Yasar Büyükanit, left-Ilker Basbug, right |
The court decision in the Ergenekon trial does not only raise the question of whether or not it was an indictment against the Generals and political opponents of the Erdogan government. It also raises the question why the name of Yasar Buyukanit is not on the list of those accused and convicted.
Former Army chief General Ilker Basbug was sentenced to life in prison for his actions while he served as Second Chief of the Armed Forces from 2003 to 2008. However, during that period, Yasar Buyukanit was the leader of the Armed Forces! How could the court condemn Basbug, the leader of the northern fleet, the leader of the gendarmerie and dozens of other “pashas” and not Buyukanit whose name appears nowhere?
In April 2007 Erdogan had announced Abdullah Gul as candidate for the presidency of the Republic. The Turkish Armed Forces had then announced online that “the Turkish Armed Forces will do everything to protect the secular state”. That was a threat of a coup against the government. In the end, the man that threatened to stage a coup was not convicted but Basbug was led to prison.
Perhaps the secret behind the investigation and the trial of the Ergenekon case as well as the prosecutions against the generals is what the Turkish media call the “Dolambahce meeting”.
- On May 5th 2007, following the Buyukanit threats, Erdogan called the chief of the Armed Forces to his office at the Dolmabahce Palace in Istanbul. Nobody to this day knows exaxtly what was discussed during the three hour meeting. However, since that day, the Turkish Armed Forces almost surrendered to the Turkish government.
- Many newspapers have from time to time suggested that Erdogan threatened Buyukanit in this meeting with personal information about his wife’s costly lifestyle and the personal life of his daughter.
It has also been reported that Erdogan offered to hide this information in exchange for evidence against other “pashas”. None of these reports have been confirmed as both men stated they will never reveal what was discussed during their meeting.
One month after the Dolmabahce meeting the Ergenekon case begun to unfold with the discovery of the first safe-house of the organization in Istanbul. What followed was the persecution of hundreds of army officers on charges of involvement in Ergenekon and after that the army’s secret plan code-named “Sledgehammer” was revealed. The plan involved causing unrest in Turkey in order to overthrow the government. It even included bringing down a Turkish Airforce fighter plane to create conditions of war with Greece.
Buyukanit was never accused of involvement in any of these plans or organizations and was never convicted. He either really didn’t know anything despite being the leader of the Armed Forces for many years or some secret agreement was reached. This remains to be seen in future.
- See more at: http://www.balkaneu.com
Παρέμβαση του Τουρκικού στρατού μια ημέρα μετά την απόφαση για την Εργκένεγκον...
ReplyDeleteΈκκληση για ηρεμία και υπομονή απηύθυναν με ανακοίνωσή τους οι Τουρκικές ένοπλες δυνάμεις μια ημέρα μετά την απόφαση του δικαστηρίου για την υπόθεση “Εργκένεγκον”.
Στην ανακοίνωσή γίνεται λόγος για «αυτοσυγκράτηση και ηρεμία» κατά τη διάρκεια της επεξεργασίας της απόφασης ώστε να αποφευχθούν παρεξηγήσεις.
Παράλληλα εκφράζεται «η βαθιά θλίψη που νοιώθουν οι Ένοπλες Δυνάμεις για τους συντρόφους μας στα όπλα και τις οικογένειές τους».
Erdoğan'dan Başbuğ yorumu....
ReplyDeleteEski Genelkurmay Başkanı İlker Başbuğ'un Ergenekon davasında müebbet hapse mahkum olmasını değerlendiren Başbakan Erdoğan, "Ben o zaman kanaatimi çok açık, net ifade ettim ve bu kanaatimde herhangi bir sapma söz konusu değildir" dedi.
Erdoğan, Ramazan Bayramı namazını Süleymaniye Camisi'nde kıldı. Bayram namazından sonra gerçekleşen bayramlaşma törenine de katılan Erdoğan, namaz sonrası Mimar Sinan Türbesi'ni ziyaret etti.....http://www.cnnturk.com/2013/guncel/08/08/erdogandan.basbug.yorumu/718780.0/index.html
Ergenekon: Ist die Türkei ein Rechtsstaat?
ReplyDeleteDer Prozess gegen mutmaßliche Putschisten in der Türkei zeigt: Die Justiz des Landes ist ein willfähriger Diener der Regierung Erdoğan geworden, kommentiert M. Thumann.
Recht oder Rache? Das war die Frage, als am vergangenen Montag in der Türkei die Urteile im Großprozess gegen 275 mutmaßliche Verschwörer und Putschisten gesprochen wurden. Viele von ihnen gehören jener alten Elite von Soldaten und Bürokraten an, die einst oppositionelle und religiöse Türken hinter Gitter brachte.
