Tuesday, July 22, 2014

EU sends security support mission to Ukraine. (will be an unarmed and non-executive civilian mission)

BRUSSELS. -- European Union foreign ministers on Tuesday established a civilian mission to help reform Ukraine's security strategy.

The foreign ministers said the mission, to be called the EU Advisory Mission for Civilian Security Sector Reform Ukraine, will be an unarmed and non-executive civilian mission. EU advisers will initially focus on supporting the revision of security strategies and the rapid implementation of reforms.

The headquarters of the mission will be in Kiev, the Ukrainian capital. Tuesday's decision allocates a budget of €2.68 million for the start-up phase, which will last until Nov. 30.

Operational planning and other preparations are underway and a civilian response team is in Kiev.

"The Ukrainian authorities have embarked on the critical path of civilian security sector reform and have requested the support of the European Union," said EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton. "The EU is deploying this mission to assist Ukraine in this reform, including police and the rule of law."



  1. Les ministres des Affaires étrangères de l'Union européenne ont reporté jusqu'au 24 juillet une décision concernant de nouvelles sanctions contre la Russie....

    Ce mardi, les ministres se sont rassemblés pour une réunion à Bruxelles. Il était prévu qu’ils adopteraient une liste élargie de nouveaux critères qui comprendra des citoyens et des sociétés russes.

    Entre autres choses, l'UE est prête à interdire de nouveaux contrats militaires avec Moscou, « refusant d'interrompre les contrats existants ».
    Lire la suite: http://french.ruvr.ru/news/2014_07_22/LUE-a-decide-de-reporter-les-sanctions-contre-la-Russie-7371/

    1. EU Foreign Ministers meeting in Brussels have decided to enlarge the number of Russians to be hit by sanctions as a result of Russia’s support for rebels in eastern Ukraine.

      The number of people and the extent of the measures will be made public on Thursday.

      Further increasing the pressure on Russian President Vladimir Putin, the European Commission is to examine further actions that can be taken in highly sensitive areas such as defence, energy and financial markets...........http://www.rte.ie/news/2014/0722/632268-eu-council-meeting/

    2. The European Union will produce a new wider list of Ukraine sanctions targets on Thursday (July 24), including Russian personalities and entities, EU foreign affairs chief Catherine Ashton said.

      The EU had decided to accelerate the "targeted measures agreed" at an EU leaders’ summit last week, which had set an end-July deadline, Ashton said Tuesday (July 22), adding that officials would submit the new list on Thursday.

  2. Les autorités de Kiev, protégées par l’Occident, ont dans une certaine mesure perdu leur souveraineté, leur indépendance dans la prise de décision, et agissent sous contrôle, a déclaré aux journalistes le Secrétaire du Conseil de sécurité de Russie, Nikolaï Patrouchev, à l’issue d’une réunion au Kremlin....

    Il a souligné que les autorités de Kiev n’accordaient aucune importance à l’objectivité des informations publiées et à la nécessité d’analyser la situation, mais « présentent les événements de la façon dont ils souhaitent les voir, y compris en utilisant des publications issues des réseaux sociaux et des opinions sans fondement ».
    Lire la suite: http://french.ruvr.ru/news/2014_07_22/Les-autorites-ukrainiennes-ont-perdu-leur-souverainete-Patrouchev-4839/

    1. Le autorità di Kiev sono diventate un protettorato dell'Occidente, in qualche modo hanno perso la sovranità e l'indipendenza nelle decisioni ed agiscono sotto comando, ha dichiarato il segretario del Consiglio di Sicurezza della Russia Nikolay Patrushev ai giornalisti dopo la riunione dell'organo di Difesa al Cremlino...

      Ha sottolineato che le autorità di Kiev non prestano attenzione alle informazioni oggettive in entrata e alla necessità di analizzarle, ma semplicemente "presentano alcuni fenomeni nella forma in cui vogliono vederli, basandosi persino sui social network e su opinioni infondate."
      Per saperne di più: http://italian.ruvr.ru/news/2014_07_22/Kiev-ha-ceduto-la-propria-sovranita-nazionale-allOccidente-8726/

  3. EU has no unity on sanctions against Russia — FT...

    Political rifts inside the EU have not allowed the European Community to agree on the introduction of new sanctions against Russia over the situation in Ukraine, The Financial Times writes on Wednesday.

    “Europe’s foreign ministers failed to agree new sanctions against Russia for its alleged role in the downing of MH17 despite a push by Britain, Sweden and a group of eastern European countries for an arms embargo to be imposed on the Kremlin,” the newspaper notes, summarizing the results of a meeting of the EU foreign ministers in Brussels on Tuesday.

    “But an embargo met resistance from other EU countries, particularly France, which was forced to defend its decision to continue honouring a €1.2bn contract to sell Mistral-class helicopter assault ships to Russia,” FT writes. As a result, the “options for broader economic sanctions — including blocking Russian access to Europe’s capital markets and limits on military and other “sensitive technologies”, including in the energy sector,” are to be formulated by Thursday, the newspaper writes.

    It also drew attention to the criticism of UK Prime Minister Davis Cameron voiced by Paris on Tuesday. A number or prominent politicians, including Jean-Christophe Cambadelis, head of the French ruling Socialist Party, urged London not to attack the plans on the Mistral ships. “This is a false debate led by hypocrites,” Mr. Cambadelis said. “When you see how many [Russian] oligarchs have sought refuge in London, David Cameron should start by cleaning up his own backyard.”

    Previously, Cameron, the foreign ministers of Latvia and Lithuania both publicly chastised Paris over the deal, and Carl Bildt, Sweden’s outspoken foreign minister, said: “To deliver arms in this situation is somewhat difficult to defend, to put it mildly,” FT writes.

    “The sanctions fight demonstrated deep divisions over Russia remained within the EU even after the MH17 downing,” the newspaper summarized.

  4. The German government announced plans on Wednesday to send up to 20 policemen to Ukraine as part of the European Union's two year law enforcement mission....

    On July 22, the EU decided to deploy the mission to help Ukraine carry out a police reform. The EU said the mission will be unarmed and civilian.

    In April, the EU Council considered the option of setting up a mission of instructors for the Ukrainian security services. The initiative was proposed by the UK, Sweden and Poland.


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