The European Union has had contact with the United States, Japan, China, Canada and Turkey on coordinating aid for Ukraine, a senior European Commission official said on Monday.
The official, who declined to be identified by name, said the EU could organise a donors' conference to raise short-term funding for Ukraine, which has said it needs $35 billion to survive 2014 and 2015.
"A donors' conference as the situation stabilises would be one way (to help Ukraine)," he said. "We have also had contacts with the Japanese, Chinese, Canadians, Turks and the US," he said.
Voice of Russia, Reuters
Gernot Erler said Tymoshenko’s presence in the internal political arena would be a challenge for all leaders of the Ukrainian opposition.
Russia should make a contribution to international aid for Ukraine, German specialist in co-operation with Russia Gernot Erler told public broadcaster ARD on Monday.
Ukraine should turn for help to the European Union, the International Monetary Fund and Russia yet the absence of any acting government in Ukraine to discuss terms remained an issue as nobody would give money for free, he said.
Ukrainian people would have to tighten their belts in future, Erler added, as the government would have to cut spending and increase the price of gas, which would affect pensions and wages.
In an interview with the Welt newspaper on Monday, Erler expressed skepticism about the role of former prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko, now released from jail, in stabilizing political life in Ukraine.
Tymoshenko would strive to gain leadership of the opposition immediately. Describing her as “a charismatic personality but a supporter of radical measures”, Erler said Tymoshenko’s presence in the internal political arena would be a challenge for all leaders of the Ukrainian opposition.
Voice of Russia, TASS
The official, who declined to be identified by name, said the EU could organise a donors' conference to raise short-term funding for Ukraine, which has said it needs $35 billion to survive 2014 and 2015.
"A donors' conference as the situation stabilises would be one way (to help Ukraine)," he said. "We have also had contacts with the Japanese, Chinese, Canadians, Turks and the US," he said.
Voice of Russia, Reuters
L'Ukraine menacée de faillite sans rapide perfusion financière
Panic-stricken Ukrainians storm shops, banks and gas stations ....
- Ukraine estimates that it needs $35 billion in aid to stabilize its economy, acting Finance Minister Yury Kolobkov said.....
- Russia should join aid donors for Ukraine - German official
Gernot Erler said Tymoshenko’s presence in the internal political arena would be a challenge for all leaders of the Ukrainian opposition.
Russia should make a contribution to international aid for Ukraine, German specialist in co-operation with Russia Gernot Erler told public broadcaster ARD on Monday.
Ukraine should turn for help to the European Union, the International Monetary Fund and Russia yet the absence of any acting government in Ukraine to discuss terms remained an issue as nobody would give money for free, he said.
Ukrainian people would have to tighten their belts in future, Erler added, as the government would have to cut spending and increase the price of gas, which would affect pensions and wages.
In an interview with the Welt newspaper on Monday, Erler expressed skepticism about the role of former prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko, now released from jail, in stabilizing political life in Ukraine.
Tymoshenko would strive to gain leadership of the opposition immediately. Describing her as “a charismatic personality but a supporter of radical measures”, Erler said Tymoshenko’s presence in the internal political arena would be a challenge for all leaders of the Ukrainian opposition.
Voice of Russia, TASS
Russia is not clear about situation in Ukraine, there is threat to our interests, our citizens' life, health - Medvedev....
ReplyDeleteThe recall of the Russian ambassador from Kiev means that Russia is not clear about situation in Ukraine, there is threat to our interests, our citizens' life and health, Dmitry Medvedev said.
All legally binding agreements with Ukraine will be implemented - Medvedev
Russian will honor all the agreements it signed with Ukraine, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said.
"Those agreements which are legally binding must be honored. We are not cooperating with personalities or isolated individuals. These are inter-state relations," Medvedev said in Sochi.
I don't know where Azarov is - Medvedev
Voice of Russia, Interfax
IMF exhausts its own resources and needs reform - Siluanov...
