MOSCOW, February 25. /ITAR-TASS/.
A delegation from Russia’s Federation Council upper parliament chamber will fly to Ukraine’s autonomous republic of Crimea after its session on February 26, chairman of the Federation Council’s international committee Mikhail Margelov told Itar-Tass on Tuesday.
The delegation will be led by Igor Morozov, a member of that committee.
“The delegation will meet with participants in ongoing political processes in Crimea: the military, lawmakers, the former and the incumbent administration,” Margelov said.
Speaker of the Crimean parliament Volodymyr Konstantinov assured the protesters that the authorities would do everything possible to uphold political and economic stability.
SIMFEROPOL, February 25. /ITAR-TASS/. More than a thousand protesters who came to a rally staged outside the building of the Crimean parliament have expressed their anger at the developments in Ukraine and asked the authorities for protection.
The Crimean protesters have called for preventing the armed nationalists from breaking into the territory of Crimea, and demanded defending the Crimean Berkut riot police and law enforcers from reprisals and humiliation.
Speaker of the Crimean parliament Volodymyr Konstantinov assured the protesters that the authorities would do everything possible to uphold political and economic stability, ethnic peace and prevent any manifestation of violence and extremism in Crimea.
Meanwhile, more people have come over to the parliament building to express solidarity with the protesters.
On Tuesday, the Crimean parliament adopted a resolution, expressing concern over pressure, put on a number of deputies and their families, and attempts to intimidate them. The so-called “enemy lists” have been filled in, accusing people put on the lists of crimes against humanity, the statement said.
"These methods are far from democratic, although politicians who are using them call themselves democrats. Following the path of ultimatums and threats will not take Ukraine out of political deadlock, but will merely worsen confrontation in the society, including confrontation between the center and regions” the statement said.
A delegation from Russia’s Federation Council upper parliament chamber will fly to Ukraine’s autonomous republic of Crimea after its session on February 26, chairman of the Federation Council’s international committee Mikhail Margelov told Itar-Tass on Tuesday.
The delegation will be led by Igor Morozov, a member of that committee.
“The delegation will meet with participants in ongoing political processes in Crimea: the military, lawmakers, the former and the incumbent administration,” Margelov said.
- Protesters rally outside Crimean parliament demanding protection from armed nationals.
Speaker of the Crimean parliament Volodymyr Konstantinov assured the protesters that the authorities would do everything possible to uphold political and economic stability.
SIMFEROPOL, February 25. /ITAR-TASS/. More than a thousand protesters who came to a rally staged outside the building of the Crimean parliament have expressed their anger at the developments in Ukraine and asked the authorities for protection.
The Crimean protesters have called for preventing the armed nationalists from breaking into the territory of Crimea, and demanded defending the Crimean Berkut riot police and law enforcers from reprisals and humiliation.
Speaker of the Crimean parliament Volodymyr Konstantinov assured the protesters that the authorities would do everything possible to uphold political and economic stability, ethnic peace and prevent any manifestation of violence and extremism in Crimea.
Meanwhile, more people have come over to the parliament building to express solidarity with the protesters.
On Tuesday, the Crimean parliament adopted a resolution, expressing concern over pressure, put on a number of deputies and their families, and attempts to intimidate them. The so-called “enemy lists” have been filled in, accusing people put on the lists of crimes against humanity, the statement said.
"These methods are far from democratic, although politicians who are using them call themselves democrats. Following the path of ultimatums and threats will not take Ukraine out of political deadlock, but will merely worsen confrontation in the society, including confrontation between the center and regions” the statement said.
“A Russian mayor for a Russian town,” chanted the lively and irate crowd clogging the center of Sevastopol, a warm water port on the Black Sea.....
ReplyDeleteExcept that Sevastopol is, in actual fact, in Ukraine.
Since the opposition, much of whose ranks are occupied by unabashed Ukrainian nationalists, seized power, calls for secession have been spreading across the sprawling nation’s mainly Russian-speaking southern and eastern regions.
