnews.com/world/2014/07/17/malaysia-airlines-jet-reportedly-crashes-in-ukraine/
Malaysia Airlines plane shot down in Ukraine near Russian border...
ReplyDeleteThe Malaysia Airlines Boeing 777 reportedly had 280 passengers and 15 crew members when it went down in a war-torn region of Ukraine.
A Malaysia Airlines passenger plane was reportedly shot down in Ukraine near the Russian border Thursday.
The Boeing 777 had 280 passengers and 15 crew members, Interfax reported citing an an aviation industry source.
Anton Gerashenko, an adviser to Ukraine's Interior Minister, said on Facebook that the plane was flying at an altituse of 33,000 feet when it was hit by a missile fired from a Buk launcher.
It came down just 20 miles short of entering Russian airspace near the town of Shakhtyorsk, in an area where the Ukrainian government has been fighting pro-Russian rebels.
It "began to drop, afterwards it was found burning on the ground on Ukrainian territory," a unidentified source told Reuters...................http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/malaysian-airlines-plane-crashes-ukraine-russian-border-article-1.1870413
Ukrainian PM identifies shot-down plane as missing Malaysian Airlines flight MH17; says launching investigation ...
ReplyDeleteMalaysia Airlines confirmed that it has lost contact of flight MH17 from Amsterdam on Thursday. The last known position was over Ukrainian airspace.
Separately, an advisor to the Ukraine interior minister told AP that a passenger plane carrying 295 people had been shot down in Ukraine. A YouTube video purported to show footage from moments after the plane went down.
Reuters reported that the Ukrainian prime minister has identified the shot-down plane as missing Malaysian Airlines flight and has ordered an investigation....................http://www.cnbc.com/id/101838653#.
Ukraine Official Says Malaysian Airlines Plane Shot Down Over Donetsk...
ReplyDelete*Ukraine Interior Ministry Adviser: Malaysian Airlines Passenger Plane Shot Down Over Donetsk Region........http://online.wsj.com/articles/malaysia-airlines-loses-contact-with-plane-over-ukrainian-airspace-1405612373?mod=europe_home
Ucrania acusa a los separatistas prorrusos del derribo del avión de Malaysian Airlines...
ReplyDeleteUn avión de pasajeros de la compañía Malaysian Airlines con 295 personas a bordo ha sido derribado en Ucrania, cerca de la frontera con Rusia, según ha informado la agencia rusa de noticias Interfax. El Gobierno de Kiev ha confirmado que los 280 pasajeros y los 15 miembros de la tripulación han muerto.
Interfax asegura que el avión ha sido derribado por un misil tierra-aire tipo BUK, según un consejero del Ministerio del Interior ucraniano. Tanto Rusia como Ucrania disponen de este tipo de armamento. El sistema de misiles Buk es una familia de misiles antiaéreos de alcance medio desarrollados por la antigua Unión Soviética y Rusia para atacar misiles guiados, helicópteros y drones................http://www.elmundo.es/internacional/2014/07/17/53c7ea82268e3e9f568b4587.html
Ukraine’s anti-aircraft missile system dispatched to Donetsk Wednesday....
ReplyDeleteUkraine’s armed forces dispatched the Buk anti-aircraft missile system battalion to the area of the city of Donetsk on Wednesday, a well-informed source said referring to the data recording system.
Another battalion of the same weapons is said to be in the process of embarkation in the city of Kharkiv, northwest of Donetsk, the source said adding that the aircraft at an altitude of over 10,000 meters could be shot down only with the weapons of the S-300 or Buk (Beech) missile systems.
In the meantime, militias of the self-proclaimed republics of Donetsk and Luhansk have said they do not possess armament systems of this class...................http://en.itar-tass.com/world/741173
A Ukrainian army battalion of Buk air defense systems was deployed near the city of Donetsk a day before the crash of a Malaysian passenger plane on Thursday, making the downing of the aircraft by one of the missiles highly probable, an expert source said....
ReplyDelete"According to reconnaissance data, a Ukrainian army battalion of Buk air defense systems was deployed near Donetsk on Wednesday morning,” the source said................http://en.ria.ru/world/20140717/190988635/Ukrainian-Army-Buk-Missile-Likely-Downed-Malaysian-Plane--.html
Les avions militaires russes n'ont pas effectué de vols jeudi près de la frontière russo-ukrainienne, a annoncé à RIA Novosti une source au sein du ministère russe de la Défense....
ReplyDelete"Il n'y a pas eu de vols d'avions de combat russes dans l'espace aérien de la Russie au-dessus des territoires attenants à la région de Donetsk", a déclaré la source.
"Ce fait est facile à démonter à l'aide des moyens de contrôle objectif", a souligné l'interlocuteur de l'agence...................http://fr.ria.ru/world/20140717/201854352.html
Ukraine/crash: une division de systèmes sol-air se trouve près de Donetsk...
ReplyDeleteUne division de système sol-air Bouk de l'armée ukrainienne se trouve depuis mercredi dans la région de Donetsk (est) où un Boeing de Malaysia Airlines s'est écrasé ce jeudi faisant 295 morts, a appris RIA Novosti d'une source digne de foi à Moscou.
"Selon un système de contrôle objectif, une division de systèmes Bouk des Forces armées ukrainiennes est arrivée mercredi dans la région de Donetsk. Une autre division de ces armes s'apprêter à quitter Kharkov", a indiqué l'interlocuteur de l'agence.
D'après lui, seuls les systèmes sol-air Bouk ou S-300 sont capables d'abattre un avion volant à 10.000 d'altitude.
Le conseiller du ministre ukrainien de l'Intérieur Anton Guérachtchenko a estimé jeudi que l'avion serait abattu par un système sol-air Bouk. L'administration du président ukrainien Piotr Porochenko a aussi reconnu cette hypothèse........Lire la suite: http://french.ruvr.ru/news/2014_07_17/Ukraine-crash-une-division-de-systemes-sol-air-se-trouve-pres-de-Donetsk-0105/
Condolences to Prime Minister of Malaysia Najib Razak...
