More than 100,000 demonstrators have chased away police to rally in
the centre of Ukraine's capital, defying a government ban on protests in
Independence Square, in the biggest show of anger over the president's
refusal to sign an agreement with the European Union.Chants of "revolution'' resounded across a sea of EU and Ukrainian flags on the square, where the government had prohibited rallies starting on Sunday.
A group of protesters used a tractor to try to break through police lines near the office of President Viktor Yanukovich, eyewitnesses said.
The approach to the entrance to the presidential administration building was blocked by a line of buses as well as several metal barriers.
Opposition leader Vitaly Klitschko, addressing the protesters, called on Yanukovich and his government to resign, saying they had "stolen" Ukraine's dream of European integration.
'They stole the dream'
"The government and the president should resign," said the heavyweight boxing champion turned opposition politician.
"They stole the dream. If this government does not want to fulfill the will of the people, then there will be no such government, there will be no such president. There will be a new government and a new president," he said to cheering crowds.
The opposition rally, by far the biggest seen in the Ukrainian capital since the Orange Revolution nine years ago, came a day after a police crackdown on protesters which inflamed demonstrators further after Yanukovich's U-turn on Europe.
In a bid to defuse tensions ahead of the rally, Yanukovich issued a statement saying he would do everything in his power to speed up Ukraine's moves toward the European Union.
In a sea of blue and gold, the colours of both the EU and Ukrainian flags, protesters flooded the streets of central Kiev, angered by Yanukovich's decision last month to forego signing a landmark EU deal in favour of closer ties with Kiev's former Soviet master, Russia.
"We are furious,'' said Mykola Sapronov, a 62-year-old retired businessman. "The leaders must resign. We want Europe and freedom.''
'We will respond'
The crowds then moved on to Independence Square, the site of the pro-EU rally that police violently broke up on Saturday.
The interior minister warned that police would respond to any disorder and said Ukraine had no place among the ranks of countries like Libya or Tunisia, where popular uprisings overthrew old guard leadership.
"If there are any calls to disorder, we will respond," Interfax reported Interior Minister Vitaly Zakharchenko as saying.
But riot police, who had sealed off part of Independence Square following Saturday's crackdown, withdrew as the marchers approached the square.
Sunday's rally also marked the anniversary of a 1991 referendum that ushered in Ukraine's independence from the then-crumbling Soviet Union.
Τιμωρία όσων ευθύνονται για τη βία, υπόσχεται ο Γιανούκοβιτς
Η ΕΕ καταδικάζει την υπερβολική χρήση βίας στο Κίεβο...
Με αρχηγείο εθνικής αντίστασης απαντά η αντιπολίτευση. -ΤΕΤΑΜΕΝΗ Η ΚΑΤΑΣΤΑΣΗ ΣΤΗΝ ΟΥΚΡΑΝΙΑ
Ουκρανία: Οι πραγματικοί λόγοι που δεν υπογράφτηκε η σύνδεση με την Ε.Ε.
- Pro-EU protesters in Ukraine storm Kiev city hall
Several hundred thousand people took to the streets of Ukraine’s capital Kiev amid heightening tensions on Sunday to protest against President Viktor Yanukovich’s decision to forego signing a landmark deal with the European Union.
Clashes broke out in the Ukrainian capital on Sunday as protesters stormed the Kiev mayor’s office in the biggest display of anger over the president's refusal to sign an agreement with the European Union.
Hundreds of thousands of protesters defied a government ban on public rallies to mass on Kiev’s Independence Square on Sunday, demanding that President Viktor Yanukovich resign.
Police initially allowed the demonstration to rally peacefully, but when a few thousand protesters tried to storm the nearby presidential administration building, riot police used tear gas and truncheons to drive them back. Dozens of people with what appeared to be head injuries were taken away by ambulance.
The interior ministry said the confrontation was initiated by about 200 people wearing masks tried to break through police lines with garbage truck and also used gas against police.
Prominent opposition leaders issued calls for calm as protesters broke windows of the city council offices to get into the building.
Opposition leader Vitaly Klitschko, a world boxing champion and a likely candidate in the 2015 presidential race, denounced the attempt to storm the president's office as an effort to provoke the government into declaring a state of emergency. But he also called for everyone to stay on the square in a peaceful protest.
The protest comes amid heightened tensions in the country after police used force to break up a pro-EU demonstration at the same square in the early hours of Saturday morning.
While Yanukovich said that he was “deeply outraged” by the violence, his interior minister, Vitaly Zakharchenko, warned that police would respond if there were any mass disturbances during Sunday’s demonstration.