In Sevastopol on the Crimean peninsula, talk of greater autonomy turned to action Monday evening, when a throng numbering several thousand strong assembled outside the city hall.
Their first call was to demand that an extraordinary town council meeting recognize a local businessman with strong ties to Russia, Alexei Chaliy, as the city’s new mayor.
As some hotheads in the rabble threatened to storm the building, other waved Russian flags and brushed aside objections that Chaliy’s Russian citizenship made him ineligible for the job.
Before long, the announcement filtered through that Chaliy had been voted head of a new coordination council, and within a few minutes, he appeared at a second floor window to the cries of supporters.
In a move that smoothed the process, the former mayoral incumbent Vladimir Yatsuba had earlier tearfully announced his resignation, thereby paving the way for the Russian town to get its Russian leader.
The day’s events marked the first stages in the establishment of an anti-Kiev administration amid tumultuous development that will cause headaches for the group of politicians that have replaced the administration of ousted fugitive President Viktor Yanukovych......................
Crimean parliament to discuss situation in Ukraine at extraordinary session on Feb 26...
ReplyDeleteThe Supreme Council, or parliament, of Ukraine’s autonomous republic of Crimea will meet for an extraordinary session on February 26 to discuss the socio-political situation in Ukraine and hear the Crimean government’s report.
“We have asked our lawyers and experts in the constitutional law to analyze the latest resolutions of Ukraine’s Verkhovna Rada (national parliament) and say whether they conform to the constitutions of the country and Crimea or not,” speaker Volodymyr Konstantinov said, adding that the local Berkut riot police units would guard the building of the Crimean parliament.
“Berkut units will be employed here so that we could fulfil our functions. We are in an extreme situation, and it is time to provide protection for us,” he said.
On Tuesday, the presidium of the parliament came out with a statement to express concern over “the pressure on and intimidation of some lawmakers and their families.” Meanwhile, a rally was held in front of the parliament building. Participants expressed indignation at the developments in Ukraine and urged the authorities to ensure protection of law and order.
Russian media should increase presence in Crimea, Sevastopol - Slutsky...
DeleteRussian media outlets should increase their presence in the Crimea, including Sevastopol, said Leonid Slutsky, Chairman of the Russian State Duma Committee for CIS Affairs, Eurasian Integration and Ties with Compatriots.
"We assumed our mass media were present here [in the Crimea and Sevastopol] on a scale slightly bigger than that of some sporadic landing troops. We are not happy about it," he said at a meeting with members of the Crimean coalition council of Russian compatriots at the Crimean office of the Russian Federal Agency for CIS Affairs, Compatriots Living Abroad and International Humanitarian Cooperation (Rossotrudnichestvo) in Simferopol on Tuesday.
"Tomorrow we shall report to our administration that we need to switch to a completely different way of representation of the Russian mass media in Ukraine, and in particular, the Republic of Crimea," the parliamentarian said.
Voice of Russia
Plans of new authorities to dissolve Supreme Council of Crimea have no legal grounds...
ReplyDeleteChairman of the Supreme Council of Crimea says people are demanding resolute actions from the Crimean authorities to protect the autonomy.
SIMFEROPOL, February 26. /ITAR-TASS/. The plans of Ukraine's new authorities to dissolve the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (ARC) have no legal grounds, the Council's Chairman Volodymyr Konstantinov told journalists commenting on a draft resolution registered in the Verkhhovna Rada, on calling an early election of ARC deputies.
"There are no legal grounds now for adoption of this draft resolution. I am stating officially that the lawlessness reigning in the country's top legislature has brought people in Crimea to the streets. They are indignant at the disregard for their opinion by those who refer to themselves as new authoritieis", Konstantinov said. He pointed out that "people are demanding resolute actions from the Crimean authorities to protect the autonomy".
On Tuesday, hundreds of people protesting against the actions of Ukraine's new authorities came to the Crimean parliament building and installed a Russian flag over the central entrance to the building. The flags of Ukraine and Crimea remain hoisted at the building.....................