ReplyDeleteVladimir Putin expressed his deep condolences to Prime Minister of Malaysia Najib Razak in connection with the crash of a Malaysian airlines passenger plane over the Ukrainian territory, which led to numerous casualties.
The President of Russia asked the Prime Minister of Malaysia to convey his deepest sympathy and support to the victims’ families.
Ukrainian armed forces were not involved in a Malaysian passenger plane being brought down in eastern Ukraine, the presidential press service said on Thursday....
ReplyDeleteInterfax quoted it as saying that President Petro Poroshenko did not exclude that the plane had been shot down. "This is the third event in the last few days following An-26 and SU-25 planes being brought down. We do not exclude that this plane was also shot down and we stress that the armed forces of Ukraine did not carry out any action to destroy targets in the air," the press service said.
Dozens of bodies were scattered around the smouldering wreckage of a passenger jet that crashed in eastern Ukraine on Thursday, a Reuters reporter said..............- See more at: http://www.straitstimes.com/news/asia/south-east-asia/story/ukraine-forces-not-involved-downing-malaysia-airlines-plane-presiden#sthash.CVsHqOau.dpuf
Both sides in Ukraine deny shooting down Malaysia Airlines plane...
ReplyDeleteKIEV, Ukraine — A Ukrainian official said a passenger plane carrying 295 people was shot down Thursday over a town in eastern Ukraine. Malaysia Airlines tweeted that it lost contact with one of its flights over Ukrainian airspace.
As huge plumes of black smoke rose up near a village in eastern Ukraine, the fate of the passengers aboard the plane wasn't immediately known.
Anton Gerashenko, an adviser to Ukraine's interior minister, said on his Facebook page the plane was flying at an altitude of 10,000 meters (33,000 feet). He also said it was hit by a missile fired from a Buk launcher, which can fire missiles up to an altitude of 22,000 meters (72,000 feet)..................http://www.cleveland.com/world/index.ssf/2014/07/both_sides_in_ukraine_deny_sho.html
Lufthansa, Transaero say diverting transit flights from Ukrainian airspace....
ReplyDeleteFollowing the mysterious crash of a Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777 in the very east of Ukraine on Thursday, Germany’s flag carrying airline Lufthansa has taken a decision to divert all of its flights from Ukrainian airspace.
Reuters said the decision took effect immediately.
At the same time, Russia’s number two airline, Transaero, said in an official statement its flights to third countries would be performed bypassing Ukrainian territory.......http://en.itar-tass.com/world/741196
Bloomberg: Kiev no dio información completa para los vuelos sobre el este del país....
ReplyDelete.....Thomas Haueter, exjefe del departamento de investigación de accidentes aéreos del Consejo Nacional de Seguridad en el Transporte de EE.UU., considera que si las autoridades de aviación de Ucrania proporcionaran más información sobre la posible amenaza, las aeronaves civiles evitarían vuelos sobre la región.
Sin datos fiables sobre la seguridad de la ruta los transportistas aéreos a menudo vuelan al azar, observó el experto. "Si los pilotos tuvieran la información sobre el posible peligro y cómo es de serio, eso podría influir en su decisión de volar sobre esta área", añade él.
Por su parte, el viceprimer ministro de Ucrania, Vladímir Groysman, al comentar acerca de las acusaciones declaró que esta versión es infundada y tales opiniones de expertos no tienen nada que ver con la realidad, señala el medio.
Texto completo en: http://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/view/135664-ucrania-proporcionar-informacion-completa-vuelos?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=actualidad
Crash en Ukraine: «Pas de conversation inquiétante dans le cockpit»...
ReplyDeleteD’après une première analyse des boîtes noires de l’avion MH17 de la Malaysia Airlines, abattu le 17 juillet dans l’est de l’Ukraine, le pilote n’a abordé aucun sujet inquiétant dans le cockpit. Il n’y a rien de particulier à signaler, a indiqué une source proche de l’enquête à l’édition dominicale du journal malaisien New Straits Times.
L’organisme britannique chargé d’enquêter sur les accidents aériens (AAIB) a analysé les conversations enregistrées entre le pilote et les contrôleurs aériens. « De ce que nous avons pu écouter jusqu’à présent, il n’y a rien de particulier à signaler. La dernière voix à avoir été enregistrée n’était pas celle du pilote. Toutefois, nous n’avons entendu aucun élément qui permette de savoir si les pilotes ont vu ou entendu quelque chose de suspect », a précisé cette source.
Ce qui a provoqué le crash, vraisemblablement une roquette tirée par les insurgés prorusses, a donc dû se dérouler très rapidement, conclut le journal.
Russia believes NATO Secretary General trying to influence Boeing tragedy investigation....
ReplyDeleteBRUSSELS, August 4. /ITAR-TASS/. NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen is trying to pressure the investigation of the Malaysian Boeing crash in Ukraine by stating in an interview about the alleged evidence of someone’s complicity in this tragedy. Russia’s permanent delegation to NATO gave such an assessment on Monday.
“NATO Secretary General decided not to wait for the MH17 crash investigation to end, but to exert pressure on it,” a comment by the delegation says.
Chair of the State Duma’s Committee for International Affairs Alexei Pushkov has also criticized the statements by Anders Fogh Rasmussen.
“If Rasmussen had convincing evidence of militia’s fault for the downed Boeing, he would provide it,” Pushkov said in his Twitter. “However, he does not have anything but rhetoric.” “It would be better if Rasmussen explained why in Libya, after NATO’s ‘victory’, a bloody chaos came, and now the whole world and his wife is fleeing such ‘democracy’,” the lawmaker added.
Statements of NATO Secretary General
On Sunday, in an interview to French newspaper Midi Libre, Anders Fogh Rasmussen named the separatists guilty of what has happened. NATO Secretary General characterized the July 17 tragedy as a military crime.
“We have numerous data that indicate that the guilty separatists supported by Russia,” he stressed. “While I support the conduct full and independent international investigation to establish the facts,” Fogh Rasmussen added. He declined to comment on what kind of information pointing to the guilt of one or another party was available to NATO.