Unprecedented crackdown
Saturday’s violence, in which police used stun grenades and batons against mostly young and peaceful protesters, was unprecedented in Kiev and attracted sharp criticism domestically and abroad.
“I want my children to live in a country where they don’t beat young people,” said Andrey, 33, the manager of a large firm, who declined to give his surname for fear of reprisals against him.
“I am glad we woke up after a ten year nap,” he said referring to the 2004-5 Orange Revolution, co-led by now jailed former prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko, which thwarted Yanukovich’s first run at the presidency.
In an effort to defuse tensions ahead of Sunday’s demonstration, Yanukovich issued a statement saying he would do everything in his power to accelerate the process of moving Ukraine closer to the European Union. He also repeated the need to balance Ukraine’s European integration with its own national interests.
“Ukraine has made its own geopolitical choice. We are a European people and our path has been historically determined. But at the same time, according to my deep conviction, our government should integrate into an association of European nations as an equal partner to be respected,” Yanukovich said.
Prime Minister Mykola Azarov said in a televised interview late on Saturday that Yanukovich would travel to Moscow to work on a ‘roadmap’ for new economic cooperation after a planned trip to China on Dec 3-6, though he gave no dates.
La violencia se dispara en la marcha de los opositores proeuropeos en Kiev....
ReplyDeleteUn grupo de radicales encapuchados ocupa el Ayuntamiento mientras ante la sede de la presidencia tiene lugar una batalla campal entre fuerzas del orden y manifestantes.
Una verdadera marea humana formada por centenares de miles de personas ha salido a la calle este domingo en Kiev para pedir el cese del presidente Víctor Yanukóvich y el Gobierno de Mikola Azárov, la tarea que figura en primer lugar en la lista de prioridades de la multitud que presiona por la integración europea de Ucrania en la plaza de la Independencia de la capital, un lugar simbólico que fue en 2004 el escenario pacífico de la Revolución Naranja.
Ni las autoridades ni los líderes de la oposición garantizan el orden en la ciudad que depende del sentido común y la racionalidad tanto de los manifestantes como de la policía. A la hora de escribir estas líneas ante la sede de la presidencia tenía lugar una verdadera batalla campal entre fuerzas del orden y manifestantes. Al menos cien policías han resultado heridos en los choques. El jefe de policía de Kiev ha dimitido por "el excesivo uso de la fuerza".
La alcaldía de Kiev había prohibido concentrarse en la plaza de la Independencia y organizar manifestaciones en el centro, pero esta prohibición se convirtió en papel mojado ante la riada humana en la que los residentes en la capital se mezclaban con la numerosa gente venida de provincias. Los manifestantes acabaron ocupando el gigantesco árbol de Navidad que fue emplazado ahí tras la carga policial en la madrugada del sábado. Sobre la multitud ondeaban las banderas de los partidos de la oposición, “Patria”, el partido de la encarcelada ex primera ministra Yulia Timoshenko, UDAR, el partido de Vitali Klichkó, y Svoboda, el partido nacionalista originario de las regiones del Oeste que está fortaleciéndose a ojos vistas en Kiev............................http://internacional.elpais.com/internacional/2013/12/01/actualidad/1385902447_107355.html
Ukraine: «Révolution !», «Kiev, lève-toi !»...
ReplyDeleteDes incidents ont fait au moins une centaine de blessés dimanche à Kiev en marge d’une manifestation pro-européenne de plus de 100 000 personnes, dont les leaders ont appelé à tenir jusqu’à la démission du président Viktor Ianoukovitch.
Des manifestants ont par ailleurs pris le contrôle dimanche des locaux de la mairie de Kiev lors de la manifestation de l’opposition dans la capitale, selon une porte-parole de la police de Kiev.
Des affrontements dans le quartier gouvernemental, proche de la place de l’Indépendance où avait lieu la manifestation, ont fait une centaine de blessés parmi les policiers, a indiqué une porte-parole de la police à l’AFP
Ces affrontements sont notamment survenus devant le siège de l’administration présidentielle, gardé par les forces spéciales, et que plusieurs centaines de jeunes gens masqués ou cagoulés ont tenté de prendre d’assaut.
Les forces spéciales ont utilisé à plusieurs reprises des grenades assourdissantes et des gaz contre ces assaillants qui avaient amené un bulldozer, apparemment pour forcer l’entrée du bâtiment.
L'opposition nie tout lien avec ces incidents......http://www.liberation.fr/monde/2013/12/01/l-opposition-ukrainienne-appelle-a-descendre-la-rue_963316?xtor=rss-450
Ukraine Police Chief Apologizes for Violence, Warns Against Disorder......
