The Ukrainian opposition will seek approval of the resignation of President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, in the Parliament, Reuters reports with a reference to Oksana Zinovieva, spokesperson of the opposition leader of the Ukrainian Udar party Vitali Klitschko.
"We will send a resolution demanding from Yanukovych to resign. This will allow the Parliament to set a date for early elections", Reuters quotes Zinovieva’s words.
Previously, Vitali Klitschko said that he believes the path of armed confrontation demanding the resignation of President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych proclaimed by the Right Sector radical association to be an error.
Voice of Russia, RIA
Le président ukrainien Viktor Ianoukovitch a quitté vendredi soir la capitale, Kiev, pour se rendre à Kharkov (ouest), rapportent samedi les médias occidentaux citant une source au sein du gouvernement américain.
"Selon nos informations (…), le président Ianoukovitch est parti pour Kharkov pour prendre part à une certaine réunion, et il y est déjà arrivé", a fait savoir la source qui affirmait s'être entretenu avec le ministre ukrainien des Affaires étrangères Leonid Kojara.
Kharkov est la deuxième plus grande ville d'Ukraine, considérée comme un fief des partisans du président Ianoukovitch.
Vendredi 21 février, M.Ianoukovitch et les chefs de file de l'opposition antigouvernementale ont conclu un accord sur le règlement de la crise en Ukraine qui prévoyait un retour au régime parlementaire, la formation d'un gouvernement d'union nationale et la tenue de l'élection présidentielle anticipée avant la fin de l'année en cours.
Le document a été signé à l'issue de plusieurs jours d'extrêmes violences à Kiev, où près de 80 personnes avaient trouvé la mort dans des affrontements entre forces de l'ordre et protestataires.
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"We will send a resolution demanding from Yanukovych to resign. This will allow the Parliament to set a date for early elections", Reuters quotes Zinovieva’s words.
Previously, Vitali Klitschko said that he believes the path of armed confrontation demanding the resignation of President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych proclaimed by the Right Sector radical association to be an error.
Voice of Russia, RIA
- Ukraine: le président Ianoukovitch quitte Kiev (médias)
Le président ukrainien Viktor Ianoukovitch a quitté vendredi soir la capitale, Kiev, pour se rendre à Kharkov (ouest), rapportent samedi les médias occidentaux citant une source au sein du gouvernement américain.
"Selon nos informations (…), le président Ianoukovitch est parti pour Kharkov pour prendre part à une certaine réunion, et il y est déjà arrivé", a fait savoir la source qui affirmait s'être entretenu avec le ministre ukrainien des Affaires étrangères Leonid Kojara.
Kharkov est la deuxième plus grande ville d'Ukraine, considérée comme un fief des partisans du président Ianoukovitch.
Vendredi 21 février, M.Ianoukovitch et les chefs de file de l'opposition antigouvernementale ont conclu un accord sur le règlement de la crise en Ukraine qui prévoyait un retour au régime parlementaire, la formation d'un gouvernement d'union nationale et la tenue de l'élection présidentielle anticipée avant la fin de l'année en cours.
Le document a été signé à l'issue de plusieurs jours d'extrêmes violences à Kiev, où près de 80 personnes avaient trouvé la mort dans des affrontements entre forces de l'ordre et protestataires.
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Βαλεντίνα Ματβιένκο: στην Ουκρανία λαμβάνει χώρα προσπάθεια κρατικού πραξικοπήματος ...
ReplyDeleteΩς βίαιη προσπάθεια ανατροπής της νόμιμης εξουσίας στη χώρα χαρακτήρισε τα δρώμενα στην Ουκρανία η Πρόεδρος του Συμβουλίου της Ομοσπονδίας (Άνω Βουλής) της Ρωσικής Ομοσπονδίας Βαλεντίνα Ματβιένκο σε συνάντηση με τον Πρόεδρο του Ανωτάτου Συμβουλίου της Κριμαίας Βλαντίμιρ Κονσταντίνοφ στη Μόσχα. Με τη σειρά του, ο επικεφαλής της Βουλής της Κριμαίας δήλωσε ότι δεν θα αναγνωρίσει ως νόμιμες οποιεσδήποτε ενέργειες των ουκρανικών Αρχών, που θα εγκριθούν υπό την πίεση των εξτρεμιστών.