NATO headquarters declined to elaborate on the matter citing policies that do not allow commenting intelligence data..............................http://en.itar-tass.com/world/743408
Netherlands suspends search operation at MH17 crash site in Ukraine...
ReplyDeleteDutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said it was dangerous for international specialists to remain in the region where the security situation is deteriorating
About 80 international specialists earlier arrived at the crash site, including eight members of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission, and experts from the Netherlands and Australia.
On July 31, at their meeting in Minsk, officials from Ukraine, the OSCE and Russia, and representatives of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic agreed to cease fire within the humanitarian corridor used by OSCE monitors to access the crash site.
In the first several days after the accident, members of the local militias found fragments of more than 200 bodies at the crash site. All of them were taken to the Netherlands for identification.
Australian and Dutch experts are looking for the remains of the passengers and their personal belongings to be shipped to the Netherlands. This may take several weeks.
The expert mission consists of 332 members who are to be joined shortly by 68 Malaysian policemen. Up to 100 people will be working at the crash site daily but they will not be conducting the investigation or collecting evidence...........................http://en.itar-tass.com/world/743819
Western countries at the UN Security Council have blocked Russia-suggested draft statement calling for the obsevance of a ceasefire at the Malaysian Boeing airliner's crash site in Ukraine, Russia's UN Ambassador Vitaly Churkin told journalidts on Thursday....
ReplyDelete"It (the draft statement) was blocked in a typical manner," the diplomat said. According to him, Lithuania, the United States, and Australia started suggesting unacceptable amendments for introduction to the text. Churkin recalled that the discontinuance of the ceasefire in the area of the airliner's crash site was a direct breach of the UNSC resolution.
Malaysian Defence Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said Saturday that it was impossible that an air-to-air missile was used to take down the MH17 flight, according to the report of The Star, a Malaysian English-language newspaper....
ReplyDelete"It was a surface-to-air missile and in that area, such a system could be available to the Ukrainian side or the rebel forces," Hishammuddin added.
Previously there were reports saying that the U.S. intelligence analyst had concluded that the aircraft was brought down by an air- to-air missile, which was related to the Ukrainian government.
The U.S. government "knows a lot more" than it's letting on about the Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 crash and is "likely hiding [the] truth," according to former Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas)....
ReplyDeleteIn an Aug. 7 post on his news site, Voices of Liberty, Paul said he believes the U.S., with all its intelligence-gathering capabilities, should have a clear idea of what happened on July 17 when MH17 was shot down over Ukraine, killing all 298 people on board. But much of that information, he says, has likely been withheld from the public.
"The U.S. government has grown strangely quite on the accusation that it was Russia or her allies that brought down the Malaysian airliner with a buck anti-aircraft missile [sic]," the former GOP presidential candidate wrote. "The little that we have heard from U.S. intelligence is that it has no evidence that Russia was involved. Yet the war propaganda were successful in convincing the American public that it was all Russia’s fault.".....................http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/08/10/ron-paul-mh17-plane-crash_n_5665996.html
Vol MH17: Kerry "exige justice pour ce crime impensable"...
ReplyDeleteLe secrétaire d'Etat américain, John Kerry, a "exigé" mardi que la "justice" soit rendue pour le crash en Ukraine du vol MH17 probablement abattu en juillet par des séparatistes prorusses.
En visite à Sydney, M. Kerry a fustigé un "crime impensable", désignant, mais sans les nommer, les insurgés de l'est de l'Ukraine, présumés armés par la Russie.
Le Boeing de Malaysia Airlines assurant la liaison Amsterdam-Kuala Lumpur a été abattu le 17 juillet par un missile pendant qu'il survolait l'Est de l'Ukraine.
La catastrophe aérienne a fait 298 morts au total, dont 193 Néerlandais, 44 Malaisiens et 38 Australiens. Kiev et les Occidentaux accusent les rebelles, prétendument équipés par les Russes, d'avoir tiré le missile tandis que Moscou et les insurgés montrent Kiev du doigt.
"Nous affirmons à l'Australie et au monde que nous exigeons de manière absolue la justice pour ce crime impensable", a martelé M. Kerry lors d'une conférence de presse à Sydney. "C'est inconcevable (...) Nous ne voulons pas que ce genre de choses se répète", a-t-il dit.
Il a réclamé une "enquête complète pour légitimer les actions qui seront menées" par la suite.
Sans nommer la Russie, il a expliqué que les Etats-Unis disposaient d"'images" satellites des armes utilisées pour abattre l'avion.
"Il n'y a vraiment pas de mystère sur l'origine de ces armes", a accusé le ministre américain.
Drapeaux en berne, l'Australie avait observé jeudi dernier une journée de deuil national à la mémoire de ses 38 ressortissants, dont des enfants, décédés dans la destruction de l'avion.
RTBF avec agences
USA to put pressure on Malaysia to silence reasons of Boeing crash....
ReplyDeleteMalaysia said that it will be forced to repeatedly send its experts to the crash site of Malaysia Airlines Boeing in Ukraine. To put it in a nutshell, Malaysia is strongly dissatisfied with the course of investigation and is forced to conduct its own investigation, in an attempt to restore the picture of what happened to its airplane in the sky above Ukraine.
Most likely, the story of the downed plane will be hidden away carefully. For those, who more or less understand the situation, it is clear that neither the militia nor Russia were involved in the terrible disaster.
The only question is whether Ukraine incidentally shot down the Boeing or it was a carefully planned, but an ineptly executed act of provocation.
Given that according to available information, the plane was at first shot at in the air, and then finished off with a missile, occasionally is practically excluded. Photos of Buk missile systems, supposedly owed by militia, appeared instantly. A stray provocateur in Donetsk, a couple of days before the disaster, hinted that the militia owned Buk complexes. Boeing's fate had been decided in advance.....................http://english.pravda.ru/world/asia/27-08-2014/128386-usa_malaysia_boeing_crash-0/
Malaysia to send team to jet crash site in Ukraine...
ReplyDeleteKUALA LUMPUR – Malaysia aims to send a search team to the crash site in Ukraine of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 before winter sets in to gather physical evidence to prove that it was shot down, Prime Minister Najib Razak said today (Sept 6).
