Sunday, July 20, 2014

Australia drafts MH17 restriction resolution...

Australia has circulated a draft UN Security Council resolution demanding that pro-Russian separatists provide 'full and unfettered access' to the crash site of the downed Malaysian jet in eastern Ukraine.

The document - that could be put to a vote as early as Monday - also calls on everyone in the region to fully co-operate in an international probe of the incident.

The draft resolution 'demands that the armed groups in control of the crash site and the surrounding area refrain from any actions that may compromise the integrity of the crash site and immediately provide safe, secure, full and unfettered access to the site and surrounding area for the appropriate investigating authorities.'

While not mentioning Russia specifically, it 'calls on all states and actors in the region to co-operate fully in relation to the international investigation of the incident, including with respect to immediate access to the crash site ... in an effort to strengthen the safety of international civil aviation and to prevent any recurrence of such use of force against civilian aircraft.'

  • Appearing on 60 Minutes on Sunday night, Prmie Minister Tony Abbott said: 'We owe it to the dead, all the dead, we owe it to the families, all the families to do everything in our power to respect the bodies, to find the truth and to ensure justice is done.'
The prime minister says Australia will do everything in its power to ensure the bodies of 37 Australians killed in the disaster are respected and justice is done.

Continuing his tough talk over the tragedy on Sunday evening, Mr Abbott said he had attended a national security committee of cabinet meeting after images emerged of the crash site in eastern Ukraine being 'absolutely trampled'.

World leaders have demanded Russian President Vladimir Putin use his influence to persuade the rebels to hand over the victims and allow full access to the crash site....................- See more at:



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