Iraqi Kurdistan has built a link connecting Kirkuk to its newly-built
pipeline to Turkey, its minister of natural resources said, potentially
cementing Kurdish control over the northern oil hub and reducing its
reliance on Baghdad.
The link could allow the Kurds to start exports of Kirkuk crude oil through their own network, giving them a major source of independent revenue and boosting any ambitions of sovereign statehood as Iraq falls into increasing disarray.
The new link connects Kirkuk's Avana dome to the Khurmala dome out of which the Kurdish pipeline runs.
"That blue line was finished," Ashti Hawrami, the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) minister for natural resources, told a conference in London, pointing to a map of the pipelines.
Baghdad's military retreat from the north under a lightning assault led by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) last week allowed the KRG's Peshmerga forces to seize control of long-disputed Kirkuk and its oil reserves - the potential economic lynchpin of a sovereign Kurdish entity.
But the main 600,000 bpd Kirkuk pipeline, which accounted for the bulk of Iraq's northern crude oil exports, has been offline since March following insurgent attacks.
Attempts to repair it have been thwarted by Islamic militants in the region, who have targeted engineers trying to fix sections of the line that pass through territory outside KRG control....................
The link could allow the Kurds to start exports of Kirkuk crude oil through their own network, giving them a major source of independent revenue and boosting any ambitions of sovereign statehood as Iraq falls into increasing disarray.
The new link connects Kirkuk's Avana dome to the Khurmala dome out of which the Kurdish pipeline runs.
"That blue line was finished," Ashti Hawrami, the Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) minister for natural resources, told a conference in London, pointing to a map of the pipelines.
Baghdad's military retreat from the north under a lightning assault led by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) last week allowed the KRG's Peshmerga forces to seize control of long-disputed Kirkuk and its oil reserves - the potential economic lynchpin of a sovereign Kurdish entity.
But the main 600,000 bpd Kirkuk pipeline, which accounted for the bulk of Iraq's northern crude oil exports, has been offline since March following insurgent attacks.
Attempts to repair it have been thwarted by Islamic militants in the region, who have targeted engineers trying to fix sections of the line that pass through territory outside KRG control....................
Iraqi Turkmens arming for self-defense
Kurdish forces in full control of oil city of Kirkuk after Iraq army flees
Kurden im Irak....Aus der Asche ein Kurdenstaat...
ReplyDeleteDie Kurden im Nordirak sind überfordert mit Hunderttausenden neuen Flüchtlingen. Aber sie nutzen das von Isis ausgelöste Chaos, um ihren Einfluss.
Die Planen gegen die brennende Sonne waren noch nicht fertig aufgespannt, da zogen schon die ersten Flüchtlinge ein in das neue Camp. 1.000 große Zelte haben das Flüchtlingshilfswerk UNHCR und andere Hilfsorganisationen in diesen Tagen in der Nähe der Stadt Duhok im Nordirak errichtet für diejenigen, die sich vor den islamistischen Kämpfern der Isis in Sicherheit bringen wollen.
Der Isis-Vormarsch hat innerhalb von wenigen Tagen Hunderttausende vertrieben. Allein in der vergangenen Woche sind nach Angaben des UNHCR 300.000 Menschen in den kurdischen Nordirak geflohen. Hinzu kommen diejenigen aus Syrien. Salah Ahmed arbeitet für die Menschenrechtsstiftung Jiyan und war bis einen Tag nach der Eroberung Mossuls selbst in der Region unterwegs. Er sagt: "Wenn das so weitergeht, gibt es einen Kollaps." Die kurdische Regierung allein sei mit der Situation überfordert, mahnt Ahmed.......................