ReplyDeleteKIEV, December 1 (RIA Novosti) – Ukraine's interior minister has apologized to Ukrainians over the police crackdown on pro-EU protesters in downtown Kiev but warned against mass disturbances, the UNIAN news agency said Sunday.
“I want to apologize for the excessive use of force on the night of November 30 in Independence Square,” Vitaly Zakharchenko told session of the Interior Ministry Board Sunday.
The minister warned thousands of protesters, starting a new rally in Kiev's Independence Square, the scene of violent crackdown on protesters Saturday, that police would respond.
“If there are calls for mass disturbances, then we will react to this harshly,” Zakharchenko said. “Can Ukraine have a bloody war? Do we want to go the way of Tunisia or Libya?” he was quoted by UNIAN as saying.
Meanwhile, protesters in Kiev have ruined a police fence around the Christmas tree and put the Ukrainian flag on top of it. Police were not spotted at the scene, a RIA Novosti reporter said.
Ukraine’s Prosecutor General Viktor Pshonka sided with protesters who were dispersed by riot police Saturday saying: “People were in [Independence Square] legally. This is their constitutional right and the primary task of law enforcement bodies was to ensure that they can exercise their right.”
He called to investigate the use of force by riot police and to check the reports of provocation by people “who were behind the back of peaceful citizens.”
Kiev police chief Valery Koryak, who said he had given the order to send riot police to disperse the protest, handed in his resignation Sunday, the report said citing a police source.
Ukraine: Protestaktion vor dem Präsidentensitz auseinandergejagt...
ReplyDeleteSpezialeinheiten der ukrainischen Polizei haben am Sonntag eine Protestaktion vor dem Amtssitz des Präsidenten Viktor Janukowitsch in Kiew auseinandergejagt.
Die Polizisten gingen mit Schlagstöcken gegen die Demonstranten vor. Es gibt Verletzte.
Eine mehrere tausend Teilnehmer zählende Kundgebung gegen die Politik der ukrainischen Führung, die die Vorbereitungen für die Assoziierung mit der Europäischen Union gestoppt hatte, fand am Sonntag auf dem Unabhängigkeitsplatz (Maidan Nesaleschnosti) in Kiew statt.
Laut Medienberichten wurde versucht, den Amtssitz des Präsidenten zu stürmen. Gruppen von Oppositionellen sind inzwischen in das Oberbürgermeisteramt und das Gewerkschaftshaus eindringen.
Protest gegen Janukowitsch....Merkel warnt vor Gewalt gegen ukrainische Demonstranten....
ReplyDeleteDie Bundesregierung ergreift Partei für die ukrainischen Demonstranten: Die Regierung Janukowitschs müsse friedliche Proteste dulden.
Angesichts der Massenproteste in der Ukraine hat Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel vor Gewalt gegen friedliche Demonstranten gewarnt. Merkel forderte Präsident Viktor Janukowitsch und dessen Regierung auf, "alles zu tun, um die freie Meinungsäußerung und das Recht auf friedliche Demonstrationen stets zu schützen".
"Natürlich muss der Einsatz von Gewalt gegen friedliche Demonstranten Sorge bereiten", sagte Regierungssprecher Steffen Seibert mit Blick auf die Proteste in Kiew. Im Fernsehen waren am Wochenende Sondereinsatzkräfte zu sehen, die Demonstranten mit Schlagstöcken attackierten und am Boden liegende Menschen mit Füßen traten.
Die Bundesregierung ließ ihre Unterstützung für die Demonstranten durchblicken: Es sei beeindruckend, wie viele Menschen in der Ukraine bereit seien, für eine engere Anbindung des Landes an Europa auf die Straße zu gehen, sagte Seibert. Es sei zu hoffen, dass auch Janukowitsch diese Botschaft verstehe. Deutschland sei weiterhin bereit, das gestoppte Assoziierungsabkommen mit der EU zu unterzeichnen........http://www.zeit.de/politik/ausland/2013-12/ukraine-protest-merkel-kritik-janukowitsch
Οι διαμαρτυρίες στην Ουκρανία έγιναν ανεξέλεγκτες – Αζάροφ ...
ReplyDeleteΟι μαζικές εκδηλώσεις στην Ουκρανία έχουν αποκτήσει ανεξέλεγκτο χαρακτήρα, δήλωσε ο πρωθυπουργός της Ουκρανίας Νικολάι Αζάροφ σε συνάντηση με τους ξένους διπλωμάτες.
