A Russian envoy sent to Kiev by President Vladimir Putin said talks to resolve Ukraine's crisis produced progress, but indicated Moscow had questions about the EU-brokered peace deal and confirmed he did not sign it, Interfax reported on Friday.
"Certain questions still remain, consultations will continue, this is a normal process," Interfax quoted Vladimir Lukin as saying after returning to Moscow.
Consultations over resolution of the situation in Ukraine will continue, Russian Human Rights Commissioner Vladimir Lukin said after returning to Moscow from Kiev.
"We talked. We clarified each other's positions. We shall continue consultations. In this sense, there is certainly progress," Lukin told Interfax on Friday night. I did not sign the agreement settling the Ukrainian crisis, he said. "No, I did not. Several issues remain. Consultations will continue, it is a normal process," Lukin said.
"I do not know, it will be decided here, in Moscow, in a calm atmosphere," Lukin said when asked about plans to visit Kiev again.
"Dialogue will definitely continue. But who will continue it, how and in what sequence, that is a technical and diplomatic matter that will be discussed," he said.
"Certain questions still remain, consultations will continue, this is a normal process," Interfax quoted Vladimir Lukin as saying after returning to Moscow.
Consultations over resolution of the situation in Ukraine will continue, Russian Human Rights Commissioner Vladimir Lukin said after returning to Moscow from Kiev.
"We talked. We clarified each other's positions. We shall continue consultations. In this sense, there is certainly progress," Lukin told Interfax on Friday night. I did not sign the agreement settling the Ukrainian crisis, he said. "No, I did not. Several issues remain. Consultations will continue, it is a normal process," Lukin said.
"I do not know, it will be decided here, in Moscow, in a calm atmosphere," Lukin said when asked about plans to visit Kiev again.
"Dialogue will definitely continue. But who will continue it, how and in what sequence, that is a technical and diplomatic matter that will be discussed," he said.
- "There is a chance of achieving peace in Ukraine. People are working on it. But the situation there is very complicated and quite fluid, people you have to talk too are coming and going. The conversation will continue, including with our partners in Europe," the ombudsman said.
Opposition übernimmt Kontrolle über Kiew.... Präsident Viktor Janukowitsch soll sich in den Osten des Landes abgesetzt haben.....
ReplyDeleteDie Situation in der Ukraine hat sich trotz des Kompromiss-Abkommens zwischen Regierung und Opposition nicht beruhigt. Am Samstagfrüh haben Gegner des ukrainischen Präsidenten Viktor Janukowitsch nach eigenen Angaben die Macht in der Hauptstadt Kiew ergriffen. Die sogenannten Selbstverteidigungskräfte kontrollierten nun das Parlament, den Regierungssitz und die Präsidialkanzlei, sagte Andrej Parubij, der Kommandant des Protestlagers auf dem Unabhängigkeitsplatzes (Maidan).
Janukowitsch soll von Kiew in die ostukrainische Millionenstadt Charkow (Charkiw) abgereist sein, wo er seine Machtbasis hat. Dort könnte er Berichten zufolge an einem Kongress der Ukrainischen Front teilnehmen, zu der sich Delegierte aus dem prorussischen Osten und Süden der Ex-Sowjetrepublik versammeln. Nach anderen Berichten hat Janukowitsch dagegen das Land verlassen. Experten schließen nicht aus, dass die Ukrainische Front in Charkow einen gewaltsamen Vorstoß gegen die Regierungsgegner beschließen könnte......http://kurier.at/politik/ausland/ukraine-opposition-uebernimmt-kontrolle-ueber-kiew/52.541.028
Ukrainian protesters claim control over capital...
ReplyDeleteDespite deal with government, activists in Kiev remain unswayed, demanding President Viktor Yanukovych’s immediate ouster.
Media reports say that President Viktor Yanukovych has left the capital for his native eastern Ukraine after surrendering much of his powers and agreeing to early elections this fall.
The changes came as part of Friday’s Western-brokered deal intended to end violence that killed scores and left hundreds wounded. The claims of his departure could not be immediately confirmed, however.
Andriy Parubiy, a leader of the protest camp on Independence Square, known as the Maidan, said Saturday that protesters are now in full control of the capital. Many of the protesters are continuing to demand Yanukovych’s immediate ouster.
On Friday, the United States welcomed a deal to end Ukraine’s political crisis between the government and opposition protestors and called for an immediate start to its implementation......http://www.timesofisrael.com/ukrainian-protesters-claim-control-over-capital/#ixzz2u2M2DGDG