Η Βαλεντίνα Ματβιένκο κατά τη διάρκεια της συνάντησης κάλεσε όλες τις υγιώς σκεπτόμενες πολιτικές και κοινωνικές δυνάμεις της Ουκρανίας να συνενωθούν για τον τερματισμό των ενεργειών, που απειλούν την εδαφική ακεραιότητα της χώρας, δήλωσε η Πρόεδρος του Συμβουλίου της Ομοσπονδίας:
- Δυστυχώς, οι ηγέτες της αντιπολίτευσης, οι οποίοι συμμετέχουν στις συνομιλίες, και ο κόσμος στο Μαϊντάν, είναι δυο εντελώς διαφορετικές δυνάμεις. Οι ευρισκόμενοι στην Πλατεία Μαϊντάν, δεν έχουν ορισμένες πολιτικές απαιτήσεις προς την εξουσία, για τις οποίες θα μπορούσαν να διεξαχθούν συνομιλίες. Παρόλ΄ αυτά, η θέση μας συνίσταται στο ότι πρέπει να γίνει παν το δυνατόν για την ειρηνευτική επίλυση της εξαιρετικά σκληρής πολιτικής κρίσης. Από την άλλη σε οποιοδήποτε κράτος οι Αρχές είναι υπόχρεες να εξασφαλίσουν τη διαφύλαξη του συνταγματικού συστήματος και της ασφάλειας των πολιτών στο πλαίσιο του Συντάγματος, στο πλαίσιο της ισχύουσας νομοθεσίας. Νομίζω ότι όλες οι υγιώς σκεπτόμενες δυνάμεις της Ουκρανίας, και τέτοιες είναι η απόλυτη πλειονότητα των κατοίκων της χώρας, πρέπει να συνενωθούν στην επιδίωξή τους να θέσουν τέλος σε αυτή τη βία, να θέσουν τέλος σε αυτές τις ληστρικές, αντισυνταγματικές ενέργειες, διότι διαφορετικά αυτή η κατάσταση απειλεί την εδαφική ακεραιότητα της Ουκρανίας.......Διαβάστε ολόκληρο το κείμενο:
Советник президента Украины: Янукович вылетел в Харьков...
ReplyDeleteКИЕВ, 22 февраля. /ИТАР-ТАСС/. Президент Украины Виктор Янукович вылетел в Харьков, где намерен встретиться с депутатами съезда юго-восточных областей страны. Об этом, как сообщает агентство "Украинские национальные новости", заявила советник президента, депутат Верховной рады Анна Герман.
"Президент Украины находится в Харькове. Он вылетел туда вечером. Сегодня он встретится с избирателями, а также выступит по харьковскому телевидению. Президент не будет участвовать в этом съезде, который организовывается в Харькове", - отметила Герман.
Presidential impeachment bill introduced in Ukrainian parliament...
ReplyDeleteA presidential impeachment bill was introduced in Ukrainian parliament on Friday evening. The bill was published on parliament’s website, but no details were provided.
Soon after the bill's introduction, President Viktor Yanukovich left for Kharkov to attend a summit of south-eastern regions, according to media reports.
The new impeachment bill was authored by Nikolay Rudkovskiy, head of the Socialist Party in Ukraine, which is part of the ruling Party of Regions coalition.
Current Ukrainian legislation has an impeachment clause, though it is extremely complex and many argue it is practically impossible to enact, RIA Novosti reported.................
Nach Deal mit Opposition: Wo ist Präsident Janukowitsch?...
ReplyDeleteNach der Einigung mit der Opposition hat der ukrainische Präsident Viktor Janukowitsch Medienberichten zufolge die Hauptstadt Kiew verlassen. Über den Verbleib des Staatschefs gibt es vorerst keine offiziellen Angaben.
Die Nachrichtenagentur Unian meldete unter Verweis auf das ukrainische Fernsehen, dass die Kiewer Präsidentenresidenz Meschigorja leer sei. „Das Territorium ist absolut leer“, berichtete eine Korrespondentin vor Ort. „Die Wächter sagen, sie hätten dort seit heute Morgen keinen Menschen gesehen.“
Ukrainische Medien berichteten, dass Janukowitsch bereits am späten Freitagabend zu einem Treffen mit seinen Mitstreitern ins östliche Charkow gereist sei. Doch die Leitung der Region bestritt dies. „Wenn der Präsident nach Charkow gekommen wäre, hätte ich es bestimmt gewusst“, sagte die Sprecherin der regionalen Verwaltung, Viktorija Marenitsch, am Samstag zur Agentur Unian.............
Ukraine downfall: President’s whereabouts uncertain as opposition push for resignation...
ReplyDeleteThe whereabouts of Ukrainian President Yanukovich are unknown a day after he agreed to opposition demands. Parliament is trying to replace its resigned speaker to push for presidential resignation and an early election.
Ukraine remains chaotic amid the worst political crisis the country has seen in modern history. Viktor Yanukovich has gone missing, with even his immediate staff declining to say where he is.