Mr Najib said the government has “pretty conclusive” intelligence reports about what happened to the jet carrying 298 people but evidence must be collected so that its downing can be proved beyond a doubt if the case goes to court.
“That’s why we are very, very keen to re-enter the crash site before winter sets in. We need at least a few weeks not only to search for the body parts of victims but to assemble physical evidence,” Mr Najib said at a joint press conference with visiting Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott.
“Once that process is completed, we will look at the criminal side, who is responsible for this atrocious crime,” Mr Najib said.....................................http://www.todayonline.com/world/asia/malaysia-send-team-jet-crash-site-ukraine
Malaysian defence minister to leave for Ukraine within hours - media...
ReplyDeleteSINGAPORE, September 07, /ITAR-TASS/. Malaysia’s government is determined to finish the investigation of the MH17 crash in eastern Ukraine, Malaysian Defence Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said on Sunday.
According to the New Straits Times newspaper, Hussein is leaving for Kiev within hours. However no details of his Kiev talks have been disclosed.
“There is no closure until we find justice for MH17. Malaysia demands justice so that those responsible for shooting down MH17 be tried. This requires proof which is being gathered, and accurate information,” the New Straits Times quoted him as saying. “I don’t want to risk our security teams. I want to see for myself whether the safe passage to the crash site is a reality.”
The minister is also expected to visit Moscow and Amsterdam to discuss the course of the probe into the causes of the Malaysian Boeing crash in July.
Apart from that, a probe team of 30 Malaysian experts will also leave for Ukraine within hours. However, it is not yet known when they will be able to reach the crash area. Earlier on Sunday, Malaysia’s Minister of Home Affairs Ahmad Zahid Hamidi said the probe team should be back at the MH17 crash site in eastern Ukraine as soon as possible. He said that in several weeks it might already be snowing in the Malaysian Boeing crash area, which would make the fact-finding mission much more difficult.
An international team of investigators had worked at the Malaysian Boeing crash site for less than a week and had to leave the area on August 6 due to security reasons. Malaysia’s Police Chief Ali Abu Bakar said that the experts had managed to inspect less than half of the crash area. They left without taking any fragments away from the crash site...................http://en.itar-tass.com/world/748497
Preliminary report on causes of MH17 disaster to be published in Netherlands....
ReplyDeleteWell-informed sources say the document will contain the factual information obtained from accessible sources including onboard flight records and radar stations, as well as satellite imaging and other visual sources.
The council plans to publish final report within the twelve months after the tragedy that occurred July 17.
Safety Board official spokeswoman Sara Vernooij told Itar-Tass earlier it was important to realize that preliminary reports and final reports always had definite difference.
She said Safety Board officials were aware of the hopes that the public quarters, including the media pinned on this document but the problem was that only the first data produced in the course of investigation had been made public.
This meant that the preliminary report would shed some light on the causes of the tragedy but many questions would remain open, Vernooij said........................http://en.itar-tass.com/world/748683
Dutch experts say Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 broke up in mid-air after being hit by "numerous objects" that "pierced the plane at high velocity"....
ReplyDeleteA report released by the Dutch Safety Board said there was "no evidence of technical or human error".
A BBC correspondent says this evidence is consistent with the plane being struck by shrapnel from a missile.
The plane was flying from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur when it crashed in rebel-held territory eastern Ukraine in July.
All 298 people on board, most of them from the Netherlands, died when the plane came down, amid reports it was shot down by pro-Russian rebels.
Dutch aviation investigators relied on information from the black box flight data recorders, air traffic control, satellite images and photos from the scene to compile the preliminary report...................http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-29119024
Russia should not allow soft-pedalling the probe of the Malaysian airliner’s crash over Ukraine, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in an interview with Rossiiskaya Gazeta daily’s multilingual news and information resource Russia Beyond The Headlines for Spanish daily El Pais....
ReplyDelete“We should not allow the inquiry in the details of the MH17 crash to be soft-pedalled as this had already happened to many other Ukrainian tragedies, including the sniper shooting of civilians in Kiev in February, massacres in Odessa (Ukrainian Black Sea port) and Mariupol (a city in the Donetsk region) in May and so on,” the foreign minister said. “We will insist with determination on bringing all who are responsible for these crimes to justice,” he added.
'Vitally important' to find truth
The minister recalled that Russia has appealed to conduct an open and unbiased international probe since July 17. “UN Security Council Resolution 2166 adopted on July 21 envisages a comprehensive, detailed and independent investigation under fundamental principles and rules of the International Civil Aviation Organization,” he noted.
“With due account of a broad international outcry to the tragedy, we believe that conducting this probe is not only vitally important to find true reasons of the air crash and to bring those guilty to account,” Lavrov said. “This also concerns issues of maintaining international peace and security. We call for strict observance of the UN Security Council’s decision under, which the council will keep the developments under control.”
The Russian foreign minister noted that a horrible tragedy caused by the crash of the Malaysian airliner not only claimed many lives, but was also used for deliberate fuelling of international tension, pressure on different countries and pushing for ‘sectoral’ sanctions on Russia. “We call strongly on all parties to refrain from groundless accusing statements which undermine the foundations of international relations and constitute blatant acts of interference in the investigation,” Lavrov noted.................http://en.itar-tass.com/russia/749884
Lavrov: "Utilizaron el siniestro del MH17 para promover sanciones contra Rusia"....
DeleteEl siniestro del Boeing de Malaysia Airlines en el este de Ucrania fue utilizado para "promover" sanciones contra Rusia, dijo el ministro de Relaciones Exteriores ruso, Serguéi Lavrov, en una entrevista concedida al diario 'El País'..............Texto completo en: http://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/view/140537-lavrov-mh17-boeing-sanciones-rusia?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=actualidad
Le crash du Boeing de Maylaisia Airlines dans l'Est de l'Ukraine a été utilisé pour renforcer les sanctions contre la Russie et effectuer une tentative d’augmenter la tension internationale, a indiqué le ministre russe des Affaires étrangères Sergueï Lavrov dans une interview accordée aux journalistes espagnols....