ReplyDeleteThe International Monetary Fund has practically exhausted its own resources and needs a reform, Russian Finance Minister Anton Siluanov said after meetings of G20 finance ministers and central bank governors that took place in Sydney on February 22-23.
“The reform of the International Monetary Fund was an important topic we had been discussing at meetings of the G20 and on the sidelines. The IMF reform package approved in 2010 has not entered into force so far, as the U.S. Congress stalls its ratification,” he said, adding that the United States promised to take efforts to approve the document by April 2014.
“We have agreed to consider all possible measures to resolve the existing situation at our next meeting in April,” Siluanov said. “At present, the IMF has practically exhausted its own resources, while the IMF existing programs are in fact financed by borrowing agreements.”
This situation could continue endlessly, “as it contradicts the fundamental principle of the fund’s activity that the International Monetary Fund is a financial organization based on quotas,” he said.
Voice of Russia, TASS
Ukraine urges to call international donor conference to provide assistance for reforms....
DeleteKIEV, February 24. /ITAR-TASS/. Ukraine calls for holding an international donor conference with the participation of EU members, the United States and IMF (International Monetary Fund) representatives, as well as international financial organizations to provide it assistance to carry out reforms and implement the Association Agreement, acting Finance Minister Yury Kolobov said on Monday.
Ukraine is holding consultations with the EU countries, the US and international financial organizations “over receiving macro-financial assistance”, the minister said.
“I can say we urged our international partners (Poland, US) to provide a loan within one or two weeks. Macro-financial assistance to Ukraine can amount to about $35 billion within 2014-2015,” he said, adding that the ministry “is doing everything possible to make the financial situation in Ukraine stable. The situation is difficult, but under control”.
Еврокомиссия: ЕС надеется, что Россия поддержит Украину в период переходного процесса...
ReplyDeleteБРЮССЕЛЬ, 24 февраля. /Корр. ИТАР-ТАСС Ася Арутюнян/. Евросоюз надеется, что Россия поддержит Украину в период переходного процесса. Об этом заявил в Брюсселе официальный представитель Еврокомиссии Оливье Байи.
"Роль России, разумеется, остается ключевой. Мы надеемся, что она сумеет сыграть, как и Евросоюз, конструктивную роль и поддержит Украину в период переходного процесса", - сказал Байи.
Deputy Secretary of State William Burns Travels to Turkey and Ukraine. -Media Note, State Department....
ReplyDeleteDeputy Secretary of State William Burns will travel to Istanbul, Turkey on February 24, and to Kyiv, Ukraine from February 25 to 26.
In Istanbul, he will meet with Turkish Foreign Ministry Undersecretary Feridun Sinirlioglu to discuss the broad range of bilateral and regional issues on which Turkey and the United States are in regular contact, including the Syria crisis, counterterrorism, and the Cyprus settlement process.
In Kyiv, he will consult with key Ukrainian leaders, the business community, and civil society on U.S. support for Ukraine’s efforts to secure a stable, democratic, inclusive, prosperous future. He will also honor the memory of the victims of the tragic events of last week. He will meet with a range of political, business, and civil society representatives, including Acting President Turchynov, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, and the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada, and will urge the new government to take all steps necessary for free and fair presidential elections in May. He will urge the rapid formation of a national unity government that represents the wide array of stakeholders in Ukraine’s domestic political discourse, and encourage immediate steps to undertake the critical reforms necessary to restore Ukraine’s political and economic health. The Deputy Secretary will be accompanied by representatives of the Department of the Treasury and the National Economic Council, who will work in concert with partners such as the EU and the IMF to discuss needed financial support while a new government implements the difficult steps necessary to reform the economy. The Deputy Secretary will encourage all Ukrainians to continue their efforts to write a new chapter in their history that leads to a Ukraine that is democratic, sovereign, prosperous, and free to choose its own future.
Russland: "Leben unserer Bürger in Ukraine bedroht"...
ReplyDeleteMoskau spricht der neuen Regierung in Kiew die Legitimität ab und wirft ihr "terroristische Methoden vor". Diese sucht derweil den abgesetzten Staatschef Janukowitsch wegen Massenmord.