The presidential residence in Kiev has been abandoned and left virtually unguarded. Some media reports said on Friday that the residents had packed up and left.
Some media reports suggest that Yanukovich is in Kharkov, a city in Eastern Ukraine, which is a stronghold of his Party of Regions. The president is supposedly going to take part in a summit of members of regional parliaments from Eastern and Southern Ukraine. The emergency gathering will be discussing the ongoing crisis and the strategy the Euromaidan-skeptical regions will follow after the opposition gains in Kiev and in the west of the country.
Neither presidential staff nor local authorities in Kharkov confirmed Yanukovich’s visit. The local airport said the presidential plane had not landed there...............
Ukraine Parliament Considers President's Ouster, Early Vote...
ReplyDeleteMOSCOW, February 22 (RIA Novosti) – Opposition figures in Ukraine signaled their intent Saturday to seek the ouster of President Viktor Yanukovych in parliament and call elections by the end of May as the government showed signs of total capitulation following days of bloody protests.
After midday Saturday, as the legislature was convening, Yanukovych loyalist and parliament speaker Volodymyr Rybak announced his resignation, citing ill-health. The decision came on the heels of the resignation of dozens of deputies from the ruling Party of Regions.
Speaking in the Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine’s parliament, UDAR party leader Vitali Klitschko said deputies should consider a resolution requiring the president to resign and for the holding of elections before May 25................
Ukrainian protesters say control president's offices in Kiev ...
ReplyDeleteKIEV - Ukrainian protesters said they had taken control of the presidential administration building in central Kiev, as opposition leaders pressed for the resignation of President Viktor Yanukovich on Saturday.
"He's not here, none of his officials or anyone linked directly to the administration are here," Ostap Kryvdyk, a protest leader, told a Reuters reporter inside the grounds of the administration building.
The crowd of 10,000, who have gathered for Kharkov's meeting of the south-eastern regional heads, is continuing to grow, with the area surrounding the city's sports palace now cordoned off by the police, Itar-Tass reports...........
ReplyDeleteAfter the police barricades, the protesters continue to the arena on foot. One thing worth noting is that the mood is surprisingly calm and no violent tempers have been spotted in the marching midst, which is very dissimilar from what has been witnessed in the capital, Kiev.
A massive stage has been set up in front of the sports arena, with activists beginning to distribute 'Ukrainian Front' fliers to people.
The majority of those present openly support President Yanukovich. ......
В парламенте Украины зарегистрирован законопроект о ратификации Римского статута...
ReplyDeleteВ парламенте Украины зарегистрирован законопроект о ратификации Римского статута Международного уголовного суда (МУС). Инициатором принятия документа выступил депутат от фракции "Батькивщина" Геннадий Москаль.
В пояснительной записке сообщается, что законопроект разработан "с целью внедрения действенного механизма привлечения к уголовной ответственности за преступления против человечности, борьбы с безнаказанностью на Украине". Кроме того, документ призван обеспечить соблюдение гуманитарного права, фундаментальных прав и свобод человека, улучшение имиджа страны на международной арене, а также "прекращение нарушений прав человека".
Проектом закона предусмотрено, что он вступает в силу для Украины "с первого дня месяца, который наступает после завершения 60-дневного срока от даты передачи на хранение ее ратификационной грамоты".
Римский статут является международным договором, учредившим МУС. Он был принят на дипломатической конференции в Риме 17 июля 1998 года. В настоящее время участниками договора являются 122 страны.
Kiev: les radicaux affirment contrôler la résidence présidentielle...
ReplyDeleteDes opposants radicaux ont affirmé avoir pris le contrôle de la résidence présidentielle à Kiev, rapportent samedi les médias occidentaux.
"Le président Ianoukovitch n'est pas là, et aucun de ses représentants officiels n'est là non plus", a indiqué l'un des protestataires ayant pénétrés dans le bâtiment, cité par Reuters.
Selon l'interlocuteur de l'agence, les opposants n'ont rencontré aucune résistance lors de l'irruption.
Dans le même temps, la conseillère de Viktor Ianoukovitch Anna Guerman a fait savoir que le dirigeant ukrainien s'était rendu à Kharkov (est)...............
Chairman of Russia’s Foreign Affairs Committee, Mikhail Margelov, has arrived to Kharkov for the gathering of the Ukrainian MPs of the south-eastern regions, where the crowds now number upwards of 10,000 people......
ReplyDelete“On orders from the speaker of Federation Council of Russia, Valentina Matvienko, Margelov has travelled to Kharkov to take part in the summit of the south-eastern regional MPs of Ukraine,” RIA Novosti reported cited a statement by the body.
