Sunday, July 20, 2014

John Kerry: "Enormous amount of evidence" Russia involved in MH17 crash

Secretary of State John Kerry said Sunday that there is an "enormous amount of evidence" that Russia provided separatists in Eastern Ukraine with the weapons used to shoot down Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 last week, resulting in the deaths of nearly 300 people.
In an interview on CBS' "Face the Nation," Kerry said that the investigation of the crash is going to draw "definitive" conclusions about Russia's role.
"What we have is a lot of evidence that points in the direction, that raises very, very serious questions, including the fact that a few weeks ago, we have 150-vehicle convoy coming from Russia, going into the east of Ukraine with tanks, artillery, multiple rocket launchers, armored personnel carriers, turned over to the separatists," Kerry said.
"We know that there are Russians who are leaders of the separatists. Some, not all. Some. And we know that the Russians have armed the separatists, trained the separatists, support the separatists, and have, to date, not publicly called on the separatists to stand down or to be part of the solution."

Kerry also noted that there was an SA-11 surface-to-air missile in the vicinity of crash right before the plane was shot down, and said that there is documentation on social media that separatists bragged about shooting down the plane. The U.S. has also intercepted recordings of separatists talking to each other about the plane being shot down.
Finally, Kerry said, there is video evidence that a SA-11 system was moved back into Russia and is now missing from Eastern Ukraine. "So there's enormous amount of evidence, even more evidence than I just documented, that points to the involvement of Russia in providing these system, training the people on them," Kerry said...................


  1. Für Kerry kam Raketensystem aus Russland...

    Das malaysische Verkehrsflugzeug mit der Flugnummer MH17 ist nach Einschätzung von US-Außenminister John Kerry mit einem Raketensystem abgeschossen worden, das den prorussischen Separatisten im Osten der Ukraine von Russland gestellt wurde. "Es ist ziemlich klar, dass dieses System von Russland in die Hände der Separatisten gelangte", sagte Kerry dem US-Nachrichtensender CNN. Bei dem Absturz der malaysischen Boeing am Donnerstag in der Ostukraine kamen alle 298 Insassen ums Leben..............

  2. US Secretary of State John Kerry said Sunday that evidence in the downing of the jet points to pro-Russian separatists in Ukraine using a missile system that came from Russia....

    "If Russia does not immediately take the necessary measures, consequences will be drawn by the European Union at the Foreign Affairs Council which takes place on Tuesday," the French presidency said in a statement after the leaders of France, Germany and Britain held a conference call on Sunday.

    Leaders from the three countries agreed to call on their Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin to pressure the rebels into allowing rescuers and investigators "free and total access" to the crash site.

    Netherlands Prime Minister, Mark Rutte, said Saturday that he had told Putin that time was "running out" to show he could help. The majority of the victims, 192, were Dutch. Other victims came from Malaysia, Australia, the UK and six other nations.

    "Russia is facing increasing pressure from the West and the preponderance of international opinion is blaming Russia, which has allegedly supported the armed rebels in Ukraine," said Jin Canrong, an associate dean of the School of International Studies at the Renmin University of China.

    While the West has apportioned blame to Moscow, Russian officials and state media alleged that the new leaders in Kiev staged the attack to blame the rebels and convince their Western allies to deploy troops and help seal Ukraine's porous border with Russia.

    Jin said that the totally different statements issued from the US and Europe, Ukraine as well as Russia signal that the crash has widened the rift between Russia and the West.

    "Western countries have used this incident to defame Russia," Jin said, adding it is difficult for the international investigation team to stay independent and reach a fair result.

    Some European nations, with an eye to their trade links with Russia, have up to now been less enthusiastic about confronting Moscow over Ukraine. The Washington Post said if it turns out that Ukraine rebels have used Russian advanced weaponry to down the aircraft, it may transform Europe's debate.

    While the crash of MH17 was regarded by some as a game changer for the Ukraine crisis, Ding Peihua, a Russian studies expert with the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, said that it is not likely to change Moscow's handling of the issue.

    "Russia will not distance itself from pro-Russian rebels and it also won't give up the region, otherwise its efforts of the last several months would be wasted," Ding said.


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