ReplyDeleteLavrov a déclaré que la Russie se prononce pour «le respect strict des décisions du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies, d’après lesquels le Conseil a promis de « garder sous contrôle l’évolution de la situation». Les accusations sans fondement contre Moscou ont été qualifiés par le ministre russe des Affaires étrangères «d’ingérence flagrante dans l’enquête».
Le ministre a rappelé que Moscou appelle à «entamer une enquête internationale ouverte et objective» depuis le 17 juillet, le jour du crash de l’appareil dans la région de Donetsk.
Lire la suite: http://french.ruvr.ru/news/2014_09_17/Le-ministre-russe-des-Affaires-etrangeres-a-fait-des-commentaires-sur-le-crash-du-Boeing-en-Ukraine-2334/
Une récompense de 30 millions de dollars est promise pour l'information sur les coupables du crash du vol MH17 survenu dans l'Est de l'Ukraine....
ReplyDeleteNeuf semaines après qu’une équipe de chercheurs internationaux n'ait fourni aucune information sur la question de savoir qui était responsable de l'accident de l'avion, le détective privé du bureau d'enquête économique Wifka, Josef Resch a annoncé qu'un client, qui a souhaité rester anonyme, avait fixé une récompense.
L’information sur la recherche de données a été publiée sur le site de Wifka en trois langues : allemand, anglais et russe.
Ce montant de récompense sera le plus important dans l'histoire, parce que même pour les informations sur la localisation du terroriste Oussama ben Laden, le gouvernement des Etats-Unis avait proposé seulement 25 millions de dollars.
Lire la suite: http://french.ruvr.ru/news/2014_09_17/Vol-MH17-30-M-de-dollars-pour-linformation-sur-les-coupables-du-crash-7501/
Russia Denies Accusations of Discrediting MH17 Crash Probe...
ReplyDeleteUNITED NATIONS, September 19 (RIA Novosti) - Russia is not trying to put in doubt the credibility of an international investigation of a Malaysia Airlines passenger plane in eastern Ukraine, Russian Ambassador to the UN Vitaly Churkin said Friday.
The UN Security Council held a meeting, requested by Russia, to make a fresh assessment of the progress in the investigation.
"Some of the statements today claimed that Russia is somehow trying to discredit the investigation carried out by the Dutch Safety Board," Churkin said commenting on the results of the meeting.
"It is completely untrue," he said..................http://en.ria.ru/world/20140919/193102412/Russia-Denies-Accusations-of-Discrediting-MH17-Crash-Probe.html
La Russie propose au secrétaire général de l'ONU Ban Ki-moon de créer un poste de représentant spécial pour enquêter sur le crash du Boeing en Ukraine et d’envoyer une mission spéciale vers la zone de l'accident d’avion, a déclaré le Représentant permanent russe auprès de l'ONU, Vitali Tchourkine....
ReplyDeleteM. Tchourkine a noté que la Russie avait des questions en ce qui concerne l’enquête sur cet accident d’avion, qu’elle tenterait de soumettre à l’examen de la commission qui étudie les circonstances du crash.
L’avion de ligne Boeing malaisien s'est écrasé le 17 juillet dans la région de Donetsk. Tous les passagers et membres d'équipage ont été tués.
Lire la suite: http://french.ruvr.ru/news/2014_09_19/MH17-Moscou-propose-de-creer-un-poste-denvoye-special-de-lONU-pour-enqueter-sur-le-crash-7178/
Crash du Boeing/version sur la complicité de la Russie : le ministère russe de la Défense exprime son indignation à Kiev...
ReplyDeleteLe ministère russe de la Défense s’est dit indigné par la version des autorités de Kiev, selon laquelle les militaires russes seraient impliqués dans la catastrophe du Boeing, qui s’est écrasé dans la région de Donetsk, a indiqué aux journalistes le porte-parole du ministère, le major-général Igor Konachenkov.
Le porte-parole du ministère russe de la Défense a également déclaré que l’enquête sur le crash du Boeing en Ukraine est menée non pas par des experts qualifiés, mais par des enquêteurs inexpérimentés du Service de sécurité de l'Ukraine.
Lire la suite: http://french.ruvr.ru/news/2014_10_08/Crash-du-Boeing-version-sur-la-complicite-de-la-Russie-le-ministere-russe-de-la-Defense-exprime-son-indignation-a-Kiev-9748/
Kiev seeks access to MH17 site to back ‘prefabricated’ crash version – Moscow...
ReplyDeleteUkrainian Security Service seeks to reach the crash site of the Malaysian MH17 flight to fabricate at least some evidence which will allow Kiev to conceal the true causes of the catastrophe from the world, said Russia’s Defense ministry.
“One cannot but feel angry about yet another attempt by the Ukrainian security service chief to use absolutely groundless allegations in a bid to persuade the public of alleged Russian military involvement in the Boeing disaster in the skies over Ukraine,” Defense Ministry official representative, Major General Igor Konashenkov, said on Wednesday.
He referred to claims that were earlier made by Ukraine’s National Security Service Head Valentin Nalivaychenko speaking on Ukraine's Channel 5 about Kiev’s “full understanding” of the causes of the Malaysian Boeing's crash.
Nalivaychenko claimed that Ukrainian investigators and international experts now must visit the site of the crash only to search for “what is still missing” to back the Kiev’s version of events.
The fact that the Ukrainian security chief “fully” understands the details of the crash surprised Konashenkov, especially since the international commission’s investigation has not yet established them. However, the so-called Ukrainian investigators still have to find at least some evidence to somehow support their “full knowledge,” he added...............http://rt.com/news/194324-ukraine-mh17-prefabricated-crash-version/
Crash du vol MH17 : la version de la mort instantanée des passagers remise en question
ReplyDeleteUn passager du Boeing de Malaysia Airlines abattu dans l'est de l'Ukraine a été découvert avec un masque à oxygène, a déclaré le ministre néerlandais des Affaires étrangères Frans Timmermans....
