Regional officials say that the death toll after Super Typhoon Haiyan
slammed into the Philippines could reach as high as 10,000.Chief Superintendent Elmer Soria said early on Sunday that he was briefed by Leyte provincial Governor Dominic Petilla and told that there were about 10,000 deaths on the island, mostly by drowning and from collapsed buildings.
Tacloban city administrator Tecson Lim said the death toll in that city alone "could go up to 10,000".
Soria said that as much as 80 percent of the area in the path of Haiyan in Leyte province was destroyed.
"Imagine a strip one kilometre deep inland from the shore, and all the shanties, everything, destroyed," Interior Secretary Mar Roxas said after visiting coastal towns in Leyte, which was one of the worst-hit provinces in the east of the archipelago.
Earlier, the Philippines Red Cross estimated that more than 1,000 people had been killed in Tacloban and at least 200 in hard-hit Samar province when one of the strongest typhoons in history slammed into the country.
Gwendolyn Pang, secretary-general of the Philippine Red Cross, said on Saturday that those numbers came from preliminary reports by Red Cross teams in Tacloban and Samar, among the most devastated areas hit by Typhoon Haiyan on Friday.
"An estimated more than 1,000 bodies were seen floating in Tacloban
as reported by our Red Cross teams," she told Reuters. "In Samar, about
200 deaths. Validation is ongoing."
She said she expected a more exact number to emerge after a more precise counting of bodies on the ground in those regions.Communications cut off
The Philippines has yet to resume communications with officials in Tacloban, a city of about 220,000 that suffered the worst of the typhoon. Reports say the sea flooded the entire city.
It was a similar situation in the town of Palo, further south. It was said to be under three and a half metres of water.
One UN official said the damage was similar to the devastation caused by the Indian Ocean tsunami in 2004.
The 'category five' storm weakened after hitting six spots in the Philippines and has been downgraded to 'category four', though forecasters said it could strengthen again over the South China Sea on its course to hit Vietnam.
More than 500,000 people have been evacuated in central and northern Vietnam as forecasters predict the typhoon will make landfall there on Monday morning.
According to Vietnam's national Television station, VTV, heavy rain and floods triggered from the typhoon have already killed six people in central provinces.
An average of 20 typhoons strike the Philippines every year, and Haiyan was the 24th in 2013.
Last year, Typhoon Bopha flattened three towns in southern Mindanao, killing 1,100 people and causing damage of more than $1bn.
Aid efforts begin after typhoon Haiyan kills 10,000 in Philippines: live updates...http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/nov/10/typhoon-haiyan-kills-10000-in-philippines-live-updates
Vietnam: 600.000 personnes évacuées avant l'arrivée du typhon Haiyan
ReplyDeleteAttendu dimanche soir au dessus du Vietnam, le Typhon Haiyan, déjà responsable de milliers de morts aux Philippines, a poussé les autorités à déplacer plus de 600.000 personnes.....En savoir plus sur http://www.lexpress.fr/actualite/monde/asie/vietnam-600-000-personnes-evacuees-avant-l-arrivee-du-typhon-haiyan_1298382.html#170ju1YraMDDDX4r.99
Taifun „Haiyan“ hinterlässt Tote, Not und Verzweiflung....
ReplyDelete10.11.2013 · Bis zu 10.000 Todesopfer soll Taifun „Haiyan“ allein in der Provinz Leyte auf den Philippinen gefordert haben. Hunderttausende warten im Katastrophengebiet auf Hilfe. Chaos bricht aus, Plünderungen folgen. In Vietnam rechnet man am Montag mit dem Eintreffen des abgeschwächten Tropensturms.
Der Taifun „Haiyan“ hat Millionen Menschen auf den Philippinen in Not und Verzweiflung gestürzt. Auch zwei Tage nach seinem Durchzug konnte die Zahl der Toten nur geschätzt werden - auf bis zu 10.000. Zerstörte Flughäfen, Häfen und Straßen erschwerten die einsetzende Hilfe. Weil diese nur schleppend anlief, standen Hunderttausende Menschen auch am Sonntag noch in Trümmerwüsten. Viele Verzweifelte plünderten in der zerstörten Stadt Tacloban Geschäfte.
„Verzweifelt nicht, die Hilfe ist auf dem Weg“, beschwor Präsident Benigno Aquino seine Landsleute bei einem Besuch in Tacloban. Tausende Tonnen Hilfsgüter seien auf dem Weg.