Ukraine: meeting en Crimée contre les nouvelles autorités de Kiev....
ReplyDeleteDes habitants de Crimée, réunis devant le parlement de cette région autonome de l'Ukraine à population majoritairement russophone, appellent les autorités locales à ne pas reconnaître le nouveau pouvoir installé à Kiev.
Près de 200 personnes, essentiellement des hommes d'âge moyen, occupent la place située près du parlement. La plupart d'entre eux arborent le ruban de Saint-Georges, symbole de la victoire du peuple russe dans la Seconde Guerre mondiale.
Les manifestants ne portent ni de pancartes ni de logos de partis politiques. Près de 160 policiers sans casques, boucliers et matraques sont également rassemblés devant le parlement régional de la Crimée.
Des habitants de la péninsule ont lancé mardi une action à durée indéterminée en signe de protestation contre l'arrivée des nationalistes au pouvoir à Kiev. Les manifestants réclament notamment le rétablissement de la Constitution en vigueur en Crimée de 1992 à 1998. Ce document accordait à la région le droit d'élire son président et de pratiquer une politique extérieure indépendante.
Les manifestants réclament également un référendum permettant à la population de choisir le futur statut de la Crimée: rester une république autonome au sein de l'Ukraine, devenir un Etat indépendant ou réintégrer la Russie.
People of Crimea have right to express their will - Russian diplomat...
ReplyDeleteAlexei Pushkov, the head of the international affairs committee of the Russian State Duma, said he believes that the majority of residents of Crimea do not like the new Ukrainian democracy.
"The majority of the population of Crimea definitely do not want to stay in the 'new' Bandera-inspired Ukrainian democracy," Pushkov said on Twitter on Wednesday.
"If the West has recognized the Kyiv Maidan as 'the mouthpiece of the people of Ukraine,' they should also recognize that the people of Crimea have a right to express their will," Pushkov said.
Ukraine: OSCE for peaceful settlement in Crimea; protesters want autonomy and urge for referendum
All 57 member-countries of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) support only peaceful settlement of a tense situation in the Ukrainian autonomous republic of Crimea, head of the Ukrainian Security Service Valentin Nalivaichenko said after talks with OSCE Special Representative for Ukraine Tim Guldimann in the Ukrainian capital on Tuesday.
"All 57 OSCE states come out in support of only peaceful settlement of the situation in the Ukrainian autonomous republic of Crimea," Nalivaichenko noted.
"Each OSCE state, including Russia, is prepared to support peaceful settlement and not to permit encroachments on territorial integrity of Ukraine, which had just ended its OSCE rotating presidency. A common intention of OSCE states is to promote peaceful settlement of the situation," he added.
The situation in the Crimea has deteriorated after protesters re-elected the Simferopol mayor and demanded integration in Russia on February 23.
Украина опровергла информацию о срыве поставок зерна в Китай...
ReplyDeleteКИЕВ, 26 февраля. /ИТАР-ТАСС/. Государственная продовольственно-зерновая корпорация (ГПЗКУ) опровергает информацию о невыполнении ею контракта с Китайской Народной Республикой на поставку стране зерновых. "Вчера (25 февраля) в отдельных средствах массовой информации появились сообщения о том, что Китай якобы будет судиться с Украиной по поводу выполнения кредитных соглашений на поставку зерна. Такие сообщения не соответствуют действительности, содержат некорректные интерпретации фактов и неверные выводы", - сказано в пресс-релизе корпорации.
В ГПЗКУ заявили, что корпорация "своевременно и в полном объеме выполняет обязательства как по обслуживанию кредита, так и по соблюдению графика экспортных поставок зерна".
"Никаких исков в Лондонский международный арбитражный суд" корпорация не получала, отмечает ведомство.