Als das sogenannte Ergenekon-Verfahren 2008 begann, wurden erstmals in der Türkei Offiziere verhaftet, die gegen eine Regierung putschen wollten. Die Ermittler schienen gegen die unselige Tradition vorzugehen, wonach Bürokratie und Armee eine vom Volk gewählte Regierung beliebig absetzen können. Vier Mal war das bisher passiert, zuletzt im Februar 1998. Die Verhafteten gehörten, so sagten die Ermittler, einem Netzwerk von Verschwörern an. Darunter waren Offiziere, Staats- und Rechtsanwälte, auch einige Journalisten. Sie sollen Anschläge auf Moscheen, auf Christen und Prominente geplant haben. Ihr Ziel: im so entstehenden Chaos die Regierung von Ministerpräsident Tayyip Erdoğan wegzuputschen. Man fand geheime Waffenlager und viele Indizien in abgehörten Telefongesprächen.
Das wäre die Gelegenheit gewesen, um in einer sauberen Ermittlung Tat und bloße Vermutung voneinander zu trennen und in einem rechtsstaatlichen Verfahren die Verbrechen des berüchtigten "tiefen Staates" aufzuarbeiten. Eine Mehrheit der Türken befürwortete diese Prozesse.
Die Hoffnung trog. Statt einer Aufarbeitung folgte die Ausuferung. In immer neuen Verhaftungswellen wurden über 300 Menschen festgenommen, die Anklage wurde ausgeweitet auf Mordpläne gegen Erdoğan und unklar definierte oppositionelle Tätigkeiten. Die Anklageschrift schwoll auf über 4.000 Seiten an. Die Indizien gegen die inhaftierten Generale wurden allmählich von dem Verdacht überlagert, die Justiz wolle im Auftrag der Regierung deren Kritiker mundtot machen......http://www.zeit.de/2013/33/tuerkei-rechtsstaat-ergenekon
Τουρκία: Επίθεση Μπασμπούγ μέσα από τη φυλακή ...
ReplyDeleteΕπίθεση κατά των δικαστών και της σημερινής ηγεσίας του τουρκικού στρατού εξαπολύει ο πρώην επιτελάρχης Μπασμπούγ, με σκληρή επιστολή που απέστειλε μέσα από την φυλακή στην εφημερίδα "Hurriyet", μετά την καταδίκη του σε ισόβια για απόπειρα πραξικοπήματος.
Ο Μπασμπούγ κάνει λόγο για εμπαιγμό των κατηγορουμένων και προσβολή στο στράτευμα.
"Περιμέναμε να ακούσουμε τα ονόματά μας λες κι ο δικαστής κλήρωνε τα ονόματα από σακουλάκι", γράφει ο Μπασμπούγ και συνεχίζει: "Ακόμη κι αν κάποιος πάει για κρεμάλα, αυτό δεν θα έπρεπε να γίνει με ευπρέπεια, με κανόνες και σεβασμό προς τον άνθρωπο;"
Παράλληλα κατηγόρησε τον διάδοχό του για την σιωπή του. Μάλιστα έκανε αναφορά και στις δηλώσεις του Ταγίπ Ερντογάν, ο οποίος επανέλαβε πως δεν μπορεί να λέει κανείς τον πρώην στρατάρχη, τρομοκράτη.
"Η απόφαση αυτή άνευ συζήτησης ανακηρύσσει την ηγεσία των Τουρκικών Ενόπλων Δυνάμεων και κατά συνέπεια το ίδιο το στράτευμα ως παράνομη ένοπλη τρομοκρατική οργάνωση" αναφέρεται στην επιστολή και προστίθεται:
"Ο Διοικητής που σήμερα κατέχει την θέση του Αρχηγού του Γενικού Επιτελείου, βάσει των υποχρεώσεων που πηγάζουν από την θεσμική του ευθύνη, για πόσο καιρό θα επακολουθεί να σιωπά, μπροστά σ' αυτή την απαράδεκτη απόφαση, την οποία δεν απεδέχθη και αντέδρασε και κ. Πρωθυπουργός;"
''Η όποια ερμηνεία που υπερασπίζεται την απόφαση είναι εκτός λογικής και επ' ουδενί δεν ικανοποιεί την κοινή γνώμη'', τονίζει ο Μπασμπούγ στην επιστολή του.
PM Erdoğan, general must speak up against coup case, retired General Başbuğ writes...