Selon le quotidien De Volkskrant le ministre a dit notamment : « Savez-vous qu'un passager portait un masque à oxygène ? Il avait donc le temps de le faire. Nous ne pouvons pas l'exclure ».
De cette façon au moins un passager restait vivant après l'impact extérieur exercé sur l'avion qui a commencé à se disloquer.
Précédemment les experts ont déclaré que toutes les personnes se trouvant à bord de l'avion avaient immédiatement perdu connaissance et étaient décédés des suites de la dépressurisation...................Lire la suite: http://french.ruvr.ru/news/2014_10_09/Crash-du-vol-MH17-la-version-de-la-mort-instantanee-des-passagers-remise-en-question-1340/
Ukraine: "Le MH17 a été abattu par les séparatistes pro-russes"...
ReplyDeleteC'est le patron des services secrets allemands qui l'affirme : l'avion de la Malaysia Airlines qui s'est écrasé dans l'est de l'Ukraine a été abattu par une roquette lancée par les séparatistes pro-russes. L'info parait ce lundi dans De Spiegel.
Gerhard Schindler, le président du Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) a fait cette déclaration devant les membres de la commission parlementaire de contrôle du BND suite aux investigations de ses services.
Selon lui, les milices séparatistes ont mis la main sur un système de défense anti-aérienne russe Buk appartenant à l'armée ukrainienne. Elles l'ont employé pour abattre le Boeing 777 malaysien le 17 juillet dernier, avec 298 personnes à bord, dont 195 Néerlandais, 4 Allemands et 6 Belges..............http://www.rtbf.be/info/monde/detail_crash-de-l-avion-malaysien-le-vol-mh17-a-ete-abattu-par-des-separatistes-pro-russes?id=8381492
German Intelligence Claims Pro-Russian Separatists Downed MH17...
ReplyDeleteIn an Oct. 8 presentation given to members of the parliamentary control committee, the Bundestag body responsible for monitoring the work of German intelligence, BND President Gerhard Schindler provided ample evidence to back up his case, including satellite images and diverse photo evidence. The BND has intelligence indicating that pro-Russian separatists captured a BUK air defense missile system at a Ukrainian military base and fired a missile on July 17 that exploded in direct proximity to the Malaysian aircraft, which had been carrying 298 people.
Unambiguous Findings
Evidence obtained shortly after the accident suggested the aircraft had been shot down by pro-Russian militants. Both the governments of Russia and Ukraine had mutually accused each other of responsibility for the crash. After a Dutch investigative commission reviewed the flight recorder, it avoided placing any blame for the crash. Some 189 residents of the Netherlands perished in the downing of Flight MH17.
BND's Schindler says his agency has come up with unambiguous findings. One is that Ukrainian photos have been manipulated and that there are details indicating this. He also told the panel that Russian claims the missile had been fired by Ukrainian soldiers and that a Ukrainian fighter jet had been flying close to the passenger jet were false.
"It was pro-Russian separatists," Schindler said of the crash, which involved the deaths of four German citizens. A spokesman for the German Federal Prosecutor's Office told SPIEGEL that an investigation has been opened into unknown perpetrators because of the possibility that the crash had been a war crime..............http://www.spiegel.de/international/europe/german-intelligence-blames-pro-russian-separatists-for-mh17-downing-a-997972.html
284 victims of MH17 crash identified ...
ReplyDeleteThe Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice announced Friday that a total of 284 victims in the MH17 crash in eastern Ukraine have been identified.
The progress came after experts identified anther six people last week, of which five were of Dutch nationality. The nationality of the sixth was not made known at the request of the embassies of the other countries concerned.
In the July 17 tragedy, the 298 passengers and crew members on board the Malaysia Airlines flight were all killed, which means fourteen victims remain unidentified more than three months after the incident..............http://www.china.org.cn/world/2014-10/25/content_33870698.htm
Dutch experts begin collecting wreckage from MH17 in Donetsk ...
ReplyDeleteA group of Dutch experts on Thursday began collecting wreckage from the site of the Malaysian MH17 plane crash in eastern Ukraine’s Donetsk region, a RIA Novosti correspondent reported.
Six Dutch experts, guarded by three Dutch policemen, are currently working at the site. Another four employees from the self-proclaimed Dontesk People’s Republic’s Emergencies Ministry, as well as observers from the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe are also at the site where the Malaysian MH17 planed carrying 298 people from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur crashed in July.
They have begun collecting small pieces from the plane and placing them in special containers, the RIA Novosti correspondent said.
The sounds of artillery fire can be heard in the background, the correspondent reported...............http://indian.ruvr.ru/news/2014_11_06/experts-wreckage-MH17/
Work to recover MH17 wreckage suspended after human remains found — ministry ...
ReplyDeleteWork to recover the wreckage of doomed Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 has been suspended after investigators have found more human remains at the crash site in eastern Ukraine, the Transport Ministry of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic said on Friday.
“Several bodies of victims were found there yesterday. It was therefore decided to temporarily suspend work to remove the plane’s wreckage,” spokeswoman Ella Zhuranskaya told TASS. “Dutch investigators, representatives of our republic’s emergencies and transport ministries, and OSCE observers are expected to arrive at the crash site on Sunday, November 9, to continue inspecting the site where the Boeing crashed,” she said.........http://en.itar-tass.com/world/758618
Leichenteile gefunden: Bergung von MH17-Trümmern angeblich unterbrochen ...
DeleteDie Untersuchungen durch unabhängige Ermittler am Absturzort von Flug MH17 in der Ostukraine sind angeblich unterbrochen worden. Wie eine Vertreterin der von prorussischen Separatisten ausgerufenen "Volksrepublik Donezk" erklärte, seien weitere Leichenteile gefunden worden. Die Bergung der nach wie vor an der Unglücksstelle verstreuten Trümmer sei deshalb ausgesetzt worden. Man gehe davon aus, die Arbeit am Sonntag wieder aufnehmen zu können..............http://www.spiegel.de/panorama/mh17-untersuchungen-angeblich-wegen-leichenteilfund-unterbrochen-a-1001739.html
Last MH17 victims may never be recovered, as Ukraine bloodshed rises ...