Во вторник первый заместитель главы комитета Верховной рады по вопросам борьбы с организованной преступностью и коррупцией Геннадий Москаль сообщил, что Китай подал в Лондонский международный арбитражный суд иск к Украине на возмещение убытков на сумму 3 млрд долларов, которые были предоставлены корпорации для закупки зерновых с дальнейшей их поставкой в Китай. По его данным, вопреки договоренностям, Китаю было продано зерно на сумму 153 млн долларов, тогда как остальные деньги были использованы на закупку зерновых для поставки в другие страны........................
Referendum: Krim entscheidet am 25. Mai über mehr Autonomie...
ReplyDeleteGleichzeitig mit den vorgezogenen Präsidentenwahlen in der Ukraine wird die autonome Schwarzmeerhalbinsel Krim am 25. Mai bei einem Referendum über eine Erweiterung ihrer Autonomierechte entscheiden. Das beschloss das Parlament der Region am Donnerstag.
In dem Referendum werden die Einwohner der Krim die folgende Frage beantworten: „Unterstützen Sie eine staatliche Selbstbestimmung der Krim im Bestand der Ukraine auf der Grundlage internationaler Verträge und Abkommen?“, wie RIA Novosti aus dem Presseamt des Krim-Parlaments erfuhr. Für die Durchführung des Referendums stimmten 61 der 64 anwesenden Abgeordneten des 100-Sitze-Parlaments.
Vor dem Krim-Parlament dauert seit Dienstag eine Protestaktion gegen die neue prowestliche Regierung in Kiew an. Die Demonstranten fordern ein Referendum über eine Abspaltung von der Ukraine.................
¿Qué hay en común en el interés de Occidente en Ucrania y Kosovo?...
ReplyDelete¿A qué se debe el interés del Occidente en Ucrania? Una de las principales razones es el acceso a recursos naturales. Se puede comparar a Ucrania con Kosovo, donde EE.UU. tiene el dominio sobre la tercera cuenca 'hullera' en importancia de Europa.
La cantidad de carbón en Kosovo y Metojia ronda los 15.000 millones de toneladas, yacimientos tan enormes que serían capaces de abastecer con energía eléctrica a todos los países balcánicos durante varios siglos. Además de carbón, Kosovo posee cadmio, zinc, bauxita, magnesio, cromo, estaño, níquel, plata y oro.
La base de Camp Bondsteel, con 10.000 efectivos de Estados Unidos acuartelados, sirve también como 'perro guardián' de un corredor energético que atraviesa la antigua Yugoslavia: el petróleo y el gas del Cáucaso y Asia Central a Occidente pasa por ese territorio.
Desde 2000, Estados Unidos tiene una influencia decisiva en todo lo que ocurre en Kosovo. Sin la aprobación suya no se puede cerrar ni un contrato más o menos importante en el sector energético, en la minería, en el área de las telecomunicaciones. No es casual que el magnate George Soros y el multimillonario estadounidense de procedencia local Sahit Muja hayan cerrado el contrato de exploración de yacimientos hulleros de la zona. Con una tasa de desempleo del 50% y, por lo tanto, la mano de obra casi regalada, Kosovo se convierte en un paraíso para las multinacionales.
A raíz de la agresión militar de la OTAN contra Yugoslavia de 1999, las multinacionales occidentales se apropiaron de instalaciones industriales y yacimientos minerales clave de esta autonomía serbia. Es más, no solo se apropiaron, sino que convirtieron este territorio en campo de pruebas para tecnologías más sucias. Tan sucias que se podría hablar sobre una catástrofe ecológica.
¿Y qué tiene que ver Ucrania?
A Ucrania, uno de los países más ricos del mundo en recursos minerales (primer lugar en yacimientos mundiales de magnesio, cuarto en yacimientos de hierro, además de la existencia de uno de los depósitos de uranio más grandes del mundo cerca de la ciudad de Kirovograd y de riquísimos yacimientos de metales de tierras raras), le toca recorrer el triste camino kosovar en términos de autodestrucción de la economía, transferencia de los principales sectores a manos de las empresas transnacionales y cierre de transacciones que amenazan a la población con una catástrofe económica.............
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