DeleteRetired Chief of General Staff Gen. İlker Başbuğ asked the current officeholder, Necdet Özel, whether he would remain silent about the convictions given to him and other generals in the Turkish military, and criticized Parliament for failing to prevent the verdicts by making the necessary legal amendments despite the prime minister’s earlier remarks, in a letter sent to daily Hürriyet on Aug. 9.
“It should not be forgotten that chief of General Staff is the commander of the Turkish Armed Forces. He has to protect this institution against unfair, groundless and harsh attacks. Today will the commander, who holds the position of chief of General Staff, keep his silence on this issue, to which Mr. Prime Minister already reacted to and rejected?” wrote Başbuğ, addressing Özel.
Başbuğ’s letter came after the landmark ruling released Aug. 5 in the Ergenekon coup plot case. The court ruled for the conviction of more than 250 people on charges of attempting to topple the government, while jailing Başbuğ for life.
Başbuğ recalls Erdoğan’s remarks on case
“Some of those at the Turkish General Staff headquarters have been [convicted for being] the managers of a terror organization and others have terror organization member status. The Turkish Armed Forces’ supreme headquarters is a terror organization’s headquarters [according to the verdict]. The Turkish Armed Forces’ commander is the manager of a terror organization. Let’s stop here, take a breath and ask justifiably these questions: Mr. Prime Minister said on HaberTürk channel on Feb. 1, 2013 that ‘Yes, it’s is a serious and unforgivable mistake to call active and retired generals members of a terror organization. If they [those who call generals terrorists] see their status as safe now, history will not forgive them. The Turkish Armed Forces is an organization but not a terror organization. It’s a constitutional organization.’ However, in a decision given around six months after this speech, the 13th High Criminal Court announced that some of the high-level officials at the General Staff headquarters are ‘members of a terror organization’ and some of them, including the chief of staff, are ‘managers of a terror organization.’ What will be thought and written about those holding the majority in Parliament failing to make the necessary amendments to prevent the historic mistake of the court and not making these amendments in the future?” asked Başbuğ.
Başbuğ cited Professor Sami Selçuk and Professor İzzet Özgenç’s remarks saying that the chief of General Staff is accountable to the prime minister and ruling out any terror accusations against the chief of General Staff.
“The chief of General Staff is appointed by the president upon the Cabinet’s suggestion. The public wonders about the opinions of the Cabinet members, who proposed the appointment of the 26th chief of General Staff and who worked with him, as well as Mr. President, who approved this proposal and worked with the chief of General Staff, over the remarks of these two respected legal experts,” Başbuğ wrote......http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com/pm-erdogan-general-must-speak-up-against-coup-case-retired-general-basbug-writes.aspx?pageID=238&nID=52299&NewsCatID=339
Turkish court rejects former commander's plea for release...
DeleteA Turkish court rejected on Monday the request for release of former Chief of General Staff General Ilker Basbug.
Istanbul's 13th High Criminal Court rejected Basbug's plea on the grounds that the prosecution had concluded on August 5, 2013, and there was no need to issue another decree about his imprisonment.
The petition filed by Basbug's attorney Ilkay Sezer on December 31 stated that the court verdict didn't include the probability that Ilker Basbug could have fled and destroyed evidence against him, thus requesting Basbug's release from prison.
On August 5, the same court had convicted the retired general of attempting to overthrow the government and sentenced him to life in prison at the end of the six-year-long Ergenekon trial, in which 275 suspects including retired military commanders, former police chiefs, journalists, businessmen and others were accused of plotting to depose the ruling Justice and Development (AK) Party government.
Court rejects ex-Turkish army chief’s release despite prosecutor’s favorable plea...
DeleteA court has rejected the release request of former Chief of General Staff İlker Başbuğ, despite the prosecutor having made a favorable plea during a hearing on Jan. 21.
Başbuğ, sentenced to life in prison as part of the Ergenekon case for his alleged involvement in a plot to topple the government, had demanded his release, using Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s statement that there were “gangs within the state” as proof of his innocence.
For the first time, the prosecutor of the first instance appeal court supported Başbuğ’s release demand, requesting that his “personal features and social situation” be taken into account in the verdict.
“We have reached the opinion that one or more judicial control measures could be used,” the prosecutor added in his plea, which was rejected by the court.
The demand had also been rejected by a local court earlier this month.
The Ergenekon case is still being reviewed for an appeal at the Turkish Supreme Court of Appeals.
The release demand came as part of an initiative for the retrial of the coup case suspects, which has also been gathering support from the government.
Başbuğ was given a life sentence in a landmark verdict in the Ergenekon coup plot case on Aug. 5, 2013. The court did not reveal its reasoning and decided on the continuation of the arrest of Başbuğ as a precaution until the reasoning is released.