«Οι πολιτικοί, οι οποίοι προσχώρησαν σε αυτή την εκδήλωση, έχουν προκαλέσει ραγδαία ριζοσπαστικοποίηση της κατάστασης. Ο μαζικός χαρακτήρας των εκδηλώσεων έχει αποκτήσει ανεξέλεγκτο χαρακτήρα και, κατ΄ακρίβειαν, - ελεγχόμενο από ορισμένες πολιτικές δυνάμεις», - είπε ο Ουκρανός πρωθυπουργός.
Σύμφωνα με τον Αζάροφ, αυτές οι πολιτικές δυνάμεις έχουν τη ψευδαίσθηση ότι μπορούν να ανατρέψουν το υφιστάμενο σύστημα. Για την επίτευξη αυτής της ψευδαίσθησης χρησιμοποιούνται απόλυτα παράνομες μέθοδοι», - είπε ο Ουκρανός πρωθυπουργός.
Διαβάστε ολόκληρο το κείμενο: http://greek.ruvr.ru/2013_12_02/254219962/
Ukraine wants to improve terms of free-trade zone with EU - Yanukovych...
ReplyDeleteOne needs to amend the initialed agreement on a free-trade zone with the European Union which is an integral part of the association agreement with the EU, Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych said.
"We want better free-trade zone terms. This is linked to our economic interests and the people behind them. We want to change these conditions for the benefit of our producers," Yanukovych said in an interview with leading Ukrainian TV channels on Monday night.
"We must hold discussions so that civil society can give its assessment of what terms we want to achieve," he said.
Voice of Russia, Interfax
Read more: http://voiceofrussia.com/news/2013_12_02/Ukraine-wants-to-improve-terms-of-free-trade-zone-with-EU-Yanukovych-7378/
France invites Ukrainian opposition's Klitschko to Paris.....
ReplyDeleteFrance invited a senior figure in Ukraine's opposition, Vitaly Klitschko, to Paris on Tuesday to discuss a stand-off with the country's government that has brought hundreds of thousands onto the streets.
Ukraine has plunged into crisis since President Viktor Yanukovich turned down a free-trade deal with the European Union under pressure from Russia, with pro-Europe demonstrators blockading the government's main building in Kiev.
French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius told RFI radio he had sent a message to Klitschko, telling him he was prepared to meet him in Paris. He said he and President Francois Hollande had met Yanukovich at an EU summit last week in Vilnius.
"It's not up to us to interfere in domestic issues, but the other day we spoke with Yanukovich and it seems normal to me to meet Mr. Klitschko as well, since Mrs. Tymoshenko is in prison," Fabius said, referring to jailed Ukrainian opposition figure and former prime minister Yulia Tymoshenko.
Yanukovich is set to head to China on Tuesday while opposition deputies in Ukraine's parliament have called for a vote of no confidence in the cabinet.
Prime Minister Mykola Azarov said the government could not perform basic functions and accused his opponents of planning to seize parliament, warning that the stand-off had all the signs of a coup d'etat.
"It's not a coup d'etat, I haven't seen a military intervention," Fabius said. "The conditions for a coup d'etat are not there."
Στο Κίεβο μπλόκαραν την Προεδρική Διοίκηση ....
ReplyDeleteΧιλιάδες διαμαρτυρόμενοι στο Κίεβο,εκτός του κτιρίου της κυβέρνησης, μπλόκαραν και την Προεδρική Διοίκηση.
Μετά την καταψήφιση της πρότασης μομφής κατά της κυβέρνησης, ένας από τους ηγέτες της αντιπολίτευσης, ο Αρσένι Γιατσενιούκ δήλωσε ότι τώρα πλέον απευθύνουν τις απαιτήσεις τους άμεσα προς τον Πρόεδρο Βίκτορ Γιανουκόβιτς.
Η αντιπολίτευση απαιτεί από τον Πρόεδρο να παραιτήσει με διάταγμά του το Υπουργικό Συμβούλιο και να κηρύξει πρόωρες βουλευτικές και προεδρικές εκλογές.
Μετά την ομιλία του Γιατσενιούκ δεκάδες χιλιάδες συγκεντρωθέντες στο κέντρο της πρωτεύουσας διαδηλωτές προχώρησαν, παρακάπτοντας το μπλοκαρισμένο κτίριο της κυβέρνησης, προς τη Διοίκηση του Πρόεδρου και την περικύκλωσαν από όλες τις πλευρές.
Διαβάστε ολόκληρο το κείμενο: http://greek.ruvr.ru/2013_12_03/254377373/