ReplyDeleteThe remains of the last nine victims of flight MH17 may never be recovered from the Ukrainian battlefield where their plane was downed four months ago, the Dutch foreign minister said on Saturday (Nov 8), as fighting rumbled on in the east of the country.
Foreign Minister Bert Koenders made the grim assessment in the city of Kharkiv, where he attended a memorial service for five more sets of human remains collected from the site of the disaster and flown to The Netherlands.
Another ceremony attended by some 1,600 friends and relatives was planned to take place in The Netherlands on Monday.......................http://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/world/last-mh17-victims-may/1462110.html
Dutch experts refute accusations of careless MH17 wreckage handling..
ReplyDeleteExperts visited on Tuesday the Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 crash site in eastern Ukraine, where preparations are underway for removal of remaining plane wreckage by train, Wim van der Weegen, spokesman for the Dutch Safety Board, told media.
The spokesman could not say how long the process would take. He said Dutch specialist will be very careful in handling the wreckage.
“We know which exactly parts of the plane we want to get, but we won’t make this information public,” he said. The spokesman said cooperation continued with all interested parties, including with the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE). He did not elaborate further.
Earlier the transport minister of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic, Semyon Kuzmenko, told media that the way Dutch investigators were handling plane wreckage was practically destroying evidence that could help shed the light on the crash of a Malaysian Boeing over Ukraine.
He also expressed doubt that debris could be safely removed by train, also citing plans to cut some wreckage for the sake of convenient transportation.
Decision by the Netherlands to remove and reconstruct parts of the plane was announced on November 6. Experts believe this will help investigators looking into the crash.........http://indian.ruvr.ru/news/2014_11_11/Dutch-experts-refute-accusations-of-careless-MH17-wreckage-handling-8834/
Ukraine: accord sur l'évacuation des débris du Boeing malaisien ...
ReplyDeleteUn accord a été conclu en vue de l'évacuation des débris du Boeing 777 qui s'est écrasé le 17 juillet dans l'est de l'Ukraine, faisant 298 morts, a annoncé vendredi le ministère néerlandais de la Justice.
L'évacuation des débris commencera "le plus tôt possible en collaboration avec les services de secours locaux", a indiqué le ministère néerlandais de la Sécurité et de la Justice alors que des combats entre séparatistes et loyalistes font rage dans la région.
"Demain, une équipe supplémentaire quittera Kharkiv pour Donetsk afin d'apporter un soutien logistique", a ajouté la même source, selon laquelle l'accord avec les services de secours locaux a été conclu sous l'égide de l'OSCE, (Organisation pour la sécurité et la coopération en Europe).................http://www.rtl.be/info/monde/europe/1141793/ukraine-accord-sur-l-evacuation-des-debris-du-boeing-malaisien
MH17: Heikler Satz soll aus Untersuchungsbericht gestrichen worden sein....
ReplyDeleteIst aus dem Zwischenbericht zu Flug MH17 ein womöglich brisanter Satz entfernt worden? Recherchen eines Investigativteams sollen das belegen - sie deuten auf eine Mitverantwortung der Ukraine an der Flugkatastrophe hin.
Knapp fünf Monate nach dem Abschuss von Flug MH17 gerät die ukrainische Flugsicherung zunehmend unter Druck. Bereits seit Längerem stehen Vorwürfe im Raum, wonach der Luftraum über dem Kampfgebiet im Osten des Landes zwingend vollständig hätte gesperrt werden müssen. Jetzt gibt es Meldungen, wonach aus dem Zwischenbericht zur Absturzursache ein brisanter Satz gestrichen wurde.
So sei in einer früheren Version des Reports auf den Grund für die teilweise Sperrung des Luftraums hingewiesen worden, berichtet unter anderem die "Süddeutsche Zeitung" (SZ) - das gehe aus Recherchen von WDR, NDR, SZ und dem niederländischen Investigativteam "ARGOS" hervor.
Hintergrund: Im Absturzgebiet war bereits drei Tage vor der Katastrophe um Flug MH17 eine Militärmaschine auf 6500 Metern Höhe abgeschossen worden. Danach hatte die Ukraine in einer sogenannten NOTAM (Notice to airmen) den Luftraum gesperrt, allerdings nur bis auf eine Höhe von 9750 Metern - etwas unter der üblichen Reiseflughöhe für Passagierflugzeuge.
Viele Experten meinen, eine vollständige Sperrung des Luftraumes wäre angebracht gewesen. "Mit dem Abschuss der Antonov auf einer Höhe von 6500 Metern war absolut klar, dass das nur mit schweren Flugabwehr-Raketensystemen geschehen konnte", zitiert "Tagesschau.de" Siemon Wezeman vom Stockholmer Institut für Friedensforschung (SIPRI). "Diese Raketensysteme erreichen normalerweise ohne Probleme Höhen zwischen 10.000 und 13.000 Metern."
Dieser Argumentation schließt sich auch der Rechtsanwalt Elmar Giemulla an, der Angehörige deutscher MH17-Opfer vertritt....................http://www.spiegel.de/panorama/mh17-vorwuerfe-gegen-ukraine-angeblich-aenderung-in-zwischenbericht-a-1006517.html
Le autorità olandesi hanno rifiutato la richiesta dei parenti delle vittime dello schianto del Boeing malese in Ucraina orientale di trasferire le indagini presso l’ONU, riferisce RIA Novosti...
ReplyDeleteI servizi segreti olandesi hanno evidenziato che le indagini non sono condotte solo dagli investigatori olandesi. La squadra comprende i rappresentanti di 11 Paesi, tra cui Malesia, Russia e Ucraina.
La scorsa settimana i famigliari di 20 vittime hanno aderito alla campagna per il trasferimento delle indagini dalle autorità olandesi alle Nazioni Unite.
Per saperne di più: http://italian.ruvr.ru/news/2014_12_10/L-Olanda-ha-rifiutato-di-passare-le-indagini-sul-Boeing-all-ONU-0739/
Ermittlungen zu Boeing-Crash: Splitter unbekannter Herkunft in Körpern vieler Insassen ...
