Macedonia News
In order to explain the dead-end that his Nationalistic policies led his country, he tried once more to put the blame elsewhere and conveniently leave out himself. Namely he stated that the great powers are preoccupied with their internal problems and are totally disinterested in resolving the name issue.
Fokus also predicted a Fiasco waiting Gruevski’s government in the NATO Summit. In a newspaper’s article it is mentioned that Gruevski has reached a wall in the end of the road he chose. Now instead of blaming himself for the road he chose, he blames the wall.
(News from real/true Macedonia, Greece [1] , [2] ,[HOFM] )
Severe criticism and attacks against Gruevski’s policies by a number of FYROM’s Media and the Opposition Party was the outcome of the Wednesday interview of the FYROM’s PM in Dnevnik.
The PM of the former Yugoslav Republic, more or less, announced a black prognoses on what is awaiting his country at the NATO Summit taking place in Chicago. Gruevski stated that the chances for FYROM to join NATO at the summit in May are very slim.
The essential admittance by Gruevski of the dead-end caused an uproar between the Opposition and a considerable number of FYROM’s Media. Utrinski Vesnik published on its front page a photograph of Gruevski watching himself in a mirror. The newspaper mentioned that Gruevski finally realized what is really happening and his illusions related to the judgement of the Hague were clobbered.
In the meantime, ELIAMEP organised two days ago a Public Debate regarding The future of relations between Greece and the FYROM. The Speakers who among them were found the former advisor of the Greek MFA, Mr E. Kofos and the ret. Ambassador, Mr A. Mallias emphasized that Greece should denounce the Interim Accord, since its constantly violated by FYROM.
Want more of this? See these Posts:
- PM Gruevski´s hardline policy leaves FYROM out of NATO summit yet again
- FYROM’s Officials Have Nobody to Blame for their NATO Summit’s Fiasco But Themselves
- Opposition Slams FYROM PM Over “Anti-NATO” Comments
- Macedonia News : FYROM Begs Greece to Unblock Its EU Accession Talks
- Milososki-Simmons: FYROMacedonia remains qualified for NATO membership, name issue must be resolved
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