KIEV, Ukraine — The elite security police force that spearheaded most
of the attacks on protesters in Kiev last week has been disbanded,
Ukraine’s acting interior minister announced Wednesday morning.
But members of the force were immediately (?) offered sanctuary in the pro-Russian Crimean Peninsula, further stoking concerns about divided loyalties in Ukraine.
The force, known as the “Berkut,” was reviled by the protesters in Kiev following attacks that included the use of live ammunition against anti-government demonstrators occupying the capital’s Independence Square, popularly known as the Maidan.
Dismantling such units can be a difficult business. A similar outfit, the Latvia OMON, was disbanded in 1991 and its members became the backbone of organized crime in St. Petersburg, Russia.
The new head of the Coordinating Council of the Sevastopol city administration, Alexey Chaly, said Berkut troops would be welcome there, according to a Web site called
“These people adequately fulfilled their duty to the country, have shown themselves to be real men,” Chaly wrote, “and are now abandoned to the mercy of this rabid pack of Nazis. For faithful service, today criminal cases are brought against them. At this difficult time our city needs decent men who could form the basis of self-defense groups, and in the future the municipal police. We are ready to provide for them if they join us in our struggle, and to offer safety to their families.”
In Kiev, interim authorities said they are prepared to ask the approval of a self-organized Maidan council Wednesday evening for a slate of new cabinet ministers.
The parliament has decided that the people who maintained the protest encampment through three sometimes violent months must be allowed a say in the formation of a new government.........................
But members of the force were immediately (?) offered sanctuary in the pro-Russian Crimean Peninsula, further stoking concerns about divided loyalties in Ukraine.
The force, known as the “Berkut,” was reviled by the protesters in Kiev following attacks that included the use of live ammunition against anti-government demonstrators occupying the capital’s Independence Square, popularly known as the Maidan.
Dismantling such units can be a difficult business. A similar outfit, the Latvia OMON, was disbanded in 1991 and its members became the backbone of organized crime in St. Petersburg, Russia.
The new head of the Coordinating Council of the Sevastopol city administration, Alexey Chaly, said Berkut troops would be welcome there, according to a Web site called
“These people adequately fulfilled their duty to the country, have shown themselves to be real men,” Chaly wrote, “and are now abandoned to the mercy of this rabid pack of Nazis. For faithful service, today criminal cases are brought against them. At this difficult time our city needs decent men who could form the basis of self-defense groups, and in the future the municipal police. We are ready to provide for them if they join us in our struggle, and to offer safety to their families.”
In Kiev, interim authorities said they are prepared to ask the approval of a self-organized Maidan council Wednesday evening for a slate of new cabinet ministers.
The parliament has decided that the people who maintained the protest encampment through three sometimes violent months must be allowed a say in the formation of a new government.........................
Ukraine: Russland versetzt Truppen in Alarmbereitschaft....
ReplyDeleteIm Machtkampf um die Ukraine und ihre ethnischen Russen verschärft Moskau den Ton und warnt vor "neofaschistischen Stimmungen". Auf der Krim gerieten pro- und antirussische Demos aneinander.
Russlands Präsident Wladimir Putin hat Teile der Streitkräfte in Alarmbereitschaft versetzt. Dies betreffe Truppen in Westrussland, deren Gefechtsbereitschaft überprüft werden solle. Es gehe vor allem um die Bereitschaft in Krisensituationen sowie bei militärischer Bedrohung, sagte Verteidigungsminister Sergej Schoigu. Die Prüfung erfolge in zwei Etappen ab sofort bis zum 3. März, sagte Schoigu laut der Agentur Interfax...................
Ukraine rivals clash as Russia alerts troops....Russia orders battle tests for forces near border and moves to secure Ukraine-based fleet, as tensions rise in Crimea.....
ReplyDeletePro and anti-Russian protesters have clashed in the Ukraine region of Crimea, as Russia ordered battle-readiness checks on armed forces near the nations' borders and said it was moving to ensure the security of its Black Sea fleet.
Scuffles broke out outside the Crimea regional parliament on Wednesday between thousands of pro-Russia separatists and supporters of Ukraine's new leaders as regional politicians prepared to debate the removal of the pro-Russian Viktor Yanukovich from the presidency.
The Russian president, Vladimir Putin, issued battle drills for army, navy and airforce troops based in Russia's western military district, which borders Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic states, Finland and the Arctic.
Russia's defence ministry was later reported by Reuters to have said it was taking measures to ensure the security of its facilities and arsenals of its Ukraine-based Black Sea naval fleet.
"The commander-in-chief has set the task of checking the capability of the armed forces to deal with crisis situations posing a threat to the military security of the country," Sergei Shoigu, tthe defence minsiter, told the Interfax news agency.
*****Shoigu said that "generally speaking, the drill is not in any way related to the events in Ukraine"..................
El Gobierno de unidad se somete a la democracia directa del Maidán....
ReplyDeleteLos manifestantes de la plaza apoyan al líder opositor para que lidere un Gobierno de transición hasta las elecciones de mayo. El Parlamento votará mañana la propuesta.
El salón de actos de un ministerio ocupado por estudiantes es, estos días en Kiev, tan influyente como el despacho de un diputado para participar en las negociaciones para formar un Gobierno de unidad nacional. La sociedad civil y los políticos tratan de consensuar una lista de candidatos a formar parte del Ejecutivo, pero solo saldrá adelante si lo ratifica la plaza de la Independencia, la nueva fuente de legitimidad. Esta tarde la asamblea del Maidán ha designado al líder opositor Arseni Yatseniuk, de 39 años, como primer ministro, para que lidere un Gobierno de transición hasta las elecciones del 25 de mayo. El Parlamento votará mañana jueves el nombramiento de Yatseniuk, líder del principal partido del país, Batkivschina (Patria).
Como nuevo ministro de Exteriores se propone a Andriy Deshchytsya, anterior embajador en Finlandia y en Islandia. Oleksander Shlapak, que fue vicepresidente del Banco Central, es el candidato a ministro de Economía,un cargo que ya había ocupado. Andriy Paruby, jefe de las fuerzas de autodefensa durante las protestas será propuesto para ocupar la secretaría del poderoso Consejo Nacional de Seguridad y Defensa......................