ReplyDeleteIn den Körpern eines Teils der Insassen der am 17. Juli über dem ostukrainischen Gebiet Donezk abgestürzten malaysischen Boeing sind laut dem Sicherheitsdienst der Ukraine (SBU) Metallsplitter unbekannter Herkunft entdeckt worden. Wie die Behörde unter Berufung auf Ermittlungsangaben mitteilte, könnte es sich dabei „um Fragmente der Rakete handeln, die die Maschine getroffen hat“.
Laut der Mitteilung des SBU-Pressedienstes wurden im Zuge der von der internationalen Ermittlergruppe vorgenommenen Untersuchungen 5,5 Milliarden Internet-Seiten studiert, „unter anderem Blogs und Foren wie auch Seiten aus sozialen Netzwerken, auf denen unter anderem Fotos und Videos aus der Ostukraine veröffentlicht wurden“.
Gesammelt wurden Aussagen von Zeugen, darunter auch solcher, die bis jetzt im Mittelpunkt des Konflikts stehen, heißt es in der Mitteilung. Per E-mail bekomme die Gruppe weiterhin wertvolle Fotos und Videos...............http://de.ria.ru/society/20141220/270247826.html
Repatriation mission finds new human remains of MH17 ...
ReplyDeleteThe Dutch repatriation mission in eastern Ukraine has recovered new human remains and personal belongings of victims of the MH17 disaster, mission leader Pieter-Jaap Aalbersberg announced Wednesday in a statement by the Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice.
Wintry weather conditions had made it hard for the Netherlands to do recovery work in the area around the disaster site for months, but last Thursday the repatriation mission resumed. According to Aalbersberg, the work has progressed steadily, despite snow, rain and strong winds.
The goal of the new mission is to clear two "burned" sites, locations where large fire has raged, and to search the area northwest of Petropavlivka. Due to the security situation in that district, a Dutch team has never been there before.
The mission will last as long as necessary, at least for some weeks. According to the Dutch Ministry of Security and Justice, the mission will make the best efforts to finalize the recovery of the last human remains, personal property and debris that may be left.
The found human remains, personal belongings and debris have been transferred to the city of Kharkiv and will later be transferred to the Netherlands for identification and investigation respectively.......Xinhua............globaltimes.cn
Dutch expert suspended after showing MH17 victim photos...
ReplyDeleteA Dutch expert helping to identify victims from last year's MH17 airliner crash in Ukraine has been suspended after showing photographs of the dead at a public lecture, police said Thursday (Apr 23).
"He has been suspended from his work and we'll see if other measures need to be taken," Thomas Aling, spokesman for the Dutch national forensics investigation team LTFO, told AFP. "Apparently he showed photos that cannot be shown at a public meeting," Aling said following the lecture given by George Maat and organised by a medical students association in southern city Maastricht.
Maat, an anthropologist at Leiden University, is also accused of making comments outside his realm of expertise, notably about the causes of the crash, which were "incorrect," Aling said. All 298 passengers and crew onboard the Malaysia Airlines jetliner - most of them Dutch - died when it was shot down at high altitude over rebel-held eastern Ukraine in July last year.........AFP.......channelnewsasia.com
Crash MH17 en Ukraine : Berlin connaissait les risques...
ReplyDeleteQuelques jours avant le crash du Boeing de Malaysia Airlines, provoqué par un missile, un câble diplomatique allemand soulignait les risques liés au survol de l’Est de l’Ukraine.
Le gouvernement allemand connaissait les risques liés au survol de l’Est de l’Ukraine avant le crash du Boeing de la Malaysia Airlines et n’en a pas informé les compagnies aériennes allemandes, ont indiqué plusieurs médias allemands ce week-end. Les 298 passagers et membres d’équipage du vol MH17, dont deux tiers de Néerlandais, sont décédés le 17 juillet quand l’avion de la Malaysia Airlines a été abattu par un missile alors qu’il survolait cette zone en guerre.
Un câble diplomatique émis par le ministère allemand des Affaires étrangères quelques jours avant le crash avait jugé la situation « préoccupante », alors qu’un avion militaire avait été abattu dans cette zone à plus de 6.000 mètres d’altitude, d’après les informations des radios-télévisions WDR et NDR et du quotidien Süddeutsche Zeitung diffusées par avance dimanche........lesechos.fr
Recherchen zu MH17-Abschuss in der Ukraine: Bundesregierung hielt Warnung zurück ...
ReplyDeleteDer Bundesregierung lagen vor dem Abschuss von Flug MH17 über der Ostukraine klare Gefahrenhinweise vor, die sie nicht an deutsche Fluggesellschaften weiter gegeben hat. Das geht nach Recherchen von WDR, NDR und "Süddeutsche Zeitung" aus internen, vertraulichen Berichten des Auswärtigen Amtes hervor.
Der Malaysia-Airlines-Flug MH17 war am 17. Juli des vergangenen Jahres mit 298 Menschen an Bord im Kriegsgebiet in der Ostukraine abgestürzt - mutmaßlich nach einem Treffer einer Boden-Luft-Rakete. Die ukrainische Regierung und der Westen gehen davon aus, dass die Maschine von prorussischen Separatisten mit einer russischen Boden-Luft-Rakete abgeschossen wurde. Die russische Regierung sieht die Verantwortung hingegen bei der ukrainischen Luftwaffe. Da die meisten Opfer niederländische Staatsbürger waren, leiten die niederländischen Behörden die Ermittlungen. Sie sind noch nicht abgeschlossen............tagesschau.de
MH17: Berlín sabía que sobrevolar Ucrania era peligroso, pero no advirtió a aerolíneas...
ReplyDeleteDías antes de la tragedia del avión MH17, que se estrelló el pasado 17 de julio en el este de Ucrania cobrándose la vida de 298 personas, Alemania era consciente del peligro que conllevaba sobrevolar el espacio aéreo ucraniano, aunque no advirtió a las aerolíneas alemanas, según una investigación de medios alemanes........http://actualidad.rt.com/actualidad/173151-mh17-berlin-saber-peligros-cielo-ucrania