President Yanukovich, who was said to earlier be in Kharkov to participate as well, will not be taking part, although is currently in the city. He will be making a televised address regarding the signing of new laws at a later point.
12:01 GMT:
ReplyDeleteThe Ukrainian Rada has ruled that freeing the former PM Yulia Timoshenko from prison will be done swiftly, in accordance with “international duties,” Itar-Tass quoted the parliament as saying.
The vote was 233 in favor of the decision.
Moscow demands to ensure safety for Russians in Ukraine...
ReplyDeleteRussia believes it is an absolute necessity and duty of Ukraine’s law-enforcement authorities and all the forces that are controlling or trying to control Kiev and the Ukrainian regions
MOSCOW, February 22, 16:01 /ITAR-TASS/. ass) - Moscow calls on Ukraine's authorities and forces attempting to control Kiev and western Ukrainian regions to ensure safety for Russians and compatriots, the Russian Foreign Ministry's commissioner for human rights, democracy and the rule of law, Konstantin Dolgov, told Itar-Tass on Saturday, commenting on the attack on a bus, which carried Belarusian tourists, in Ukraine's Rovno region on February. The bus driver, a citizen of the Russian Federation, was seriously wounded in the attack...............
Делегация Европарламента вылетела в Киев для встреч с депутатами Верховной Рады...
ReplyDeleteБРЮССЕЛЬ, 22 февраля. /Корр. ИТАР-ТАСС Александр Шишло/. Делегация Европарламента /ЕП/ во главе с руководителем комитета по иностранным делам Эльмаром Броком вылетела 22 февраля в Киев для встреч с депутатами Верховной Рады. Об этом сообщил корр. ИТАР-ТАСС представитель пресс- службы ЕП.
По его словам, целью двухдневной поездки делегации в составе 12 депутатов является оказание поддержки процессу урегулирования политического кризиса на Украине.
Ukraine: Rada ernennt Protestführer zum neuen Innenminister...
ReplyDeleteDie Oberste Rada (ukrainisches Parlament) hat am Samstag Arsen Awakow von der Oppositionspartei Batkiwschtschyna zum interimistischen Innenminister ernannt.
Für Awakow, Mitstreiter der inhaftierten Ex-Regierungschefin Julia Timoschenko und einen der Führer der Proteste in Kiew, stimmten 275 der 324 anwesenden Abgeordneten, wie ein Korrespondent der RIA Novosti aus Rada berichtet. Laut Parlamentschef Alexander Turtschinow bleibt Awakow bis zur Bildung einer Koalitionsregierung im Amt.
Nach der Ernennung sagte Awakow, dass das Innenministerium nun an der Seite der Demonstranten stehe. „Die Organe des Innenministeriums sind auf die Seite der Protestteilnehmer gewechselt“, so der neue Minister im ukrainischen Fernsehen.............
Советник президента, народный депутат фракции Партии регионов Анна Герман опровергает сведения о том, что президент Украины Виктор Янукович подал в отставку...
ReplyDeleteОтвечая на вопрос агентства "Интерфакс", соответствует ли действительности появившаяся информация об отставке главы государства, Герман сказала: "Нет!". Она также сообщила, что президент находится в Харькове, он пообщался с журналистами и выступил на местном телевидении. Герман назвала сообщения об отставке "спекуляциями и попыткой силой захватить власть".......
Вадим Колесниченко: "Иностранные агенты влияния" влили в госпереворот на Украине более $10 млрд.....
ReplyDeleteПроисходящие на Украине события профинансированы "иностранными агентами влияния". Об этом сообщил депутат Верховной Рады от Партии регионов Вадим Колесниченко.
"Ситуация, которая сложилась в Киеве, готовилась не один год. Иностранные агенты влияния влили в государственный переворот за последние несколько лет более 10 млрд долларов. В агентов, которые работают в Верховном Совете под прикрытием так называемых неправительственных организаций", - сказал депутат.
Ранее он назвал происходящее на Украине "государственным переворотом, организованным Европой и США".
"Происходящие сегодня на Украине события - это государственный переворот. Депутатам поступают угрозы, их семьи практически является заложниками", - сказал Колесниченко.
"Стране необходимы перемены. Каждый регион должен развиваться пропорционально вносимому им вкладу в экономику страны", - подчеркнул он.
Читать полностью:
Media: Ukrainian defence minister leaves for Crimea...
ReplyDeleteUkrainian Defence Minister Pavel Lebedev has left for Crimea, UNIAN News Agency runs.
The news agency reports that the defence minister has not given his powers to anyone.
President Yanukovych resigns - Ukrainian MP....
