SEVASTOPOL, December 14, 0:16 /ITAR-TASS/. Thousands
of residents of Sevastopol who were about to leave for Kiev in order to
show disagreement with the Ukrainian opposition staging protests on the
city’s Independence Square /the Maidan/ failed to get into one train
Friday night.
Sevastopol Mayor Vladimir Yatsuba, who addressed the residents going to take part in the ‘Anti-Maidan’ action, said one more train would be provided for those willing to go to Kiev.
He asked them for patriotism and told them he was going to Kiev, too.
“We’re going there to tell everyone we here at Sevastopol have our own angle of view at what is taking place on that so-called Euro-Maidan,” Yatsuba said. “We oppose encroachments on the law and the Constitution and our opinion should be heeded all across Ukraine.”
“They want to take decisions without us but they’ll fail because we won’t let them do it,” he said. “Not only Sevastopol but the whole of the Crimea and the Southeast of Ukraine is on the move to Kiev now.”
He warned that provocations were possible in Kiev and he asked the residents of Sevastopol “to keep together.”
Yatsuba said that hundreds of people from Sevastopol had already arrived in Kiev and they would meet the first 1,000 fellow-residents who left for the capital Friday and would help them find accommodations.
He informed the gathering that a voluntary ‘prohibition law’ had been introduced for the entire duration of the mission to Kiev and he demanded that the anti-Maidan protesters observe discipline.
The people awaiting an opportunity to board the train told reporters who had come to the railway station the rumors about the monies allegedly paid out to them were sheer lies.
“The organizers promise us to provide meals and accommodation and we don’t pay the fares but we took all the decisions on our own because we can’t tolerate the situation where the western regions of the country are trying to impose their opinions on the entire Ukraine as is those opinions the only correct ones,” said Dmitry, a student.
“Everyone should have a choice and we’ve already made it,” he said.
Sevastopol Mayor Vladimir Yatsuba, who addressed the residents going to take part in the ‘Anti-Maidan’ action, said one more train would be provided for those willing to go to Kiev.
He asked them for patriotism and told them he was going to Kiev, too.
“We’re going there to tell everyone we here at Sevastopol have our own angle of view at what is taking place on that so-called Euro-Maidan,” Yatsuba said. “We oppose encroachments on the law and the Constitution and our opinion should be heeded all across Ukraine.”
“They want to take decisions without us but they’ll fail because we won’t let them do it,” he said. “Not only Sevastopol but the whole of the Crimea and the Southeast of Ukraine is on the move to Kiev now.”
He warned that provocations were possible in Kiev and he asked the residents of Sevastopol “to keep together.”
Yatsuba said that hundreds of people from Sevastopol had already arrived in Kiev and they would meet the first 1,000 fellow-residents who left for the capital Friday and would help them find accommodations.
He informed the gathering that a voluntary ‘prohibition law’ had been introduced for the entire duration of the mission to Kiev and he demanded that the anti-Maidan protesters observe discipline.
The people awaiting an opportunity to board the train told reporters who had come to the railway station the rumors about the monies allegedly paid out to them were sheer lies.
“The organizers promise us to provide meals and accommodation and we don’t pay the fares but we took all the decisions on our own because we can’t tolerate the situation where the western regions of the country are trying to impose their opinions on the entire Ukraine as is those opinions the only correct ones,” said Dmitry, a student.
“Everyone should have a choice and we’ve already made it,” he said.
Ukraine: l'opposition estime que la table ronde était un "simulacre"...
ReplyDeleteL'opposition ukrainienne s'est rendue vendredi à une table ronde avec le président Ianoukovitch, mais a ensuite dénoncé un "simulacre" organisé à la veille de nouvelles manifestations massives. Hormis une promesse d'amnistie formulée avant la rencontre par le président Ianoukovitch pour les manifestants interpellés, rien de concret n'est sorti de cette table ronde
"Le pouvoir n'a pris en compte aucune de nos exigences. Cette table ronde n'est qu'un simulacre", a déclaré en sortant le champion du monde de boxe et dirigeant du parti Udar (la Frappe) Vitali Klitschko, cité par l'agence de presse Interfax.
Après une hésitation dans la journée, les trois dirigeants de l'opposition pro-européenne qui manifeste depuis plus de trois semaines - Vitali Klitschko, Arseni Iatseniouk (un responsable du parti La patrie de l'opposante emprisonnée Ioulia Timochenko) et le nationaliste Oleg Tiagnybok - avaient accepté de se rendre à la table ronde pour y présenter leurs exigences et entendre les réponses du gouvernement.