Moskau verschärfte am Montagnachmittag die Gangart gegenüber der Ukraine deutlich: Premierminister Dmitrij Medwedjew sagte, Russland habe schwere Zweifel an der Legitimität der neuen Machthaber in der Ukraine. Zudem seien die Vorgänge dort "eine Bedrohung unserer Interessen und des Lebens unserer Bürger", sagte Medwedjew laut russischen Agenturen. Dies könnte sogar als verklausulierte Androhung einer Intervention verstanden werden...............
New authorities in Ukraine should continue talks with IMF, Russia...
ReplyDeleteActing Ukrainian Prime Minister Serhiy Arbuzov stated Monday that continuity was needed in relations between a new government in the country and foreign partners, the country’s government press service reported.
“First of all, this is the International Monetary Fund (IMF). It is also implementation of agreements reached with Russia and China last year. As the country’s economy needs investments, particularly those investment that were actually agreed upon with these partners, therefore, procedure of receiving pledged monetary funds should be continued,” the press service quoted Arbuzov as saying.
Drohender Bankrott...Die Ukraine ist das Griechenland des Ostens....
ReplyDeleteDie Ukraine lebt über ihre Verhältnisse. Seine Rechnungen kann das Land nur noch anderthalb Monate lang zahlen. Ohne neue Schulden droht ein Staatsbankrott. Da hilft auch die eigene Währung nichts.
Der bisherige Präsident der Ukraine ist auf der Flucht. Die Opposition übernimmt die Hebel der Macht. Doch eines der drängendsten Probleme ist die hohe Verschuldung des Landes. Ohne weitere Hilfen droht der Bankrott. Die "Welt" beantwortet die wichtigsten Fragen.
Wie viel Geld braucht das Land?
Die Übergangsregierung hat eine rasche Geberkonferenz gefordert. Das Land benötigt nach eigenen Angaben rund 35 Milliarden Dollar an ausländischer Hilfe. Die Summe entspricht etwa dem Finanzbedarf für das laufende Jahr. Die Ukraine sitzt auf einem Schuldenberg von 64,1 Milliarden Dollar. Allein in diesem Jahr müssen umgerechnet 3,6 Milliarden Dollar für die Tilgung von Altschulden und 2,6 Milliarden Dollar für Zinsen aufgebracht werden. Doch die Ukraine lebt auch deutlich über ihre Verhältnisse. Das Haushaltsdefizit wird im laufenden Jahr auf rund 14 Milliarden Dollar hochschnellen. Weil die Wirtschaft am Boden liegt und das Land insbesondere Rohstoffe teuer einführen muss, kommt zur Neuverschuldung noch ein Leistungsbilanzdefizit von umgerechnet 16,4 Milliarden Dollar hinzu, das finanziert werden muss. Zusammen macht das rund 37 Milliarden Dollar................
Ukraine Hopes Russian Gas Price Won't Change – Report...
ReplyDeleteMOSCOW, February 24 (RIA Novosti) – Ukraine hopes that the price it pays for Russian natural gas will remain unchanged despite the ouster of pro-Russia President Viktor Yanukovych, Ukraine’s acting energy minister told Reuters on Monday.
Russia’s state gas giant Gazprom agreed with Ukraine’s Naftogaz in December to slash the price that Ukraine had paid since 2009 by about a third, from about $400 per 1,000 cubic meters to $268.50.
“We hope the price will be stable,” the news agency quoted acting Energy Minister Eduard Stavytsky as saying.
More than half of the 55 billion cubic meters of natural gas consumed by Ukraine each year comes from Russia, according to Reuters.
Stavytsky said in January that Ukraine would discontinue relatively small purchases of natural gas from Europe and instead only buy from Russia.
Ukraine is on the brink of economic collapse following Yanukovych’s ouster on Saturday and the prospect that Russia will renege on billions of dollars in promised loans to the cash-strapped country.
Ukraine’s interim finance minister said Monday that the country is seeking at least $35 billion in urgent aid from Western powers, including the EU and the United States...................