ReplyDeleteUkrainian President Yanukovych has resigned, Ukrainian MP Andrei Pinchuk just said to the "Voice of capital/Kiev". "We're waitin for written confirmation", he added.
Ukraine's Yanukovych declares coup d'état, not going to resign - President's adviser
ReplyDeleteUkrainian President Viktor Yanukovych declares a coup d'état and is not going to resign, the mass media report citing the Ukrainian President's adviser.
Voice of Russia, RIA
Ukrainian parliament votes to oust Yanukovych, to hold presidential elections May 25....
ReplyDeleteThe Ukrainian parliament declared President Viktor Yanukovich constitutionally unable to carry out his duties on Saturday and set an early election for May 25.
Deputies in the assembly stood, applauded and sang the national anthem.
Voice of Russia, RIA, Reuters, AFP
Ukrainian MPs vote to oust President Yanukovych...
ReplyDeleteUkrainian MPs have voted to oust President Yanukovych and hold early presidential elections on 25 May.
The vote came barely an hour after Mr Yanukovych said in a televised address that he would not resign.
Protesters have walked unchallenged into the president's office and residential compounds.
Also on Saturday, prominent opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko walked free from prison in the eastern city of Kharkiv.
A BBC correspondent saw Tymoshenko driven away in a car after leaving hospital.
MPs had voted to pave the way for her release on Friday. She was sentenced to seven years in prison in 2011 for abuse of power.
Her supporters have always maintained this was simply Mr Yanukovych taking out his most prominent opponent, and her release has always been a key demand of the protest movement.
MPs 'beaten'
The opposition is now in effective control of the capital Kiev, with Mr Yanukovych now in Kharkiv, near the Russian border...........
Ukraine’s parliament decides to prosecute Yanukovych through International Criminal Court....
ReplyDeleteThe Ukrainian parliament approved on Tuesday in first reading the decision to appeal to the International Criminal Court to bring to justice Viktor Yanukovych and other officials “for crimes against humanity during peaceful protest rallies between November 30, 2013 and February 22, 2014”.
The decision was supported by 339 deputies, well above the minimum of 226 votes.
By this decision has been approved the corresponding statement of the parliament, according to which Ukraine recognizes the jurisdiction of the International Criminal Court.
The statement says that “within three months, law enforcement agencies in Ukraine, instructed by the state’s high-ranking officials, were unlawfully applying measures of physical coercion, impact munition and arms towards participants of peaceful demonstrations in Kiev and other Ukrainian cities”.................
Ukraine: Sevastopol installs pro-Russian mayor as separatism fears grow....
ReplyDeleteMoscow shows its influence in Crimean city amid fears the whole peninsula could seek deeper ties with Russia.
Authorities in the southern Ukrainian city of Sevastopol have installed a pro-Russian mayor as fears grow that the Kremlin may be stoking separatist sentiment in the region.
Sevastopol's city council handed power to Aleksei Chaliy, a Russian citizen, during an extraordinary session on Monday evening while more than a thousand protesters gathered around city hall chanting "Russia, Russia, Russia," and "A Russian mayor for a Russian city."
Fears are spreading that separatists in Sevastopol, and the Crimean region of which it is a part, could use the power vacuum in Ukraine to seize greater autonomy and deepen ties with Russia.
It was not immediately clear whether local security forces would back Chaliy, but earlier in the day Sevastopol police chief Alexander Goncharov said that his officers would refuse to carry out "criminal orders" issued by Kiev.
At least four checkpoints manned by armed police were in place on major roads into the city to stop the arrival of extremists, according to local media reports.
Ukraine's interim president, Olexander Turchynov, warned on Tuesday that the country faced a "serious threat" from separatism..................
Ukraine's Ambassador to the UN, Yuriy Sergeyev openly criticized former President Viktor Yanukovich, comparing him to former USSR communist leader Leonid Brezhnev.....
ReplyDeleteUkraine's Ambassador said he began to support the Ukrainian anti-government demonstrators on December 1st last year. He also declared that the entire staff of the Ukrainian Mission to the United Nations in New York supports this also.
Sergeyev also reaffirmed that the main direction for his country is to be associated with the European Union.
Speaking to reporters in the UN Headquarters, he said “I am grateful to the Secretary General and all his staff for the permanent support during all these days, starting from December 2nd.” He stressed that the UN “made a strong statement on Ukraine which was echoed by the High Commissioner of Human Rights (Navy Pilay) in Geneva.”
The UN Secretary General’s special envoy Robert Serry, who currently serves as the UN Special coordinator for the Middle East peace process, is on the scene in Ukraine with EU’s Foreign Affairs Commissioner, Lady Catherine Ashton............