Ianoukovitch appelle à "se calmer"
Mais, hormis une promesse d'amnistie formulée avant la rencontre par le président Ianoukovitch pour les manifestants interpellés, rien de concret n'est sorti de cette table ronde, à laquelle avaient été conviées plusieurs dizaines de personnalités, dont des responsables religieux.
"J'appelle tous les Ukrainiens qui sont dans la rue à se calmer et à cesser la confrontation", a déclaré le président Ianoukovitch à la fin de la rencontre............
Ukraine Protests: Kiev Makes U-Turn on EU Association Deal...
ReplyDeleteThe government of embattled Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych has signaled that an association agreement with the EU may now be signed after all. The reversal follows weeks of street protests in Kiev and mounting Western pressure.
Three weeks into a power struggle that has seen an estimated 20,000 demonstrators camping out on Kiev's Independence Square in subzero temperatures, it seems as if closer ties between Ukraine and the European Union may be on the cards after all. On Thursday Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Serhiy Arbuzov announced his country would sign the free trade and association deal with the EU "soon," following talks with EU authorities. Arbuzov failed to give a specific deadline for signing the deal or to explain his government's change of heart................
Ukrainian ruling party to hold mass pro-government demonstrations...
ReplyDeleteThe Party of the Regions, Ukrainian ruling party, will hold mass pro-government demonstrations in Kiev on December 14.
The Kiev Municipal Administration announced on Friday that the rally which is forecasted to be attended by about 200,000 people, would be held on the European Square and in the Mariinskyi Park in Kiev.
Earlier, the municipal administration had warned that the subway stations in downtown Kiev might be closed during the weekend because of expected mass demonstrations.
Pro-government protesters are arriving from the regions in Kiev to attend the demonstrations at the weekend.
The largest groups of activists (10,000-20,000) are expected from the Donetsk, Luhansk, and Dnipropetrovsk regions.
Meanwhile, the opposition plans to hold the fourth national Veche at the Independence Square in Kiev on December 15.
The unrest and ongoing protests in Ukraine were triggered in November when President Yanukovych rejected to sign "the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement" (DCFTA) offered by the EU.
DCFTA was meant to serve as a springboard for Ukraine to become closer to the 28-member bloc, with the possibility of full membership in the future.
Provocations, EU’s financial interests behind Ukraine protests – Lavrov...
ReplyDeleteRussia ‘has no doubt’ that ‘provocateurs with a long-prepared script’ lurk behind the mass protests in Ukraine. This position was voiced by Russian RM Sergey Lavrov in a TV interview, in which he criticized the EU’s greed and interventionism.
The scale of the ongoing protest is “incomprehensible” the Russian minister said on Saturday on the Rossiya 24 TV channel. Such a reaction would be understandable, for example, if Ukraine’s government had declared war on a peaceful foreign nation against the wishes of the people. But merely delaying signing the EU trade deal does not give good cause for it, Lavrov believes.
“There is no doubt that provocateurs are behind it,” he said.
Lavrov defended the Ukrainian government’s right to take decisions on its national policy and criticized Western officials who have sided with the protesters demanding the government’s resignation.
“We are surprised by the almost hysterical reaction [of the West] to the sovereign decision of Ukraine’s legitimate authorities. What has the Yanukovich government done?” the top Russian diplomat wondered. “Did it withdraw from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty? Or did it announce that it was building a nuclear bomb in violation of its obligations. Did it order the shooting of somebody?”
“Just imagine me arriving in Germany after the rise of a euro skeptics party there, which would over a few months gain support through slogans like ‘stop feeding Europe’ and ‘Germany should walk away from EU’,” Lavrov suggested.
“So there I am walking among demonstrators supporting this party and calling on Germany to change its attitude towards the EU and separate from it. How would that be taken? I believe that the European Parliament and the Parliamentary Assembly of NATO, the Council of Europe and the OSCE would have all passed resolutions on how outrageous it was, and how Russians are meddling with Germany’s internal affairs,” the minister predicted.
He said this is exactly what is happening in Ukraine, when top EU officials visit the protesters and demand that the government integrate with the union............
Ukraine: les pro-Ianoukovitch dressent un camp de tentes à Kiev....
ReplyDeleteLes partisans du président ukrainien Viktor Ianoukovitch ont dressé une trentaine de tentes devant le siège du gouvernement ukrainien, dans le part Mariinski, rapporte un correspondant de RIA Novosti.
Les pro-Ianoukovitch ont l'intention d'organiser des manifestations samedi et dimanche dans la capitale ukrainienne. A l'heure actuelle, plusieurs milliers de personnes soutenant les autorités ukrainiennes sont rassemblées sur la place de l'Europe.