Ukrainian parliament orders disbursement of $200 million for early elections....
ReplyDeleteThe Ukrainian parliament on Monday, February 24, authorized the disbursement of 1.96 billion hryvnia ($218 million) for early presidential elections to be held on May 25.
The decision was passed by 352 votes with the required 226 votes.
Yevgeny Geller, chair of the budget committee, said the funding would be secured by redistributing other expenditures.
The presidential election campaign will start in Ukraine on February 25, the Central Election Commission said..................
Ukraine unrest worrying Israeli exporters.....Israeli producers of chemicals and petroleum products and real estate investors may be at risk.......
ReplyDeleteThe present revolution in Ukraine is not the first time Israeli business people have had to worry about their investments there. Nine years ago, after the Orange Revolution, many Israeli exporters downplayed their exposure and involvement in projects in the country. Since then, potential investments in.......................
Ukraine, IMF discuss economic, financial policy. — Ukrainian finance minister...
ReplyDeleteUkraine’s Finance Minister Oleksandr Shlapak, appointed by the Verkhovna Rada, said on Wednesday Ukraine and the IMF (International Monetary Fund) were working on economic and financial policy for Kiev.
“The Ukrainian government holds consultations with the IMF daily. We’re working on economic and financial policy for Kiev,” Shlapak said, adding that the parties were planning to give an account on the first stage of cooperation before Arseniy Yatsenyuk, who was appointed as Prime Minister by the Verkhovna Rada, left for Brussels. The visit is slated for March 21.
“The government will fulfil all obligations because it has no other way,” the Ukrainian prime minister said.
Ukraine and the IMF signed the memorandum in the summer 2010. The IMF opened a financial support program to Ukraineworth $15.5 billion. Ukraine received two tranches woth $3 billion. The program was suspended due to the fact that Ukraine failed to fulfil the IMF conditions.
The IMF mission has worked in Kiev since March 4 under the leadership of Bulgaria’s Nikolay Georgiev. On March 21, experts should assess the situation in the country and discuss economic reforms.
El FMI anuncia un paquete de ayuda de 19.500 millones de euros a Kiev....
ReplyDeleteEl Fondo ofrece crédito por un valor de entre 10.000 y 13.000 millones de euros
El resto será desembolsado por otras instituciones internacionales
El Fondo Monetario Internacional ha anunciado este jueves un principio de acuerdo con Ucrania para la entrega a Kiev de fondos por un valor de entre 14.000 y 18.000 millones de dólares (aproximadamente 10.000 y 13.000 millones de euros) a cambio de un programa de reformas económicas y ajustes fiscales.
El acuerdo, según el FMI, desbloqueará créditos por parte de otras instituciones internacionales que elevarán hasta 27.000 millones (19.500 millones de euros) en dos años el total de fondos disponibles para Kiev.
Entre las medidas de ajuste que tendrá que adoptar el Gobierno de Kiev figura una subida del precio del gas, que algunos analistas estiman de alrededor de un 50%. Se espera que las autoridades ucranias anuncien hoy el contenido del paquete de ajuste.
Ukraine and IMF agree on new loan worth $14-18 billion...
ReplyDeleteInternational Monetary Fund (IMF) is ready to provide Ukraine with $14-18 billion within the common international financial aid program during the two following years. Head of IMF mission Nikolai Georgiev said this at a briefing on Thursday.
“We have reached an agreement on the economic reforms program in Ukraine, which will be covered by a Stand-By Arrangement program worth $14-18 billion within two years. The program will give way to financial aid. The volume of this unblocking is $27 billion within two years,” Georgiev said.
He added that the first tranche would be handed in April, but did not disclose its sum. Georgiev noted that the tranche would depend on Ukraine's compliance with the necessary requirements............................
Yatsenyuk: Ukraine on brink of economic bankruptcy...
ReplyDeleteUkraine is standing on the verge of the economic and financial bankruptcy, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, the acting prime minister of Ukraine, said at a parliamentary session on Thursday.