Die Lokalbehörden fürchten inzwischen tausende Tote durch den gewaltigsten Taifun, der je Land erreicht hat. Der Polizeichef in Tacloban nannte 10 000 Todesopfer, aber die Regierung wollte das nicht bestätigen. „Die Zahlen sind alarmierend“ sagte Aquino. „Unsere Priorität sind aber die Überlebenden.“
Die Katastrophenbehörde aus Eastern Samar östlich von Tacloban meldete 300 Tote und 2000 Vermisste. Auch auf den Inseln weiter westlich war die Zerstörung verheerend, wie Fotos zeigten. Ganze Ortschaften waren dem Erdboden gleichgemacht, etwa in Concepcion und Sara in der Provinz Iloilo. „Wir haben die Bergung der Leichen angeordnet und werden sie in Massengräbern beisetzen“, sagte der Präsident. „Weil sie ein Gesundheitsrisiko darstellen.“.....http://www.faz.net/aktuell/gesellschaft/philippinen-taifun-haiyan-hinterlaesst-tote-not-und-verzweiflung-12656896.html
Filippine: è ecatombe per il tifone Haiyan....
ReplyDeleteIl bilancio delle vittime del super tifone Hayan che ha colpito le Filippine potrebbe arrivare alla cifra di oltre 10.000 morti. Lo hanno riferito le autorita' locali. La stima arriva man mano che i soccorritori arrivano nei luoghi colpiti dal disastro, dove i sopravvissuti, riferiscono diverse testimonianze, "si muovono come zombie". Le famiglie colpite sono quasi un milione per oltre 4,28 milioni di persone Gwendolyn Pang, segretario generale della Croce Rossa di Manila, riferisce che, "le squadre", dell'organizzazione, "stimano di aver visto oltre 1.000 corpi galleggiare a Tacloban", cui si aggiungono, "circa 200 vittime a Samar. La verifica e' in corso" Tacloban, dove secondo la Croce Rossa si conterebbero 1.000 morti, e' una citta' costiera sull'isola di Leyte di 220.000 abitanti. L'aeroporto e' distrutto e le acque del Pacifico, con onde alte fino a 6 metri, si sono spinte fino all'interno dell'abitato. In tutto l'arcipelago delle Filippine quasi 4 milioni di persone sono state coinvolte dal passaggio del tifone e 800.000 sono state evacuate. Migliaia tra barche, navi e traghetti sono rimasti attraccati nei porti e centinaia di voli sono stati cancellati.
Haiyan con venti fino a 320 km/h e' considerato un super-tifone di categoria 5, la massima, e malgrado si sia al momento indebolito leggermente e sia sceso provvisoriamente a livello 4, secondo i meteorologi e' destinato a riprendere forza al suo passaggio sul Mar Cinese Meridionale, nel suo percorso che lo sta portando verso il Vietnam, dove dovrebbe toccare terra nelle prime ore di domenica. Qui le autorita' hanno evacuato circa 300.000 persone ed hanno schierato oltre 170.000 soldati per fare fronte all'emergenza. Le zone piu' a rischio sono quelle di Da Nang e Quang Nam ........http://www.affaritaliani.it/cronache/filippine-ecatombe-091113.html?ref=ig
Philippines : les ONG s'organisent et appellent aux dons....
ReplyDeleteMalgré les difficultés d'accès aux zones sinistrées, de premiers avions de secours ont décollé vers les Philippines. L'enjeu est notamment d'éviter la propagation d'épidémies.
Mobilisées depuis 48 heures, les ONG appellent les Français à les soutenir pour pouvoir agir auprès des victimes du typhon Haiyan, qui a fait plus de 10 000 morts aux Philippines et se dirige vers le Vietnam. En attendant les dons, elles tentent de s'organiser pour atteindre des zones difficilement accessibles.
L'enjeu est "d'éviter que des épidémies se propagent par des contaminations d'eau et de mauvaises conditions d'hygiène", indique Bruno David, d'Action contre la faim, où une cellule de crise s'est réunie, dimanche. Mais, dans un premier temps, "l'idée est d'évaluer les besoins", explique Hugo Tiffou, responsable du pôle Asie à Médecins du Monde. "On ne connaît pas encore l'ampleur du désastre" mais les difficultés d'accès et de communication "vont clairement ralentir l'évaluation des besoins et le déploiement de l'aide humanitaire".
Comment s'organiser ?
"Les routes sont coupées, les télécommunications ne passent plus", déplore-t-on chez Action contre la faim, qui compte déjà "une centaine de personnes sur place, elles-mêmes affectées par la crise". Malgré tout, les secours se déploient déjà. ACF a affrété un avion avec "des kits permettant aux gens de rendre leur eau potable et de maintenir un niveau d'hygiène suffisant et des biscuits énergétiques".
Médecins sans frontières a également envoyé des équipes sur place, ainsi que deux avions cargos qui "transporteront du matériel médical et logistique (notamment des tentes, des kits d'hygiène, du matériel nécessaire pour prendre en charge les blessés et effectuer des cliniques mobiles ainsi que des vaccins tétanos primordiaux dans ce type d'urgence)". L'Unicef aussi a fait partir 60 tonnes de matériel de secours.
Comment aider ?
