A few years
after the Athens Olympic Games, when the Greeks –at least the elite of
this country– passionately lived a Cinderella fairy-tale, the tough
reality turned the public discussion in exactly the opposite direction.
The worldwide economic crisis, in addition to the euro crisis, led Greek
society to an unprecedented crisis and political intolerance. In
parallel, these issues brought to the surface all the structural
malformations of the modern Greek state. So Greece became a special and
unique phenomenon in Europe, a catalyst for big negative changes.
But what are
those parameters that led Greece to being in such an unfavorable
position? Is it only the reorganization of polity after the dictatorship
(1967-1973), which turned the state into a servant of party mechanisms?
Are there deeper causes to the way Greece was established as a
nation-state, which were just exacerbated by recent management?
A problematic independence
The Greek
rebirth, through the second biggest –after the French-
anti-authoritarian European revolution, led to the creation of the young
Greek state in 1830. But the geographical limits of the newly formed
nation-state were far from the dreams of the progressive representatives
of the Enlightenment that dreamed of and planned the Revolution.
nation–state was a new form of state, which emerged after the French
Revolution and expressed the rising bourgeois class in power against the
old feudal aristocracy. In the Greek case, however, the nation-state
was created in an area where bourgeois strata were entirely absent, that
is those social forces that corresponded to the new state form.
The developments in Greece and the policies chosen in the early 20th
century were determined by the developments inside the Ottoman Empire,
i.e. the emergence of a militarized extreme nationalism and the defeat
of the reform Ottoman forces.areas
that formed the territory of the liberated state were in the backward
region of the Ottoman Empire. The large centers where Greeks lived and
developed immensely remained beyond the recently-established borders.
Within its
borders, productive forces were poorly developed, as were the other
conditions necessary to the function of a nation-state. A key feature in
the evolution of Greek society was the absence of major bourgeois
strata. So the state was established on the basis of pre-bourgeois and
patriarchal relations. The real structural weaknesses led to an
ideological “overcompensation” based on a revocation of ancient glory
and the revival of a dead past, as a compensation to the real cultural
identity of Greek centers abroad. In parallel, through self-recognition,
the ideology of the “metropolis” was consolidated by a feeling of
after the introduction of the Constitution of 1843, the strong local
interests of feudal landlords and provincial chiefs from
pre-revolutionary time, seized power fully and autocratically in the
Kingdom and determined the monarchy. They established a parliamentary
system based on private dealings. What occurred was a cultural
integration of a population characterized by narrow-minded localism,
limited to this small area of the country, which at critical historical
periods, inevitably negatively contributed to developments.
This would
lead to overly-active state mechanisms that created strong links between
the party-state and few private interests. The administrative
mechanisms corresponding to this form of state attracted, and were
strongly linked to, almost all business activity of the new elite.
The elite, sucking the country
the only Greek bourgeoisie (as defined by the European typology), which
was developed historically, was the one located within the remaining
Ottoman Empire.
In Greece,
the rise to power of the modernizing forces rallied under Venizelos,
partially-guaranteed the participation of Hellenism in the significant
global changes that would soon come.
The First
World War, the post-war arrangements and the Greek military campaign to
Asia Minor were the only opportunities to reverse the initial genetic
paradox of Greek society.
flourishing Greek bourgeoisie lived and developed economically in the
areas along the Istanbul-Izmir axis. The integration of these areas into
the Greek nation–state could help it to restore a normal social
The failure of this operation, which was consciously undermined by the ruling elite of the Kingdom, irrevocably sealed the form of Greek society.
The failure of this operation, which was consciously undermined by the ruling elite of the Kingdom, irrevocably sealed the form of Greek society.
The unlucky 20th century
Although the
20th century seemed to have started out well for the Greeks, their luck
eventually turned. The Asia Minor Catastrophe of 1922 had a cost of
about one million victims to a nation that totaled seven million and
until then, lived in the Balkans and Asia Minor. Eighteen years after
the unprecedented Catastrophe, Greece would again be attacked by Fascist
Italy and then, Nazi Germany.
At least
600.000 Greeks, i.e 13% of the population, lost their lives due to the
robbing of the country’s reserves, the killing of civilians or because
of fighting in the resistance. The Germans killed the residents of 89
cities and villages, burned more than 1700 villages in the countryside
and executed many of the inhabitants of these villages. They turned the
country into ruins, looted its archaeological treasures and appropriated
its national capital with a compulsory loan.
The economic
cost of this new Catastrophe reached the 60 billion dollars for war
reparations and 18 billion dollars for the compulsory loan.
The indemnities have never been given.
The Nazi
occupation of Greece had even further consequences. By destroying the
social and state institutions, the Nazis created the conditions for a
rough Civil War that took place after the end of the German occupation:
right and left struggled for political supremacy. It was a Civil War
that was favored by the geopolitical interests of the Cold War
Competitors. In fact, as far as Greece is concerned, the War did not end
in 1945 as it did for the rest of Europe, but in 1949.
In short,
regardless of the internal antinomies and the occasional inability of
their political leaders, the Greeks have paid very dearly for the
policies of the Great Powers in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Near
East region.
2. Αναζητώντας τις γενετικές αντινομίες του σύγχρονου κράτους - Ποιά Ελλάδα καταρρέει;
μόλις χρόνια μετά τους Ολυμπιακούς Αγώνες, όπου οι Έλληνες
–τουλάχιστον οι ελίτ αυτής της χώρας- έζησαν με πάθος το παραμύθι της
Σταχτοπούτας, η σκληρή πραγματικότητα έστρεψε τη δημόσια συζήτηση στην
ακριβώς αντίθετη φορά. Η παγκόσμια οικονομική κρίση, παράλληλα με
την κρίση του ενιαίου νομίσματος οδήγησαν την ελλαδική κοινωνία σε
μια πρωτοφανή κρίση και δυσανεξία. Έφεραν παράλληλα στην επιφάνεια
όλες τις δομικές δυσπλασίες του νεοελληνικού κρατικού εγχειρήματος.
Έτσι η Ελλάδα αναδείχθηκε σε ιδιαίτερο και μοναδικό φαινόμενο στην
Ευρώπη, καταλύτη μεγάλων αρνητικών αλλαγών.
όμως είναι εκείνες οι παράμετροι που οδήγησαν την Ελλάδα σε μια τόσο
δυσμενή θέση; Είναι μόνο η μεταπολιτευτική διαχείριση που μετέτρεψε
το κράτος σε θεραπαινίδα των κομματικών μηχανισμών; Μήπως υπάρχουν
βαθύτερες αιτίες που ανάγονται στον τρόπο που συγκροτήθηκε η Ελλάδα ως
έθνος-κράτος και απλώς επιδεινώθηκαν από την πρόσφατη διαχείριση;
Μια προβληματική ανεξαρτησία...............ολόκληρο το άρθρο στο ....... Ελλάδα - Έθνος - Κράτος (1)
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