Les opposants ukrainiens, qui réclament le départ du gouvernement et l'organisation des élections présidentielle et législatives anticipées, tiennent une manifestation sur la place de l'Indépendance (Maïdan Nezalejnosti) voisine. Les partisans du rapprochement avec l'Union européenne comptent y rassembler 200.000 personnes samedi et dimanche.
D'importantes manifestations se tiennent en Ukraine depuis fin novembre suite à la décision du gouvernement de suspendre les négociations portant sur la conclusion d'un accord d'association avec l'UE.
Russischer Außenpolitiker: USA sehen Ukraine als Halbkolonie....
ReplyDeleteDie USA behandeln die Ukraine wie eine Art Halbkolonie, so Alexej Puschkow, Chef des Auswärtigen Ausschusses der Staatsduma (Unterhaus) auf Twitter.
„Das US-Außenministerium fordert von Janukowitsch, er soll Kundgebungen an Wochenendtagen genehmigen“, so Puschkow. „Dies ist ein direktes Diktat. Damit wird die Ukraine wie eine Halbkolonie behandelt.“ Wenn der ukrainische Präsident das entsprechende Papier signiere, werde die Ukraine zu einer echten Kolonie, twitterte der Parlamentarier.
Zuvor hatte die Sprecherin des US-Außenministeriums Marie Harf Journalisten mitgeteilt, dass die USA die Ukraine auffordern, friedliche Proteste am kommenden Wochenende zu genehmigen. Die USA seien enttäuscht, dass die Regierung und die Opposition in der Ukraine es nicht vermocht haben, sich zu verständigen, hieß es.
Am 30. November hatte die Spezialeinheit Berkut die Demonstranten vom Kiewer Unabhängigkeitsplatz („Maidan“) vertrieben. Einen Tag darauf fand in der ukrainischen Hauptstadt eine Massenkundgebung statt, die mit der Besetzung der Kiewer Stadtverwaltung und Zusammenstößen mit der Polizei vor dem Gebäude der Präsidialadministration endete.
Die Massenproteste von Anhängern der EU-Integration begannen vor zwei Wochen in Kiew und anderen Städten der Ukraine, nachdem die Regierung die Vorbereitung auf die Unterzeichnung des EU-Assoziierungsabkommens auf Eis gelegt hatte.
Ukraine President Yanukovych suspends mayor of Kiev...
ReplyDeleteThe president of Ukraine has suspended his deputy security chief and Kiev's mayor over the police violence against protesters on 30 November.
Prosecutors are investigating claims the two officials put pressure on Kiev's police chief to use violence.
Meanwhile tens of thousands have gathered in Kiev to show their support for President Viktor Yanukovych.
Protests erupted last month after the president pulled out of an integration agreement with the EU.
The violent crackdown energised the pro-EU protesters, who are now camped out in the capital's Independence Square.
Organisers - who are demanding Mr Yanukovych's resignation - have called for another big pro-EU rally on Sunday.
The BBC's correspondent in Kiev, David Stern, says the pro-government rally is just 100 metres from the pro-European encampment............
Thousands of Ukrainians stage rival rallies in capital Kiev....
ReplyDelete(Reuters) - Tens of thousands of Ukrainians rallied in support of President Viktor Yanukovich in central Kiev on Saturday, separated by a line of riot police from anti-government protesters who have camped out for weeks in a nearby square.
A day after talks between the government and the opposition failed to resolve the political crisis, Yanukovich's supporters waved the blue flags of his Party of Regions and chanted the president's name.
"We are here to support the president and order," 18-year-old Maria Nikolayeva said. "Yanukovich is our best prospect at the moment."
Many others were arriving in Kiev for a mass opposition protest planned for Sunday, their anti-government fervor unlikely to be dampened by the president's dismissal on Saturday of two senior officials over police scuffles with protesters.
Opposition demonstrators have been camping since November 21 in Independence Square - now known as the "Maidan", meaning "Square", or the "Euro-maidan" - in protest against Yanukovich's last minute refusal to sign an agreement bringing Ukraine closer to the European Union, in favor of stronger ties with Russia.
The protest has since grown in force and turned into an all-out movement against the president and his administration.
The proximity of rival demonstrators on Saturday raised fears of fresh violence. Buses that brought many of the pro-government protesters to Kiev from Donetsk and other cities in eastern Ukraine - the traditional stronghold of the Party of Regions - were parked in streets around the rallying point in European Square.
"Any conflicts, the most difficult matters should and can only be solved at the negotiating table. People should not be driven away from their work, from their families," Prime Minister Mykola Azarov told supporters.
"Let's tell the people to go back home to their families and their business," he said...........