"Affréter des avions coûte cher et on a vraiment besoin d'un soutien massif", souligne Bruno David, d'Action contre la faim, résumant l'opinion générale. La Fondation de France ainsi que de nombreuses ONG et associations (la Croix-Rouge française, Médecins du monde, Action contre la faim, le Secours populaire français, l'Unicef...) ont lancé des appels aux dons, espérant que les Français se mobilisent.
Face à l'ampleur de la catastrophe, plusieurs pays et organisations internationales ont proposé leur secours, des États-Unis à l'Australie, en passant par l'Union européenne et l'ONU. Le pape a recommandé des prières mais aussi "une aide concrète". Le maire de Paris a annoncé qu'il demanderait au Conseil de Paris, qui se réunit mardi, "de voter une aide financière exceptionnelle d'un montant de 100 000 euros au profit de l'organisation non gouvernementale Action contre la faim".
Conférence climat de Varsovie: le cyclone Haiyan "donne à réfléchir".....
ReplyDelete190 pays sont réunis à Varsovie pour la 19ème conférence climat de l'ONU qui vise à contenir le réchauffement de la planète. Le cyclone Haiyan, le plus puissant cyclone à avoir touché terre, est un avertissement, selon l'ONU.
Le typhon Haiyan, qui a frappé les Philippines, est une "réalité qui donne à réfléchir" sur le changement climatique, a déclaré lundi à Varsovie la responsable climat de l'ONU Christiana Figueres à l'ouverture d'un nouveau round de négociations sur la lutte contre le réchauffement.
"Ce qui se joue ici, dans ce stade, n'est pas un jeu", a-t-elle lancé, faisant allusion au stade de Varsovie où se déroule la conférence de l'ONU sur le climat jusqu'au 22 novembre. "Il n'y a pas deux équipes, mais l'intégralité de l'humanité. Il n'y a ni gagnant, ni de perdant. Nous allons tous gagner, ou tous perdre". ......Haiyan, le plus puissant cyclone à avoir touché terre
Typhoon Haiyan: Philippines declares state of calamity...
ReplyDeleteThe Philippines President Benigno Aquino has declared a state of national calamity to speed relief efforts for victims of Typhoon Haiyan.
In a statement, he said the two worst affected provinces, Leyte and Samar, had suffered massive destruction and loss of life.
Thousands of survivors are still desperately waiting for the aid effort to reach them.
More than nine million people have been affected in the Philippines. Many are now struggling to survive without food, shelter or clean drinking water.
A picture is slowly emerging of the full damage wrought by the storm:
The exposed easterly town of Guiuan, Samar province - population 40,000 - is said to be largely destroyed
Tacloban, Leyte province, was largely flattened by a massive storm surge and scores of corpses are piled by the roadside, leaving a stench in the air as they rot, say correspondents. Hundreds of people have gathered at the airport desperate for food and water, others trying to get a flight out
Disaster worker Dennis Chong told the BBC that assessments in the far north of Cebu province had shown some towns had suffered "80-90% damage"
Baco, a city of 35,000 in Oriental Mindoro province, was 80% under water, the UN said.
A huge international relief effort is under way, but rescue workers have struggled to reach some towns and villages cut off since the storm.
However, reports from Tacloban say that soldiers have been on the streets distributing food and water to some residents and the US military has sent marines to the city. .....http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-24901993
Turkish plane carrying aid lands in Philippines....Turkey's state-owned relief organization Turk Kizilayi (Red Crescent) has sent 65 tons of aid to the disaster-hit Philippines....
ReplyDeleteTurkey's state-owned relief organization Turk Kizilayi (Red Crescent) has sent 65 tons of aid to the disaster-hit Philippines on Monday.
Red Crescent's cargo plane also carrying a rescue team has arrived in the Philippines at 16:00 Turkish time and the rescue team is ready to dispatch in case they are needed.
Four and a half million people have been affected by the typhoon which hit several central Philippine islands on Friday, leaving around 330 thousand left homeless, according to the United Nations.
Red Crescent says 1200 people might have died so far, with the death toll feared to rise much higher.
In another international effort to support victims of the disaster, Canada has started a relief campaign where the government will add a dollar in aid to each dollar donated by the public till December 8, Christian Paradis, Minister of International Development, said Sunday.
Public donations are limited to 100 thousand dollars and can optionally be deducted from tax, Paradis added.
Canada has already sent 5 million dollars in aid to the disaster-stricken area.
Philippines typhoon: President lowers death toll estimate...
ReplyDeleteThe President of the Philippines, Benigno Aquino, says the death toll from Friday's typhoon may be lower than first thought.
In an interview with CNN, he said the number of 10,000 killed was "too high" and the figure was more likely up to 2,500.
The UN says more than 11 million people are believed to have been affected and some 673,000 displaced.
The relief operation is being stepped up, but many are still without aid.....http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-24920250